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Ban For Materazzi

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Cant belive it they have banned him for 2 games and fined him.


This is going to open up a minefield are players not aloud to say stuff now.


you can imagine stubbs in the derby telling someone to catch the little welsh twat and getting decked but because he started it hell be banned.




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Not arsed one way or the other on this, it doesn't affect us. I do think it's a bit on the soft side considering the alleged racist content of the comments made to ZZ. Either they are trying to stamp it out or they're not.





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Cant belive it they have banned him for 2 games and fined him.


This is going to open up a minefield are players not aloud to say stuff now.


you can imagine stubbs in the derby telling someone to catch the little welsh twat and getting decked but because he started it hell be banned.




Like everything to do with FIFA this smacks of farce. The world cup was crap cos FIFA were scared to get tough with cheating, diving players with big names and reputations. Football is becoming crap because its not a hard game anymore but an entertainment business. The off-side rule, nuff said.


Until someone gets rid of that knob Sepp Blatter things like this will continue to happen. FIFA will continue to interfere and tell us all that they know best. Football is now a sport were the vast majority at the bottom (ie. the fans) have got a much bigger knowledge than the management at the top.


How Matterazi can be punished for something that the other 21 players on the pitch all probably took part in over the ninety minutes is beyond me. Verbals go on in kids football and kids have got the nouse to just laugh them off. What sort of a mad, politically correct world are we living in.


(Oh yes and giving Zidane a three match ban when he's retired from football and a three grand fine when he's a multi millionaire, makes the British judicial system look strict.)

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Heard that ZZ ban had been turned into 3 days work for Fifa.


What they going to do if he does not turn up??


What happens if ZZ does not pay the fine???


What can they do to a retired football player??


I agree Sickboy if they saying he done nothing how can they ban him??


Once again seems like they trying to get out of things as easy as possible

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ok here we go


I have to agree but disagree


1st ZZ cometely has had what's coming to him and it should have been ten times worse at least for what he did and they should have made more of an example of him at least a 200,000 grand fine and community service remember dunc


2nd I think materazzi has gotten away lightly sorry but zz must have had banter off peeps before in games where ever he has been but myself I have played against teams from all over and heard things .......



but only reacted twice once because my mate had said said something bad enough said to to him to react and the other was a racist comment


I don't support violence in anyway I was not sent off (as stated in another thread never been sent off before in) but was involved but any comments that provoct an reaction like that should not be tolerated at any level whether its kids or or pros





that's my opinion anyway

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ok here we go


I have to agree but disagree


1st ZZ cometely has had what's coming to him and it should have been ten times worse at least for what he did and they should have made more of an example of him at least a 200,000 grand fine and community service remember dunc


2nd I think materazzi has gotten away lightly  sorry but zz must have had banter off peeps before in games where ever he has been but myself I have played against teams from all over and heard things .......

but only reacted twice once because my mate had said said something bad enough said to to him to react and the other was a racist comment


I don't support violence in anyway I was not sent off (as stated in another thread never been sent off before in) but was involved but any comments that provoct an reaction like that should not be tolerated at any level whether its kids or or pros



that's my opinion anyway


Fooking Incompadent Farsical arsholes, thats what it stands for ;)

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But both parties agreed it WAS NOT rascist.


All manner of things are said and done in games just to upset and provoke your opponent, players live with this every week. ZZ SAW THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO OUT WITH A BANG, he's retiring after the game, so Marco is going to get it.


I have no doubt that Marco was giving him the Verbals, and it finally got under his skin, but there is no excuse for doing what he did, should have got £250.000 fine, and banned from entering any football ground in the world for 6 Months.


Marco was the Victim of a serious Assault, and even if he was not completely innocent, i think he was harshly dealt with.


FIFA, and everybody involved with coming to that decision, needs their Balls putting on a spit and roasting, they are fookin useless. :angry:



Edited by toffeelicker
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It really fooks me off that everyone jumps on board the "RACISM" band wagon these days


Its always a top news story when ever "RACISM" is mentioned, when many times its not really warranted


Call someone an algerian twat and your branded "RACIST" and you should be hung


Call some one a bald fat lazy twat and yer ma's a slag and its a bit of banter

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But both parties agreed it WAS NOT rascist.


All manner of things are said and done in games just to upset and provoke your opponent, players live with this every week.  ZZ SAW THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO OUT WITH A BANG, he's retiring after the game, so Marco is going to get it.


I have no doubt that Marco was giving him the Verbals, and it finally got under his skin, but there is no excuse for doing what he did, should have got £250.000 fine, and banned from entering any football ground in the world for 6 Months.


Marco was the Victim of a serious Assault,  and even if he was not completely innocent,  i think he was harshly dealt with.


FIFA, and everybody involved with coming to that decision, needs their Balls putting on a spit and roasting,  they are fookin useless.  :angry:





Could ZZ actually be charged with anything by the police like Dyer and Bowyer?

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well efc if u look at the case of big dunc it is the same thing so I think mater could press charges but by the looks of it he won't I don't think


I tottally agree with you zed that people do jump on the bandwagon to quick but there is no place really for it in society never mind football but unfortunatley it will always be there but you know my opinion on it but I do agree there are a lot who will jump on the bandwagon

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