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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Bang on, he feels the love here as well. Seems a good bloke as well, he has a bit of a nasty streak as well so I don’t think he is someone to go through the motions. On his day, he is capable of winning the midfield by himself. Hopefully Benitez can get those days out of him consistently.
  2. Christ mate we’re not chucking this giraffe at left back.
  3. I’m hoping Rafa gets more consistency. Caro had really high highs and very low lows. I don’t expect us to get results against the big 3 this season but I wouldn’t be surprised if we finish higher in the table than last year.
  4. No - we got that money in on deadline day. Early in the window? When Carlo had just left us or when the major European tournament was on? Or both? I agree it’s disappointing that we didn’t get the Rb but is coleman regarded better than the 4th or 5th option that was available? The money was there for Dumfries - he chose inter. Much of that is down to Carlo royally fucking us right before a European tournament. That threw a lot of plans out the window. I still think we might end up Aurier, not the best result but given what we have he could be a cost effective solution until we get someone we really want. We’re in this position because we previously threw stupid money at bang average players like Gylfi…
  5. Yeah we could have pissed it all away on some last minute signing we didn’t really want. Patience mate, this window believe it or is a better direction than what we have shown the last 2/3 years. I believe we genuinely tried for Dumfries and had we got that one over the line I’d be so much more relieved but not to be.
  6. I mean it’s not great reading for us but it’s still better than arsenals….
  7. On the topic of RB cover - I agree that both Holgate and Godfrey looked awkward to say the least. Godfrey is better but it’s to sure up the defence more than anything which is okay. Does anyone think Townsend could do a job at RB? From what I’ve seen he seems to get stuck in, has great energy levels and seems to have a good footballing brain.
  8. More I think about it the more I’m happy with this signing. We don’t need to run Dom into the ground every game and Rondon will probably look after the ball better than Dom or Richy when trying to see out a game. He will undoubtedly offer more than Tosun ever did.
  9. I have a feeling serge aurier is coming here. Also mental that barca activated their buy back for Emerson royal this month for €11 million and sold him 3 weeks later for €30 million
  10. Yeah I agree completely with this above - he is our best midfielder on the ball and make something happen out of nothing!
  11. @Romey 1878 if win anything I’ll split 40/40 with you and 20 can do to TT funds if you like?
  12. Knowing our club - Rafa probably said “we’re only short at RB and I need that fixed before the window shuts” Some dipshit ran off and loaned out Niels and came back and said “okay sorted Rafa, we’re short at left back now too”
  13. Can we stop upping James wages to suit the narrative please
  14. 8 numbers for the oz lotto, give me 1 more and I’ll put them on
  15. Hard to say - gray and Townsend seem to be aligned with Rafa’s style. Gray was a gamble - on performance not price. I think we all accepted these signing expecting a marquee or 2 along with them.
  16. Brands is lucky our cheap transfers so far have performed above expectation because otherwise this would have been the worst window in a long long time. No RB is inexcusable IMO.
  17. Thank you! Not every game, not every situation.
  18. Good player. Wish him nothing but the best. Burns me that we let him go when I thought he had the potential to be something special.
  19. Good. He would probably suit them with the way their games seem to open up, he will find plenty of space - whether or not he can anything when he has it remains to be seen.
  20. James probably finds Gray in the box where Doucoure couldn’t get it out of his feet. Love Doucoure and what he brings to the team but technically he is dogshit compared to James. I would play the 2 of them advanced preferably where possible. You’ve made your opinion perfectly clear you believe he doesn’t fit. I want to see him in a team with the dynamic front 3 we have. Last year we were far to slow with him and Gylfi. Edit - For the record, physically James is dogshit compared to Doucoure.
  21. Never going to happen and there’s going to be games that are just not suited to him. I don’t rate Micheal Keane one bit but there’s certain times when I think he’s our best opinion at the back. It’s a great sign that we have had this start without him. Benitez seems to be getting a bit more out of the players than Carlo - Doucoure is flourishing, Iwobi looks useful. I believe he can use James in the right moments and ultimately I trust his judgement.
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