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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Loyalty is one thing (Baines, Osman, Hibbert, etc.); sentimentality is something else. I can't really think of a single good reason, outside of sentiment, why Everton would benefit from signing Rooney.
  2. An Englishman walks into a bar. Usually, there's a Welshman, Scotsman, or Irishman there too, but they're all at the Rugby World Cup.
  3. The BBC website, at the end of the article about this, states "The Reds are 10th in the table with only one win in their past six league games." Let's call it the way it really is. "The Reds have no deserved wins this season."
  4. Not everyone is a marketing expert who can tactfully field interview questions. Even top executives sometimes come out with horrendous gaffes. Personally, I think it's unfair to judge Lukaku, or anyone else, for saying inappropriate things when asked tricky questions.
  5. I'd never heard of Dele Alli until he came on after 90 minutes in the previous game. Had to go to Wikipedia to find whom he plays for.
  6. Only if Galloway chooses not to play for Zimbabwe.
  7. Nice to learn that Jagielka will captain England tomorrow.
  8. He's yet to prove himself outside of Germany. It's very different in the Prem. Look at Mancini and others who struggled. He may make a difference in the short term (can't do any worse than Brenda), but long-term he's very much an unknown. I'd say there's a good chance he'll be Klopp the Flop.
  9. I would expect him to keep Sunderland up. That's his forte: getting promoted from the Championship and keeping struggling teams in the bottom half of the Prem.
  10. In that case, the minimum fee just increased to 60m.
  11. Why couldn't he just say, "Yes, Barkley had a wonderful game and deserved to be MotM." Would it really hurt that much? Mind you, I was expecting, "His pass for the goal didn't make up for his stupid give-away in the first half that almost us a goal."
  12. What else can I say after the derby? Blue250 is killing it in all categories.
  13. Here, they'd have been shot the moment they entered the house - no questions asked.
  14. While a kid at home, could only watch while a parent was watching. 10pm was viewed as very late. What a difference now.
  15. Was once on a flight from Kyiv to New York on Kazakhstan Airways. The 767 was quite empty, so many Kazakhs were lying across several seats to sleep. The pilot and crew gave no announcements whatsoever as we came into land. Unless you were looking out the window, you didn't know. When the plane hit the tarmac and the pilot hit the brakes, many of the Kazakhs rolled in unison onto the floor. Very funny to see.
  16. Brian Moore and the Big Match - on Sunday afternoons. I used to enjoy it since the TV wasn't always available on Saturday nights for Match of the Day. And they did sometimes focus on the lesser games, maybe because of cost. Funny to see the empty stands at Stamford Bridge. It almost looked like a non-league game.
  17. I have to tell you my best travel story then (I've flown over 6 million miles, so I have a few of them!) I was flying from Tel Aviv to New York on a Friday. Of course, for Israelis, that a weekend day, so lots of families were flying on this full 747. I had a bunch of work to get done (taking an MBA degree at the time) but had a problem. 1) The lady is front of me was nursing a newborn, so she had her seat fully reclined. 2) If I tried to recline my seat, the elderly man behind me kept punching it until I put it back up. 3) This older man kept a hooked walking stick wedged over my armrest. When he got up to use to bathroom, my arm would get caught as he tried to pull his stick out. 4) On my right, children were running up and down the corridor yelling and screaming. 5) To my left were two children who kept going to and fro the corridor by climbing over me or under my legs. I asked the flight attendant for a different seat. She basically chided me for taking a weekend flight. "What do you expect? Anyway, the flight is full." So, I took my laptop and my books, occupied one of the bathrooms at the back of the plane, and worked in there for nearly ten hours. Occasionally someone would knock on the door, but I'd just ignore them. When the coast was clear, I'd sometimes open the door, grab a cup of water, and go back in. What amazed me is that no one wondered where I might be, but that was fine with me.
  18. Had to smile when I saw these consecutive posts.
  19. Wither Brenda's team failing to win tonight, I feel confident that he'll be fired when he loses the derby this weekend. COYB.
  20. The passengers who really get to me on flights, especially long-haul flights, are drunks. On a flight from London to Mumbai, the guy sitting next to me drank far too much. I quietly went to see the flight attendants about it, and they refused to serve him any more. Then he started to get belligerent with me. Then he started to get too friendly, all the while with a breath that stank. When the flight is full, there's just no escape from it.
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