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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Good to hear. I'm quite happy to play pre-season matches against lower opposition. They serve their purpose.
  2. Is the weather as bad on Merseyside today as at the Old Trafford cricket ground? First impressions and all that...
  3. If DC-L had been fit all season, we would have finished mid-table. Our dilemma last season was the complete lack of offence. Even if we only recruit in that area, it will make a huge difference.
  4. By the way, I find it a little odd that England batted so long today when they knew bad weather was on its way. In the first test, they declared too soon. Maybe today they were nervous about that, but they could have achieved so much more with a couple of hours more to bowl.
  5. We're not weaker. Financially, we've offloaded several high salaries. Honestly, which of those players contributed anything meaningful last season? It's not like last time, when we lost Richarlison and never replaced him (or Gordon and never replaced him). What we lack is squad depth; without it, injuries really hurt us. I feel confident we'll bring in two or three players in the next couple of weeks. Have faith!
  6. I've been traveling (in 108-degree heat, I might add). I used to travel internationally every week and think nothing of it, but these days I struggle with the tiredness of arriving home at 2:30 in the morning. Still, that's another topic... Thank goodness England have learned from their earlier mistakes and are making a game of these Ashes. Instead of the arrogance of earlier tests, they've demonstrated patience when patience is needed and attacked when the pitch calls for that. Switching out Robinson was a smart move. If England want to win the series, though, they need to maintain this discipline and not return to their former attitude. This is a great series and has shown the importance of psychology, momentum, strategy, as well as ability. As Mike wrote, let's hope the weather doesn't spoil things since a draw means the Ashes are over.
  7. We don't know all the details, and I wouldn't want to judge someone by that unfortunate episode. If he joins Everton now, I hope he gets as big a rousing cheer as everyone else.
  8. If you ask me, it should still be more than three out. Maupay, Holgate, and Gbamin are three givens, but I'd add Gomes to the list. What would we lose? Keep players who, realistically, we expect to play, and bring in only players who, realistically, we expect to play.
  9. I read the article as our target being 25m without Maupay and 40m with Maupay. That makes Maupay being -15m.
  10. Can I be the one barking instructions? It might make up for my lack of ability if I can appear to blame others.
  11. Walker provides so much useful information about the science of sleep. For example, alcohol is a major reason for sleeplessness. Most sleep medicines cause more harm than good. Another thing I remember is that, for the first four hours of sleep, our brain moves everything from short-term memory to long-term memory. If we don't sleep four hours, it interrupts that process. After that, the brain spends time establishing links between those new memories and existing ones. This is why there's very little benefit to students staying up all night before an important exam, since what they're studying never makes it to their long-term memory. Instead, they should sleep at least eight hours. Thinking on Shukes' comment about combating sleeplessness, I don't recall much of what Walker wrote, but I do remember the importance of routine. If we sleep from 11 to 7 every weekday, for example, we should sleep 11 to 7 at weekends as well. Sleep patterns are important.
  12. I can highly recommend the book 'Why we sleep' by Matthew Walker. It shatters many misconceptions and suggests many good ideas. I can remember much of the book, but one example reveals the importance of sleep. Every year, the world participates in a huge research project related to sleep: It's called switching between Standard Time and Summer Time. In the spring, when we lose an hour of sleep, the number of heart attacks increases significantly; in the autumn, when we gain an hour of sleep, the number of heart attacks drops significantly.
  13. Things would sound more positive if you list players who've returned from loan: Cannon Dobbin Branthwaite Warrington Onyango
  14. Listening to his story, I shall make a point to always refer to him as Dele. It would be a nice gesture if the team, when announcing players, omits the Alli.
  15. Didn’t he used to manage Burnley?
  16. Yet another one from Leeds... https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/crysencio-summerville-everton-transfer-news-27213262
  17. https://www.getfootballnewsitaly.com/2023/everton-make-contact-for-sassuolos-rogerio/
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