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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Pickford wasn’t doing anything other than being rash. There’s absolutely no mateship or anything but stupidity in that.
  2. Could come down to which keeper fucks up the least here
  3. I’ll never go into a derby confident given my time as an evertonian we’ve never really been less than underdogs regards of the state of the Liverpool team but this is the most ive ever believed
  4. Started and played 90 minutes in their 0-4 win over Nimes today
  5. Also accountability has been placed upon the players. Coleman eluded to it post final game last season.
  6. Thought we had a powerful player in his few appearances. Probably thrown in a bit quicker than he needed due to injuries/us being shit. What I saw was an instinct to play quick 1/2 touch passes around the final third and carry the ball forward. Did get caught on the ball a couple of times however so hopefully he can adjust to the pace/awareness required.
  7. Even Richarlison is so physical. Keane as well, I’ve always thought he was a bit soft but he’s been different class this year. It’s great to see.
  8. You cannot predict these injuries and i think its been proven already that he had played plenty of games the 2/3 seasons prior to joining us. There is this element of risk in any transfer or any player. A midfield of Doucoure, Allan and Gbamin would offer so much energy, physical presence whilst all having quality on the ball. Great squad depth. Cliche but we need to look at him as new signing and as Steve mentioned not rush him back and look to utilize him in the busy december period.
  9. Still got high hopes that he can make an impact here.
  10. Really nice first time cross on the volley for the assist for Frances 2nd against Croatia this morning. He just has so much quality on the ball.
  11. Scored a nice goal against France just before so he’s proving he can mix it in the champions league & international scene.
  12. He will get a move to a good team in a top league soon.
  13. He has improved, he is a regular in their national team. His goals and assists tally was insane last year ( despite the Russian league ). Often regarded as the best player in the league. 23 is still relatively young. Take Dom for instance and the improvement from 22 to 23.
  14. Personally think Vlasic will be an excellent player.
  15. I think he can do a job as part of a midfield 3. He’s not a 10 who is going to dominate a game but hopefully in this system he can be more effective. I don’t think we would have replaced him with better and younger at that stage of the window. On that point I believe Vlasic would have been ideal in this role ( Gomes position )
  16. Turned down a deadline day move to what I think was Al Hilal. Not upset that he’s stayed. Think he’s found his role here and I think we could see some real bursts of quality from him. Can’t look at him as the £45 million pound midfielder but for what he can provide.
  17. I’m not sure how this one plays out tactically but I genuinely believe our midfield has it over theirs and we could see a lot of ball. Allan Doucoure and Gomes with James popping up can dominant any game. Looking forward to DCL against VVD. James has looked for Digne/Richarlison instantly most games, that’s the key tactic for us. TAA bombs forward and is so suspect at defending, I really think Richarlison will get I’m behind especially with the centre backs focused on DCL. Early pressure on Adrian is key also.
  18. 100% agree mate. I don’t think the people saying Pickford needs to be dropped would argue for one second that Pickfords strengths are; shot stopping, reflexes, 1v1’s & Penalties. Weakness’s though - Distrubtion - contentious but he’s not as good with his feet as people think. Over plays way too much. He can kick a long ball but will do it 1 or 2 times a game when he’s under no pressure and send it to their keeper instead of kicking it at 75% and give someone a chance to get on it. Concentration - enough said Command of area - Beat at near post too often - might be overly critical here but he is suspect.
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