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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Yessssss yesssssss that’s how to fucking finish
  2. Oh ffs this is awful when it comes to finishing.
  3. Proof that we still haven’t replaced Lukaku as a clinical finisher. Danny Ings would have had 2 or 3 in that first half.
  4. He did but by the reaction of the other players that wasn’t part of the game plan worked on in training for dead ball scenarios in that area of the pitch, my problem with that isn’t so much he wants it but Coleman watching the argument and not having the bollocks to go over and sort it out, fucking hate weak leadership.
  5. No leader on the pitch to even sort out who takes the free kicks fucking embarrassing
  6. Great ball James shame Digne couldn’t have produced the same.
  7. Shit ball from Gomes had no reason to play that then with an open pitch to goal in front of him, he should have drove into the area and then squared it if necessary.
  8. But when he did it paid off, wouldn’t surprise me if Dunc had a say in this.
  9. When Dunc was caretaker manager he stuck him in the midfield, and if you go to the Holgate thread page 9 it paid off most were very complimentary on how he played he got motm it was like he found his best position, like you I hope this will help him find form again.
  10. Holgate played in midfield a few times a season or so ago and was a far better mid than he was a defender, I remember posting then that we had found a better position for him and a good midfielder for us, so I have very little concerns I think he will surprise a few in a good way.
  11. Real means royal and was granted by the Spanish monarchy to some team’s to use, Real Sociedad removed the name Real in turbulent times then reinstalled it in more favourable times. Most of Spain speak Castilian Spanish about 92% which is loyal to Madrid. My friend learnt how to speak Spanish in or so he thought when he worked for 2 years in Barcelona on the Olympic Village, then he moved to Andalusia region of Spain about 22 years ago full time and then had to learn Castilian, because his Catalonian wasn’t going down to well with the locals.
  12. Great sports trivia question in a few years time.
  13. If we keep him at the end of the season I’ll jump in the Mersey with rocks in my pockets.
  14. I’ll remind you of that when you’re kicking holes in what I post
  15. Well I’m in no position to agree with you on this one, although I would really like to
  16. How do you honestly know there’s been no problems getting a safety certificate, could it be that we were spending large sums of money every season to get the required level of safety to keep the ground open, we just don’t know, but Bill may have been speaking some truth that with increased legislation it was becoming difficult or unviable to keep getting a pass, you or me don’t know the extent or real story. But I find it hard to believe that Bill had done things intentionally to hurt the club and it’s supporters, he may have got things wrong and he did confess and apologise for the Kirby fiasco, but I’d rather deal with people in business and life who when they fuck up, hold their hands up and admit it. I like Bill I find him from the outside looking in to be an honest caring man, and those who know him and have worked with him seem to say the same thing, so personally that’s good enough for me.
  17. Unfortunately another player who’s biggest admirer is himself, don’t get me wrong to have belief in one’s own abilities is important, it’s just he hasn’t got much ability.
  18. I thought you had, it’s allowed you to let us know how much you love BK and the work he’s put in on the development of the new stadium
  19. I like the new title, someone needs to contact the Echo, I’m sure they would like to do another BK story just in case we haven’t already realised how much he’s done to get this stadium where it is today
  20. I’m not laughing, I’m embarrassed these people are Brits yet lack the intelligence to know what consequences a leave vote would have on their lives, I have no sympathy for those who voted to leave without doing there homework, ignorance is no excuse for a wrong decision, that was always going to be the case if we came out of the EU. If people who voted remain are suffering the same fate and they will be I have every sympathy for them.
  21. I pretty much agree with all of that, you haven’t attacked him as a person and acknowledge him as a fan who most definitely has blue blood running through his veins, there’s no doubt in my mind and many many others that he lives and breathes EFC, even Moshiri was sold the dream and love for the club by Kenwright. But his problem was as you said he wasn’t a business man in the sense he could run a club of this size, he lacked the funds, and know how to raise the funds. Unfortunately things can’t be done on the cheap, and he got caught out trying to run it on the cheap, I love his love for the club and the people of Liverpool, in the same way as a fan I love all Everton supporters when they mention there love for the team and the community. So you are right Steve he’s one of us a fan and I respect him for that, as an owner he’s done some good and some bad, but the club have survived and we are now financially in better hands and moving forward. Let’s not Kill Bill to get there even Moshiri and all the Directors would say he doesn’t deserve that.
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