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Cornish Steve

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Posts posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Cornish Steve -- You've given me too many points.


    My guess was Sunderland 1-3 Everton, Eto'o, which appears to give me only one point.


    Thank you for pointing out my error - and, especially, for your honesty. My day was a little busy, and I muddled your prediction with that of BlueBlood, but all is corrected now.

  2. Wow. MikeO is top of every category right now: this week, this month, this season, and points per prediction. Congratulations also to Paddock, who also scored 5 points this week by predicting a 1-1 draw.


    Remember, only those who have made at least 3 predictions appear in the final column.


  3. In recent days, a lone coyote has been wandering the neighborhood. We've seen it a couple of times. This evening, I let one of the dogs out, and he raced into the woods, hackles raised, barking aggressively - which is totally out of character. I suspect the coyote was out scavenging for food.


    It can get interesting around here at times. We've seen a lot of deer this year in our back yard. A few years ago, friends of ours were out walking their dog and found a black bear blocking their path home.

  4. So, I made borscht for the first time today. The outcome was a happy one. I would advise people to use salt moderately; certainly not a whole tablespoon!


    Ukrainian, Polish, or Russian? The best I've had was in Kyiv. It's great and a pity you can't send us all samples!

  5. just watched the game again, since I could barely keep my eyes open on Thursday night. Before going on to the players, just want to praise the club for the floodlights again, it makes such a difference to the game. On the overall performance, it was quite good but not excellent. Better teams would've given us much more to think about during our few shaky moments.


    Howard - Had nothing to do bar stop a shot in the first half which I think he could've caught. Flapped at bit at a corner but 99% of the game, had nothing to do


    Hibbert - showed again why he deserved an extension. Solid back-up, very impressed with him over 90 mins considering his support was McGeady then Atsu


    Distin - has he been away? Didn't even have his brain-fart. Professional performance and had Origi in his pocket when called upon


    Jags - Apparently we found the original and disposed of the clone. Very confident performance, though not really challenged and a goal. Glad to see his run of form continued, we've needed him back.


    Barry - same old Mr Reliable. Some excellent longer balls to get Lukaku in too, hope he recovers in time for tomorrow


    McCarthy - Lynch-pin. Why? Because he does all the dirty jobs. He picks up when others make mistakes. He seems to be in 4 places at once. He is a Jack Russell, absolutely relentless, tenacious, brilliant even by his usual high standards. If it wasn't for someone elses performance, he would've walked to MOTM on his hands.


    Ossie - The boy still has velcro feet. His control, his ability to turn is exceptional. Faded as expected and misread a couple of lay offs with Lukaku but otherwise it was a good 90 mins from him without any real mistakes.


    Naismith - 3rd place for MOTM. What a player he has become for us. He is the attacking midfielder version of McCarthy; everywhere, fought well, finished brilliantly for his goal.


    McGeady - meh. I honestly don't know how else to describe him. For every good piece of play he makes, he makes stupid and careless mistakes. Better than previous games but that wasn't hard.


    Lukaku - MOTM. Didn't quite work as hard as McCarthy and Naismith but thats an incredible ask for most footballers. Effort wise, he did himself proud. What a difference being fully fit and having some support (Barry, Osman) makes. His hold-up play was 9 times out of 10 excellent, his closing down has improved but needs to improve further. His touch for the 1st goal was sublime, his pass for Baines for the 3rd was brilliantly weighted. He was a pain in the arse for their defence and very unlucky (and wrongly judged offside) with his second disallowed effort. Rom, take a bow mate but, and a big but, don't let this performance be a one off. Point to prove at Sunderland please, that this is no exception.


    Gibson - did well, but nothing special. I thought I had missed something considering some of the praise being half asleep but I think I saw his performance correctly first time. He had no pressure, some good distribution, but a decent run out. I'd like to see him get some more game time, maybe a run out with Besic for the FA Cup CM pairing.


    Atsu - I've defended the lad in the past because he looked promising but this run out was poor.


    Mostly agree with you. The defence was solid throughout. McCarthy was incredible, and we're really seeing value from Barry. Lukaku was impressive throughout (even though all the BBC website could say was how he missed a sitter and that Jagielka had to show him how to do it). I do think, though, that you're being unfair to McGeady. He provided two assists and made some other excellent crosses in the game.

  6. Having traveled to over 70 different countries, I've eaten my fair share of unusual foods - horse, hare, frog, alligator, crickets, etc. The one thing I've never been able to do, though, is eat food while it's still alive, such as "drunken shrimp" offered in Singapore. When it comes down to it, there's nothing quite like a Cornish pasty, and my wife makes the best!

  7. Just read Brendan Rodgers' comments, and it's just a litany of excuses...

    1. Bad refereeing: "We need those decisions that are obvious, it was a clear, clear penalty"
    2. Injustice: "We deserved at least a point for sure
    3. Bad luck: "You need that wee bit of luck going for you and it isn't at the moment
    4. Injuries: "We have to keep working hard and hope get some of our injured players back in."

    And what about poor team selections, poor substitutions, poor game strategies, a weak defence, the lack of a reliable goal-scoring threat, and being too predictable? The fans can see it and booed the substitutions today.

  8. Grow up? What's the point? Age is just a number...only your joints tell you otherwise...so as long as you don't try back flips and somersaults, it's cool!

    As my uncle used to say, a man is only as old as the woman he feels.

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