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Just Seen This - Transfer Window Spec

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the link to the bbc site wont work but leetino has already posted the link, that wont work i tried and it wont work so here is what it says...


Everton may still launch a bid to buy Manchester City's Joey Barton - despite being told he is not for sale.

Barton has a clause in his contract allowing him to speak to any club that offers City £5.5m.


The 24-year-old's agent Willie McKay told BBC Sport: "This is Joey Barton's clause, not Manchester City's and it is a clause they were happy to put in.


"If a club offers £5.5m, it is Joey's right to speak to that club if he wants to, or not if he doesn't want to."


Everton have targeted Barton to strengthen their midfield, and despite him saying he wanted to stay at City, boss David Moyes may hope that his lifelong allegiance to the club could tempt him to switch to Goodison Park.


Moyes hopes to fund a deal for Barton by off-loading Simon Davies to Fulham in a deal worth around £3m.


He confirmed his move for Barton but revealed: "Manchester City made it clear he was not for sale."


Moyes, however, has yet to make a firm offer and if he follows up his inquiry with a bid that triggers the clause in his contract, City will be obliged to allow Barton to consider the deal.



Everton will also watch Sheffield Wednesday's Madjid Bougherra in their FA Cup third round replay at City on Tuesday night.


Fulham are understood to have offered just over £2m for Davies, who has struggled since his move to Everton from Spurs in May 2005.


But Fulham boss Chris Coleman, a fellow Welshman, is still an admirer of Davies and is expected to pursue the deal, releasing cash that Everton can use to land Barton.


Ironically, Barton was fined £2,000 and warned as to his future conduct after baring his backside at Everton fans following the Premiership match at Goodison Park on 30 September.


City star Barton, who is tipped for an England call-up after impressing coach Steve McClaren, has been linked with Newcastle United but their interest has cooled.


The player has also said recently he has no wish to leave City but Moyes wants to test that resolve in a bid to step up Everton's pursuit of a Uefa Cup place.


Everton currently lie seventh in the Premiership and Moyes has cash at his disposal from the £2.5m sale of Kevin Kilbane to Wigan earlier this season.


Moyes is also an admirer of 24-year-old Owls defender Bougherra but it is unlikely he will be able to complete both deals if his move for Barton is successful.


Charlton have already had a £1.3m bid for Bougherra rejected.

Edited by Everton Lad
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Here's an interview from the people with BArton. makes interesting reading:


IT'S fair to say Joey Barton has put a few illustrious noses out of joint with his forthright and damning views on England's World Cup stars.


It's also fair to say that he doesn't give a toss.


And as Steve McClaren seeks to rid his squad of the soft-centred complacency which has undermined England's European Championship qualification campaign, Barton is an ideal candidate to, in his own words, "rattle some cages".


The Manchester City man is unrepentant about his recent comments on the post-Germany rash of autobiographies - "I had a crap World Cup, buy my book" - and in an hour's interview comes across as more honest and forthright than Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, Wayne Rooney and Ashley Cole put together.


On his potential call-up for next February's friendly with Spain, something at which McClaren has hinted heavily, Barton is refreshingly candid.


"It's not up to me to start shouting my mouth off but I'd love to be involved with England," he says.


"I'm not the best player in the world but I wouldn't be going along for the ride like some players seem to do. You know, train a couple of days, wear the tracksuit but just shrug your shoulders when you're told you're not playing.


"I wouldn't be like Lampard or Gerrard, who are superstars at their clubs and want the limelight when they play for England. If there were two balls on the pitch, then I think England would be successful but, the fact is, it's been proven they don't work together.


"If they want somebody to do the crap jobs for them, then I'd like to think I was capable of doing that. Win the ball back, give it to either one of them and let them pull the strings - that's fine by me."



It's clear Barton would not be overawed by such high-class company. Nor, though, is he impressed with the kind of lifestyle and rewards an England cap seems to bring these days.



When your hero is Peter Reid, a gritty, no-nonsense individual brought up on the same Huyton council estate streets as Barton, it's plain that the trappings of success cut no ice with the 24-year-old.



"I look at top footballers these days and they've lost touch with reality," he claims. "I would say that 90 per cent of them are from working class backgrounds, but they play 100 games in the Premiership, get the car and the house and suddenly they think they're upper class. They surround themselves with hangers-on who tell them how wonderful and funny they are every minute of the day, and they lose any kind of perspective.



"There's a player I know, a real top name, who admits he doesn't have what he can call a single friend. He's got loads of people he can go out with but they're not friends, they're just there for his name.



"So, if he's in a restaurant acting like an idiot, there's nobody to say, 'Oi, you're out of tune there, lad'.



They just laugh along with him.



"Two of my three best friends are lads I've known since junior school - the other is somebody I grew up with as a YTS kid at City.



"We used to get on a bus to go training at seven in the morning, come home again at seven in the evening and were earning £72.50 a week ... that's when real friendships are made.



"I'm not putting myself up as some great role model because I've done some stupid things in my life, been out of control at times.



"But when I've been stupid, there's always been a friend to pull me up, tell me I'm bang out of order and say that what I was doing was unacceptable."



There was also family to keep him in line when he overstepped the boundaries of acceptability.



Especially a Scouse grandmother who could have been created by Carla Lane, so typical is she of the breed.



Nan Barton still comes round to cook little Joey his tea every now and then, but her influence on his life is greater than just putting a meal on the table, as he admits.



"My parents split up when I was 14 and I went to live with my dad at my nan's house.



I don't want to slag off my mum's side of the family, but if I'd stayed with her then I'm not sure I'd have escaped the streets.



"Where I'm from, you either work hard at school to get out or you escape through sport. The other option is loitering, crime, drugs and prison.



"Me nan knew that.



She lived about a mile from my old estate, so I always had to be home at night as soon as it got dark or else she'd be down the road and hauling me home in front of all my mates.



"At the time, I thought she was ruining my life, but when I look back I realise that if she hadn't come to fetch me, I'd have been hanging out on street corners, probably getting into drugs and that kind of s***.



"To be fair, it would have been easy for me to slip into that sort of life if I didn't have football or people around doing their best to steer me away from that path.



"My dad is a roofer and he'd leave home at five every morning and not get back until seven in the evening, up a ladder on a roof in all weather, so he set an example of hard work.



"I was pretty good at school - I left with 10 GCSEs - but I didn't put the work in that I should have done. I kind of coasted through because I knew that football was going to be my life.



"I decided at a pretty early age that's what I wanted and I wasn't going to let anything stop me. I've got the kind of mentality where I never do anything by halves. I just push myself until I'm the best I can be.



"In Huyton, if you let yourself get pushed around, you're finished. You have to have a toughness and a determination to fight for everything you can.



"Luckily, I was a bit of a sporting Billy. I represented the school at about seven or eight sports and I pushed myself all the way when it came to football.



"My family backed me in that, especially my nan, who would make sure I was always doing the right thing, not getting caught up in something she knew would end in trouble.



"Now when I go back home, I see lads in rubbish jobs or in prison or into drugs and that, and I thank God for me nan and the sort of standards she set for me."



High standards and honesty ... not to mention a damn fine footballer.



Sounds like something McClaren's England could do with at this precise moment.



'I know a top name player who admits he doesn't have what he can call a single friend. He's got loads of people he can go out withbut they're not friends. They're just there for his name'

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If Moyes is shitting out buyin im cos pearce has publicly dismissed him leavin, then ive had enough of moyes. Lets hope he puts me wrong and gets us a player who we so badly need. cos im so fed up of carsley, he does run around and chase the ball but with barton you will get an all round quality player who will actully MAKE us goals!!!


Come on ffs moyes !!!

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We have to be ruthless, we are Everton ffs, we should do everything to get what we want. Just because Pearce says he's not for sale doesnt mean shit in todays world. Every player has his price, and we know his as does Moyes. And tbh it is cheap for someone of his quality when you think West Ham want £10million for Reo-Coker.



Come on Moyes do whatever is necessary to get him in.

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well what a day were gettin him were not were getting him but only once we sell davies were not again wier goes we are again i'm finding it hard to keep up


the thing that gets me is could this be a clever move by DM it has only ever mooted that there was a clause in his contract


now JB knows we are interested we know how much and i'm sure pearce cant say we were tryin to unsettle him because we clarfied that we wouldnt do anything but if he asked to speak to us if the bid was right then who knows


but maybe i'm reading to much into this

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ANDY 'SHITHOUSE' GRAY (you know the ex-Everton player) has said we are not a big enough club for Barton.


Same person said Rooney should move on to further his career! (TW4T)


Would love to see Barton come to Everton, but it's going to be a long drawn out affair.

But from what i've heard JB is interested in a move to Everton but will only agree to a move if none of the so called bigger clubs dont come in for him, therefore

Chelsea = don't need him

Manure = could be an option

Arsenal = don't need him


So if Shithouse Gray has heard that manure are going to offer the £5.5m needed to capture JB then he'll be a UTD player by next week!!!


Thanks Andy

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Andy Gray was Fukcin Brilliant you kids dont no shit. ( pulling Rank by Age now :P ) & he calls Shita s he see's it - sometimes a little to honestly for Evertonian's.


P. Johnson stained his name ( Thats where all the shithouse stuff started) yet we forget him & label Gray a prick.


Lineker is far more the media anti hero that Evertonian's should have. ( used us like a cheap whoar & has respected us as such since)


Just a humble opinion & in these old eyes anyhting Gray says as a pundit ( his Job - Hello) is just that & the joy & service the man's Goals gave me & this club, should never be forgotten. By Christ Rooney is more poular than Andy...fuk me.


Oh yeh back on track, It would seem it's all down to what BARTON wants to do, is out of Citeh's hands really.

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City's official website has this at the top of the homepage I'm afraid :unsure:


Barton going nowhere 16/01/2007 22:00


After an inspirational performance in the 2-1 FA Cup victory over Sheffield Wednesday tonight, Joey Barton has again committed his future to Manchester City.

Speaking after the game, the influential midfield stated: "I'm very happy at the Football Club.


"I've got a manager who believes in me and we're making great progress. I've got no intention of leaving."




Poo !

Edited by STEVE-L
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i think now its oing to be a waiting game to see if JB makes a move if not DM might have to go back on what he has said to pearce.


i expect him to come out and say he loves playing Man city but if a big club like Everton are 2 come in then i might be tempted.


which would leave the way for DM to make a bid.

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Not bad is it the first player we have been linked with for a while has said he does not want to leave.


Might has well close the window now only trasnsfer will be out when we let Davies join Weir and then have to wait for Dm to moan later in the season that we have the smallest squad

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What we all knew that we was going to see after Barton snubbed us




"DAVID MOYES’ January transfer plans may be put on hold - after Joey Barton made it clear last night he has no desire to leave Manchester City.


The Blues boss was keen to add the drive and dynamism of the Scouse midfielder to his squad, but he conceded today: “If I have to keep hold of the money and use it in the summer I will do so.

“Obviously we would like to add to the squad this month and we know what we would like to bring in.


“We are looking around but the prices at the moment are inflated and the quality of player available is very limited.”

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