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Cornish Steve

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Posts posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Howard

    Coleman Jags Browning Garbutt

    McCarthy Besic

    McGeady Barkley Mirallas



    Subs - Osman, lukaku, atsu


    I agree with you completely on this. Hibbert and Distin both played yesterday, and I don't see them playing again so soon.

  2. Come on Steve, this is a forum about Everton F.C founded 1878, not Roberto Martinez born 1973. He is a breath of fresh air, but let's not make excuses when he makes weird decisions.


    He's possibly getting Barkley game time but for me he needs to be behind the striker or not at all.


    I'm sorry? Someone mentioned that we have to use some round pegs in square holes while so many players are injured, and I simply commented that it's even more tricky than that because of having the extra load of Europa League game. What in that justified your rant about Everton FC being founded in 1878?


    You may be smart and know a lot about the team, but you sure as heck get fixated on people and ideas. Why can't you simply take comments the way they are intended instead of always trying to find a hidden agenda or pushing your own?

  3. Agreed. It's 'make do and mend' with team selection right now and we are going to have to fit a few more square pegs into round holes for the next month or so. This is where Bobby M needs to earn his money by organising, drilling and motivating our fit players well enough to ensure that we are in striking distance of the top 4 when our injured players return.


    Even while balancing Europa League games.

  4. After seeing just one 10-pointer all season, three of us (and the forum average) managed a 10-pointer today: predicting a 2-1 result with Lukaku as first scorer. Congratulations to Deacs and TonkaRoost! For the month, Deacs has taken the lead. For the season, MikeO has dropped to second behind the forum average (the Wisdom of Crowds has kicked in). MikeO does, however, retain the lead for most points per prediction. Should I point out that Matt is dead last? Naah! :)


  5. More to the point, Mark, is that Dave Whelan basically stated that he sees little wrong in MacKay's comments about Jews and 'Chinks.' Having read the reports, it looks to me that Whelan simply opened his mouth before putting his brain in gear. He's hardly the most political correct or subtle individual in the world. Yes, the media are going overboard, but Whelan did rather ask for it.


    It might have been wiser to steer clear of MacKay until the FA has handed down whatever punishment it decides upon.

  6. Greece have gone from being champions of Europe ten tears ago to losing at home to the Faroe Islands with fifteen minutes left. No parking the bus job by the Faroes either (though it's very possible they have a bus driver playing for them), they've had more goal attempts than Greece (11/10). Could be the end for Ranieri.


    And they did it. Extraordinary. One of the biggest upsets in recent times.

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