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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Are see you on the mini bus in the morning mate.
  2. Thanks mate I love North American history the good and the bad, from Mexico to the United States and Canada some of the atrocities inflicted on the tribes of North America can only be described as ethnic cleansing at it’s most barbaric.
  3. I’ve been to Canada a few times and there are plenty of First Nation tribes there, so I would say quintessentially North American, just spitting hairs for the right reasons.
  4. Harry is his uncle, doesn’t really matter I know where you’re coming from now.
  5. Unfortunately I’m not a mind reader luckily you maybe
  6. I assume you meant flack, that’s my problem what really has EITC got in comparison with running Everton Football Club, it’s like giving your kids school lollipop person the director of air traffic control at John Lennon airport and saying they both control traffic so shouldn’t be a problem.
  7. Thing is mate once you give control of a club to one person you will never get a balanced view on anything, you will just get their views and if you don’t like it you either put up with it or fuck off. The moral of the Moshiri story has got to be be careful what you wish for, we have learned a painful lesson which has more painful paths to go down.
  8. That’s horrendous news, I can’t help thinking we are bringing players straight back into the team before they are ready after previous injuries, causing them to breakdown.
  9. Maybe our problem is we have surrounded ourselves with people who don’t really know what it’s like to be a serial winner, Denise and Bill from the board, Ferguson and Unsworth from the playing side, they all seem to be here because how the club want to be perceived as this family club who look after their own, but in reality are they holding us back with their lack of ability to knowing what it takes to be successful. Just maybe they need to go for a starter and new coaches and directors should only be considered if they have worked in a winning environment and fuck all the sentimental reasons why these people deserve their jobs and titles.
  10. Fair play Bailey you should be able to manage 1-4.
  11. If we are going argue that I would say Morecambe and Wise were the best in that field
  12. If it wasn’t true it would be hilarious
  13. We need to play DCL he needs the minutes and every opportunity to get on the score sheet.
  14. I’ve just been sent a message from first football saying Pereira has agreed terms on a contract with Moshiri
  15. All I can really say to that is desperate times take desperate measures and if you aren’t prepared to change the players and set up you may find you run out of time and don’t get the opportunity to do so later. I didn’t feel like I have been harsh on DCL he was poor again against Villa he knows he should be doing a lot better you can see it in face and mannerisms, how long do you proceed going down a route that isn’t coming off.
  16. They won’t resign for the right reasons a few are enjoying the money to much, they’ve been bought by Moshiri, look at Brands made to look a dick but stayed till the bitter end until he got a payoff. There go when there pushed to go and they get something for it, they won’t be going as some high gesture for the concern of the club, like some of our players they just go through the motions to be able to pick there money up, I don’t really have a problem with that over 50% of the country will do the same, but let’s not get into the semantics that they are riding a charger with swords drawn to just do the right thing for Everton firstly and lastly there hear to pay their bills.
  17. He could play in the U23s to get his match fitness up and his eye in, instead we’ve thrown him back on when he’s no where near up to speed, if people believe that’s the best we can do then god help us we can keep repeating the same shit every week and disappear into the Championship. You don’t have to be 6ft2 to play up front Richarlison would still offer the heading ability, and imo opinion Gray could do a stellar job in unison with Richarlison, he knows where the goal is he has a good touch and movement he could easily be another Cottee or Inchy for us when we need it, DCL has regressed to the player of 2-3 years ago he’s miles away of being the player he was last season and hasn’t shown anything in the last 3-4 games that it’s coming back anytime soon, can we really afford to wait and hope he turns the corner soon, personally I don’t think we can we need goals now to win games not in 4-5 weeks.
  18. I would agree with that, memories can be quite short when money and the Sun are in the same vicinity. Let people have a good time and think it’s never going to end and they soon forget you may have been responsible for the death of uncle Bob or auntie June.
  19. We are trying to play with an out an out striker who is struggling to have any impact on the the game, do we have long enough left to keep playing him in the hope he finds his form, the first half as a team against Villa we didn’t create enough chances for DCL in the box, but in the second half it was a different story Gordon on his own put 5 decent balls into the area and DCL was no where no any of them that’s concerning. I agree with you he is the only option if you are going to play to his strengths but when he is so obviously struggling we need to change our approach, and I would go with Gray up top with Richarlison and Gordon and Townsend out wide, it would give us a better mix of options in stead of just trying to hit DCL in the area who is so out of form he’s not showing or making the runs required to get on the end of the crosse’s. So for me don’t play the same way with Rondon in his place that won’t work, we need to change the system to suit the players that are showing the most form and desire.
  20. I think he’s had his mini skirt on since he’s been back.
  21. We can’t wait that long mate though I do understand you sentiment.
  22. True I know but I think It was coming very soon, he didn’t even make the bench against Villa what’s that about.
  23. I know we both come out to Z cars but that’s were the comparison has to end, please I can’t take anymore of this
  24. Get Benitez back he will play him Dunc will go for the safe option
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