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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. That's the personality of every great keeper. They are most definitely strong Alpha types.
  2. And after tonight's result, Alan Pardew may want to call on Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists, and every other major faith, because he's going to need whatever supernatural power he can get to keep his job at Newcastle!
  3. Without meaning to take this discussion too far off track, I sometimes point out that, over 300 years, the Inquisition murdered on average 3 people per month. During the years of Mao, atheist China murders about 100,000 every month. You never hear these facts in the media because, right now, it's "trendy" to be anti-religious. So be it. The pendulum of opinion swings to and fro.
  4. Read your history. He was hounded by one group, but he was actually funded by another. It's difficult to understand today just watch a huge paradigm shift in thinking his ideas represented. And, as with any organisation that finds itself powerful, it will sometimes be taken over by politicians hungry for power. Very very sad, but that's life. Still, in my books, the good far far outweighs the bad.
  5. As I look around, I see schools called St. Stephen's and St. Andrew's - because churches believed in education and built the first schools. I see hospitals called St. Peter's and St. James' - because churches believed in serving the injured and sick and built the first hospitals. I see orphanages called St. Luke's and leprosy missions overseas called St. Thomas'. I see much of the world's most beautiful paintings and hear most of the world's most beautiful music and, lo and behold, it was funded by churches. Almost all the great scientists of history were funded by the church - including (little known, it seems) the work of Galileo and Copernicus. And, as I mentioned, none of the world's worst atrocities were due to religion. This is why I never understand such statements of animosity against people and institutions of faith.
  6. When you have a moment, take a look at the 20 worst atrocities in the history of the world. Not one of them was caused by religion - unless you call the atheism of Stalin and Mao or the anti-Semitic Naziism of Hitler a religion. But since when have facts ever determined opinions?
  7. Have been there in the past. Krasnodar is further south than Moscow so the weather should be fine. Close to Chechnya. It's a beautiful city actually. I quite enjoyed my business trip there.
  8. How did United do last year against the teams they've played so far this year (swapping promoted teams with relegated teams)? Last year apparently, they won all six of these fixtures, would have 18 points, and be top of the table. This year, they have just 8 points from these six games.
  9. Now they've made their debuts, I'd like to see both Browning and Garbutt play in this one. Jagielka needs resting, and Stones likewise could do with a rest before the United game. I know some won't agree with Osman, but he has the experience, and Naismith needs resting. Robles Browning Alcaraz Distin Garbutt McCarthy Besic Osman Atsu Oviedo Eto'o Bring Kone on as a sub for this one.
  10. Agreed that more time is needed to be definitive.
  11. We won a point this year at Anfield after gaining none last season.
  12. That's a real shame. Rooney is a liability, but he can't be benched because he's the captain and paid gobs of money. This gives van Gaal the opportunity to play Mata in his place.
  13. You're quite right, and apologies for that. Please keep me honest, because I'm bound to make mistakes like this from time to time. In my defence, you wrote 2-0 - and I've become used to most people quoting the home team's score first. Still, I should be more careful. Actually, it does mean that you would have scored a point for a prediction that's better than average, and your season points total will correct itself automatically in my master spreadsheet.
  14. Right now, he's not managing each game in isolation. Playing so many games in such a short period, you have to think carefully about bringing on any subs, let alone bringing them on late. Liverpool away, Krasnodar away, and United away - all in the space of a week. The pressure is really on.
  15. Could turn out to be one of the most savvy transfer deals of the year. Who would think to look in the Hungarian leagues for a star player? Certainly not those teams that splash money around to make their 'brand' seem important.
  16. Haf - is it possible to post a message anywhere about anything without slamming Lukaku in some way? Pleeeezz...?
  17. In other words, GREAT DEFENCE! Just what the doctor ordered.
  18. Rubes - we haven't forgotten you. You, courtesy of Matt, were the only one to predict a goal from Jags. Way to go! Check out your score in the colour-coded table below. The winner this week, having predicted a 1-1 result, is Peter H. This was the final game in September, and modesty prevents me from revealing the winner for this month - ahem. Mogsy has extended his lead for the season as a whole - like a cyclist breaking away from the pack. AidenLewis, mogsy, and Toffee_in_LA each average 3 or more points per prediction. Well done, everyone.
  19. Nice after-match comments from Jegielka. He's behaving like a captain again. That's the way to recover from a bad patch and provide leadership.
  20. Also, given how much stick McGeady has been getting recently, well done to him for the great pass to Jagielka!
  21. Can we get off this anti-Rom bandwagon? He was nowhere near as bad as being made out. Once you start looking for negatives, you'll find them in anyone. If you look for positives, you'll find them too! We see what we want to see sometimes. We just went to Anfield, lost Mirallas in the first half, and still stole a point. Much better than last season, good play from Hibbert (despite all the slating of him before kickoff), nice debut for Browning, strong defence (something to really be noted and appreciated), and a potential goal of the season.
  22. And I visit my customer in Virginia about once a month. The next time I'm there, let's all plan on getting together.
  23. The closer we get to the game, the more optimistic I'm becoming!
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