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Everything posted by patto

  1. Dare I say Dyche doesn't like Patterson or Myko hence he shoehorns young in either side when he can the problem is Myko has started playing really well so Patterson is benched Patterson should be playing to give him more experience and belief and regarding Branthwaite who everyone is raving over. It was down to the so called bellends putting pressure on Dyche through their podcasts that Branthwaite was actually played instead of Keane.
  2. No if Onana didn’t play would it have been the same result. I agree with London Blue there’s a time to punish players and it shouldn’t be a hour before the game. I’ll never forgive Moyes for leaving Royston Drenthe out of the semi final at Wembley against Liverpool instead he played a poor replacement
  3. I said Seamus might possibly go to DC United in January but if Rooney went to Birmingham it probably wouldn’t happen
  4. I did tell you if he went to Birmingham it probably wouldn’t happen
  5. Onana for me possibly 1 of his best performance’s being dropped before the game made him stand up and be counted when called up.
  6. What Dyche said was we’ve won 3 out the last 4 I think he forgot we’ve played more than 4 games.
  7. Has anybody got a clip of Dyche criticising the fan groups over team selection
  8. Why is it we can’t move them on then. most of our big earners walk for free in the end.
  9. If we are lucky we have him till the summer at least.
  10. Yeah earning 200k between them unless you move them on there’s no chance of back ups coming in
  11. We can’t afford to buy back ups we have Keane and Godfrey kicking their heels on the bench.
  12. Of course he did don’t underestimate him he’s a very decent player and finisher.
  13. At last some dialogue this is what we need. regardless of the outcome eventually we have to accept 777 into our club we are in a financial mess and in danger of going under.
  14. Kieran McKenna Ipswich boss doing a great job he got them promoted and they are currently top of the championship
  15. This is a problem he even gives the simplest of passes with his left with a flick rather than use his right I’m not a 100% sold in Danjuma but he will play down the left and can be dangerous Dyche needs to find his best team fast and stick with it but does he even have a clue. I heard the players hated him at Burnley the way it’s going on now it will happen here and he won’t last long but who do we bring in.
  16. Heaven help us if Dom gets injured again. don’t get me wrong they were all bad in second half. that defeat is on Dyche
  17. Another scout needs the sack 25m down the pan
  18. Yes but he is Niasse Mark 2 sorry another blunder in the transfer market.
  19. Strongest team possible let’s be honest there’s no way we are going down when you look at the bottom 3 teams we need a cup run.
  20. I don't expect him to sit on the contract He s on for the next nearly 2 years but we really need to offer him what he is worth I would imagine 50/60k would do the business with a release clause that suits us.
  21. Before we signed him it was already known Dele didn’t like to train and he is probably the same now I can’t see him changing now.
  22. He has 2 years but we really need to up the the offer which is being offered.
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