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Everything posted by Btay

  1. We probably don’t beat liverpool away last year if it’s not for his quality. I think more of our problems last year were Caro than James. If he plays 20 games this year and we can get every last bit of quality from him - we get Europe, it’s that simple.
  2. Gylfi might cover some ground but he puts fuck all effort in to get on the ball.
  3. Only the Fulham game last year pissed me off. I more the kinds of gylfi, schniderlain, Ashley Williams who did fuck. James atleast drops for the ball and tried to make it happen for us. The others didn’t care, just got paid each week.
  4. As I’m sure we would see a bit more quality on the ball from James.
  5. That block in the 89th minute though. Huge effort and after some of the “stars” we’ve had the last 3/4 years putting in piss weak effort I’m delighted to see that.
  6. That pogba tackle on Neves is nasty. Does he need to snap his shin in 2 for VAR to acknowledge it was a foul.
  7. A goal and an assist ( should have 2 with that ball for Dom ) in 205 minutes. Vast improvement so far. Hopefully he continues to contribute.
  8. Absolutely this. Would be nice if Brands snuck in a clause per goal or for 10+ goals as well.
  9. He’s going to be third choice and that’s if Moise Kean leaves. Smart business if it means we can get this winger in from Porto as well.
  10. I’m all for it. We will spend the least this window under Moshiri and have the most success. It’s just Everton that.
  11. Hahah you’ll have to go through the match thread for that one mate!
  12. If there’s an agreed fee at the end though that’s money in the books which surely adds to the transfer budget. Regardless we need a RB desperately.
  13. How much is that down to Carlo? Sticking him wide right in the premier league is a joke. Look at Doucoure this year and how much better he looks ( wasn’t even bad last year ) because he is playing in a role that suits him and the team. James needs to be central and involved in everything. Yes he got burnt for pace on the wing and the fullbacks in the prem are rapid so he’s never going to be able to stick with them but he defensive work rate is not as bad as it’s made out.
  14. Looks more like the Iwobi I thought we were signing. Dynamic and strong on the ball. Really want to see him as part of a midfield 3 with 1 sitter and someone alongside him more advanced.
  15. 3 days for the window. If Moise Kean goes and allows us to fund a RB and this winger from the Portuguese league I’ll be happy. If Rafa thinks he can get a tune out of Rondon I’m okay with that however I would expect Richarlison to go to CF and a winger into the 11 first.
  16. Agree. We’ve looked good without him and it makes you wonder had he played would we have won by more or it have been tighter. He is different to anything we have, I think having just James and not James and Gylfi is the key. He needs dynamic players around him.
  17. It’s a harsh red. If it happened against us we would be screaming for it but in all honesty he has tried to play it with his thigh. No clear intent for me. I just wish that had happened to liverpool player because Klopp would have blown a gasket the wanker.
  18. Think Rafa has shown some flexibility in tactics. I’d like a 4-3-3 with Dom, Richy and Gray encouraged to stay further forward. Would start Keane over Holgate because Burnley will look to hurt us at set pieces. Pickford coleman Keane Mina Digne Allan Doucoure Iwobi Gray DCL Richarlison If Godfrey is fit, wouldn’t mind him in for either CB or even a RB to add height.
  19. I’m fine with him. Works hard for the shirt. If he had the kind of quality people are bemoaning him for he wouldn’t be here, honestly.
  20. @markjazzbassist surely you’ve got one for us cum lord!
  21. Hope he is still here by the time the new stadium is erected.
  22. Said before, he has taken the biggest risk of all our previous managers and we’ve given him the least. I respect him, I really do. The sheer irony that this man could be the manager we’ve needed after the previous pretenders is about as Everton as it gets.
  23. I read that as you graduated as a cum Lorde
  24. He didn’t set the championship alight either. As you said, he’s just 19. Our 28 year old, england capped centre back should be standing up and taking on the mantle. Not the kid.
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