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Everything posted by Gwlad

  1. Gwlad

    Bolton (Home)

    Thank you God and Jermaine
  2. If he goes to Citeh that's 2 games a season he'll have to sit out or get a load of stick from the home fans!
  3. Just want us to score 1 more goal than them.
  4. Gwlad

    Fulham (Away)

    As current scores stand we're bottom of the Prem. COYB I can't stand another miserable weekend.
  5. Haven't got the will to vote atm. Will sleep on it.
  6. IF....Moyes goes to AV, do we want O'Neill at Goodison? If not who?
  7. This thread has been a blast, loved every post!!
  8. "Capello seems to have got a problem with Baines for some reason" England's loss. However this early in the season I'd not like to risk injuries to any of our players in a meaningless friendly.
  9. Don't think we should have any of Citeh's players, we are admitting that we have to have cast offs.
  10. Good riddance. Newcastle is a long way from Plymouth, will mum go up there to look after Billy No Mates whilst he's on the treatment table for 3 months?
  11. Whatever happens can't see him being welcome at Goodison. Best talk to Barmby and Speed, Dan.
  12. If it's for the sake of his son then I wouldn't blame him wanting to go back to Spain. I can imagine they want the support of their family. If he goes anywhere in the PL I'll be gutted.
  13. Have to agree with you, I love EFC players which ever country they play for more than those in this England squad
  14. Gwlad

    West Ham (home)

    The future Mrs Spidey needs to know she's marrying EFC and has to take the ups with downs. It ought to be part of the marriage service - taking EFC for better or worse!
  15. Gwlad

    Hull City

    The Everton we know and love turned up today. Arteta and Jags are back. Baines showed his international credentials, P Nev lead as a Captain should. Rodders was class but I'm worried that we'll get an offer for him that we can't refuse.
  16. Gwlad

    Man Utd (Away)

    Just back from Manchester and first half was a shambles and I still think we(and Moyes) miss Alan Irvine's tactical ideas when we go behind. The first 15 minutes of 2nd half gave cause for hope and getting back in the game then we were on the back foot, no creativity. IMO Hibbo played well when he came on.
  17. Saha - on form at the moment, bring Yak on in second half.
  18. It's been a horrible shock to lose like that on the opening game but it is the first game. Seems Lescott's forgotten the opportunity DM gave him and if he doesn't want to wear our shirt let him go. Let's hope the rumours are true that we are going to get a couple of new faces before the deadline and get Arteta, Jags and Yak fit saspo - competition for places will wake the players up.
  19. OK, always going to get DM linked with top clubs now, of course he'd go to the Mancs if he got the chance. It would at least mean that he's safe with us for this season - not going to Citeh or the Arses if they dump their managers. The board should take notice of this and start thinking about a replacement so we don't get caught out at the last minute like we do with transfers.
  20. I did the survey and will be interested to know the results. Some good questions
  21. I'm happy to be at home first and last games. Depends who's fit to start the season but a point will be acceptable.
  22. Out on 17th June, then the count down begins!
  23. With you all the way Jimmy. All it takes is a goal to us! Keep the faith.
  24. Thinking of all fellow Evertonians now and how great it is to be BLUE. Lads you gave a great performance and we look forward to bringing the Cup to Goodison.
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