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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Get the fuck in Richarlison boys I’m in Spain watching this at Harmans Irish bar in Alveria, when that went in I scared the shite out of some of the locals
  2. Everton 2-1 Brentford Richarlison
  3. I think it’s Leeds who are going down with Norwich and Watford they would have to finish with a point higher than Burnley and ourselves to have a chance there GD is that bad. Bye Bye dirty Leeds.
  4. There all showing either Chelsea or City, honestly these Spanish have no class.
  5. Sat out side in Arboleas in Spain having an full English on my own Mandy not jabbed happy days best decision she’s made since agreeing to marry me. In Arboleas for 2 nights after going through some choices and haggling with the builder he’s only 4 months behind which is quite good for the Spanish should be finished end of July. Then I’m driving down to Marbella to join my mate at his Villa, 5 rounds of golf booked at a couple of days at Nikki Beach getting mortalled. Loving life looking for a bar that’s got the game on COYB
  6. Bill have you forgotten to post the last 2 games ?
  7. But isn’t that a good thing, never a boring day and all that stuff
  8. Maybe I did forget old timers is starting to fog my memory, that’s a medical condition that shouldn’t be taken the piss out of, and I feel this is a good get out clause I shall be using it more and more in future
  9. I got a Dear John as well, I’m not crest fallen though and will keep paying my club membership to stay in the hat for the season after.
  10. I always championed him even in the days when it may have looked foolish to do so, but he isn’t the first and won’t be the last Everton player to be roundly set up on and then come good, what was said of him in the past is surely water under the bridge now, and the fact now that nearly everyone on here completely backs him is a testament to him and his form, and how people are prepared to change their minds and not get to in trenched in their first view’s. Unless of course TT have made a law stating you cannot change your views in the future.
  11. I’m not sure mate I remember some remarks ages ago when it was leading up to the fans protesting, that he hadn’t been seen at the last 2 home games and Denise was occupying his seat in the stand, and there was some lame excuse about his time allowed in the country, I might be wrong but I’m sure I haven’t seen him at a game since.
  12. Could he be the natural finisher we’ve missed this season, when he pulls the the trigger it hits the target with accuracy and power. Frank loves nothing better than working with and improving youngsters who have shown that they possess the natural ability, I really hope he gets some decent opportunities next season.
  13. When was Moshiri's last game at Goodison ? it seems like he’s been hiding from the fans for months now.
  14. Or that Moshiri has sold his stake in the club.
  15. We weren’t nice under Moyes we had some hard players and they weren’t scared to mix it, teams use to fear us they new they were in for tough time, Ferguson Gravesen Arteta Cahill to name a few, all where nasty bastards and didn’t mind leaving their calling cards on players when they needed to, without wishing to down grade what you have written, we weren’t a nice team under Moyes have you already forgotten we were the dogs of war under Moyes, it’s nice to see that side of our game coming back again under Lampard, but let’s get some perspective he’s not the inventor of that brand of football at this club we 100% had that going on under Moyes. Maybe your to young to remember I know I wish I was. I would agree that Martinez Koeman Silva and Ancelotti diluted that side to our game hugely.
  16. I would like to think that we could find a younger better player on a free possibly who would be willing to die for 100k a week.
  17. I agree with the sentiment and emotion of your post passion is 50% of what’s required and the rest ability, I wanted Frank at the beginning of the season I was the only one to mention him and got some stick for doing so, possibly by those who now champion him who knows can’t be arsed to look. Then end of January when he got the job I was against him getting it based on the timing, I didn’t and still don’t think he had the experience to take the job on whilst we were in such dire straits. I’ve support and followed Everton for 56 years and this season has been the worse football I’ve witnessed from an Everton team in my memory, at the moment every point is huge and the style of how it’s won is immaterial we just need results, but by god I’m far from happy at the way we are playing but I just want to get to the end of the season with our PL status in tact, then Lampard can have a clean slate and fresh start to next season and hopefully he proves me right that he should have got the job at the beginning of the season, but that doesn’t mean that I should never have raised my concerns that he wasn’t the right man and out of his depth for a relegation battle.
  18. And if we finish the season after that 14th do we call that progression and still keep faith with him, I understand the need to stick longer with the manager for the sake of consistency and the chance for them to ring the changes and put their mark on the team, we did it with Moyes and he was very successful especially when you compare his playing budget compared to what some after him had to spend and achieved. We have an owner who doesn’t see it that way so if Frank only finishes 15th next season that won’t be good enough for Moshiri.
  19. Yeah very true maybe some of the failed Chelsea bidders might go you know what Everton are giant in the making.
  20. Sorry mate that obviously went straight over my head
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