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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Also we can’t forget the pairing of Baines and Pienaar and how we would love to see that recreated so for anyone playing in their positions they have a lot to live up to, I thought we had came close to that in Digne on his first season but he hasn’t lived up to the brilliant season since with us. Shame really I see him now as very average LB to be honest he has the ability we’ve seen it, can only think it’s a mentality thing. Baines had years of being consistent with his own game regardless of who or what played around him he never let it effect his own game, shame we haven’t seen that from Digne, I would go as far to say that the best and most consistent LB we had last season was Godfrey, if you have the opportunity to revisit the games Godfrey played as LB you will see nobody got past him he was solid.
  2. Mate I love the banter but sometimes the written word can’t portray the emotions of the spoken word, but I try to see the funny side first where possible, for me being able to take the mick out of someone and for them to take it and respond in a similar fashion gives me a warm and calming feeling we all need a laugh, now stop taking the piss
  3. And the winners of the Right said Fred look a like contest are the Oldfield brothers
  4. The only position I would have picked differently would have been Kenny on the right, I’ve always said Godfrey can’t play there but he can definitely play LB, and possibly toyed with Godfrey for Mina but I would in the end probably gone with Mina based on fitness. Then in hindsight if we had known what a dreadful game Digne would have I would have gone with Godfrey on the left. I wouldn’t have gone with James if I didn’t feel he was fit but if he wasn’t carrying an injury I would have had him on the bench, but whether I would have used him is a different matter. So all in all there wasn’t a lot more Rafa could have or should have done with differently the players at his disposal, but for some individual errors from established first team players we were looking like 0-0 was on the cards, managers can’t be held responsible for the individual mistakes of players that has nothing to do with tactics or setup, unless of course the player or players in question were serial offenders then you could question should the manager be picking them.
  5. This wasn’t a test for the manager you can’t really blame him if he’s got 37% of the first team unavailable through injury, you could call that a failed test if he had 100% of the squad to pick from. That was more a test for the players available to stake a claim in the starting line up and to show how versatile they can be if required to play out of their normal position.
  6. I’ve said it in the past he hasn’t found the form of his first season with us.
  7. Agreed Bill there’s goals in that team.
  8. I’d be more than happy with a battling draw under the circumstances.
  9. Don’t know mate could be not heard that, but also not heard that Richarlison or Pickford have injuries.
  10. It’s never to late mate, don’t know what his FGR mates would think but suits him.
  11. Pete come on mate calm it down fella you don’t want the reputation that post is portraying trust me mate your better than that
  12. Nothing to do with your liking for a few beers and Long Island iced tea by any chance
  13. It’s more because I don’t know how to copy and post from my iPhone to the forum threads
  14. I’ve got to say this I feel so enraged with what’s happened and happening in Afghanistan, due to the fucked up American withdrawal, for the many innocent civilians that have been killed and yet to be killed by the Taliban, the many US servicemen killed and injured at the airport, the many beautiful innocent children killed by a failed American reprisal made in anger and to help Biden get out of jail because of the American lives lost. The American government and its forces advisers are fucking useless bunch of cunts who shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions they are incompetent to make decisions on. As a white British citizen I hate them with a passion they are murderers in my eyes no excuses, I can’t help thinking if I feel this way what are the parents of innocent children feeling.
  15. Yes Matt he was the one who wanted Rafa and got his way, now don’t ask me for the evidence it was widely published.
  16. There is a story circulating that Brand’s and Rafa aren’t seeing eye to eye, to some extent I could see this coming Rafa is very much his own man when it comes to how and what he wants, and won’t be listening to a suit sat behind a desk. If this was to escalate into a full blown war of attrition there will only be one winner in my opinion, and it won’t be Brand’s Usmanov will see to that Rafa is his man and so far proving to be the right man. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds.
  17. It was interesting to read an article which was saying that Rafa wanted a better CB, and that he doesn’t see a decent pairing with what have at this moment so was going to make that his next priority signing. I tend to agree with that we don’t have a natural leader who knows how to run the back line Keane is probably our most experienced CB but is slow and prone to having lapses of concentration, Mina is far too erratic in his defending although good at a last ditch tackle or block you feel most would be unnecessary if he positioned himself better. Godfrey shows great promise but lacks the experience to become the leader now but will grow into that role in years to come, but would make a willing number 2 in a decent pairing, Holgate isn’t a starter for me and possibly would struggle to keep a place in the squad should someone else come in unless of course Keane or Mina were sold to make way. Rafa is playing a counter attacking style of football were we are giving up long spells of possession to defend in numbers then break at speed, could this be to counteract a weakness that he sees in our CB pairing, and if he gets his right man who he can trust to do the job will we then see a more attacking team based on plenty of possession.
  18. Imo he keeps exceeding expectations every season, that’s not saying that he isn’t slowing down or gradually getting worse just that he isn’t as bad as some thought he might be, he has a habit of keeping his head above water through passion for the club.
  19. I said there was more to this than meets the eye in an earlier post, and critiqued Brands for not keeping him here, seems I’m not the only one.
  20. Anything in the states that has an Irish connection seems to get hyped up, well that’s how it looks to me.
  21. Sorry mate, but if we could have gotten rid of James and bought the young exciting fit hard working Diaz in Rafa would be taking us to the next level. Townsend isn’t the future neither is James, but Townsend is a mentor he’s a good example of what you should strive to be for the younger players, our future is Iwobi Richarlison Gray Godfrey Pickford DCL Doucoure Digne and Keane and if we can add the likes of Diaz in replacement of James I’m all for that.
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