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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Don't start on me, I'm on your side
  2. Following his death, we've taken Bill's name off the board thread. No doubt people will be talking about him for a while yet, so this is the place for it.
  3. Conspiracy story incoming, we'll call it gategate
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/67514077
  5. Stroll outpaced by reserve driver Felipe Drugovich in P1, what's it going to take for daddy to pull the plug?
  6. Can someone get a carrier pigeon to Farage in the jungle? He needs to know
  7. Head out with two still needed off seven overs...pressure really on now!
  8. Too close to call at the moment I think, hopefully be a close finish.
  9. Got up, watched four laps, Lando crash, went back to bed.
  10. You'll need to ask Louis, I suspect he forgot to put 50p in the meter.
  11. Speak to my accountant, I know little about the tawdry subject of money
  12. Boom! I have a bit of a shoe thing....as well as my guitar thing, my watch thing, jacket/coat thing, t-shirt thing and hat thing...I've probably forgotten something
  13. When I saw you'd posted a video I was 100% certain it'd be this...
  14. Maxwell out, could make it interesting.
  15. Just like everywhere in the country, that's not down to immigration, it's down to government failures.
  16. The law is the law wherever you live, and Liverpool City council won't be breaking it.
  17. You need to get over the myth that immigrants, legal or otherwise, get provided with housing. It's not true. Only if/when someone gets an asylum request granted so they have refugee status can they can join social housing waiting lists, and then they're subject to the same qualification criteria as everybody else. Nobody is "put to the bottom" of the list to make way for anyone. And illegal immigrants don't get "handouts when they hit the shore" at all, they have zero entitlement to benefits... Illegal immigrants cannot claim benefits in the UK. A person is classed as an illegal immigrant when they do not have the right to remain in the country. The UK government, in response to a petition urging it to “Stop all benefits to illegal immigrants completely”, said in 2015: “Illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers are not entitled to, and do not get, benefits from the UK’s welfare system”.
  18. Must be enjoying watching SA bat today then
  19. Looked it up, immigration was the issue (how can that be an elephant in the room when the government talks of little else?)....and it wasn't the fact that you/we were talking about immigration at all, it was what you were saying about immigrants that crossed the line. Plus it wasn't a ban, was a short term suspension.
  20. I'm a bit unsure of your point Haf, can you expand Which protests have the police been unable to control (and for what reason)? Is two tier policing really a thing, and if you believe it is who do you think are treated badly? As to the last bit, far right being in power (they already have influence which is scary enough) would certainly make me want to leave, but all signs are that they'll be mostly binned at the next election...so I'll stick around for now Not looking for an argument, just interested; be interesting to hear @London Blue's take on it....and still waiting for the elephant @patto.
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