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Everything posted by plaidharper

  1. Who would you replace him with? Man I miss Coleman.
  2. Traore practically walked thru players and put in a beautiful curler. Thank goodness it was barely wide. Should have tried harder to bring him in. Looks good.
  3. Why is klassen SO timid?! Should be taking his chance... Needs to be taken off.
  4. Koeman must really think Martina can play both sides after not registering Garbutt and sending Galloway and Robinson on loan.
  5. 1 year older. Looks to have gained weight and lost fitness over the summer. For someone who is paid to be in shape, he is not doing himself any favors.
  6. I'd like to see managers given time, more so when so many new players have been introduced to the first team. Both in general and ours. But if he continues to play so narrow, the results will get him tossed way before I decide it's time. How many times already this season have we seen our side improve when he abandoned his original plan.
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