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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. How’s the road trip going mate, looks like a wet one in the picture.
  2. I’ve supported Everton for 54 years and it wasn’t to long ago that not giving your all would never be accepted by the faithful, you could lose but as long as you tried you would be forgiven, and if you weren’t good enough that was a decision for the manager to sort out, but now there is an element of support for players who don’t give their all every time they put the shirt on, because of what they did a few games ago and what they say about the club in the media, if that isn’t based on sentiment then I don’t know what is. I don’t think Davies deserves his place in the team I don’t pick the team, I don’t believe he deserves the flack he gets when he puts maximum effort in, and the guy next him doesn’t yet comes out unscathed from criticism. For me that’s not the way it should be at Everton.
  3. Also the more established stars like Gomes for instance are given a free ride when they play abysmally, he’s been piss poor of late yet hardly a raised eyebrow, yet a young lad who has been given an opportunity, but not through his own fault isn’t really ready or good enough gets completely slaughtered, and yet he is giving his all but the fact he’s surrounded by dross isn’t helping him, but many would quite happily slaughter him and say nothing about Gomes.
  4. Even I’m made up to be able to say I wasn’t born when they last won it, and I don’t get to say that to often
  5. How would we make a profit if we sell for less than we paid.
  6. The contract makes no difference theses days, if he wants to go he will find away to get what he wants.
  7. I hope not, I don’t think I could manage another Gana in the team. The thing with a pressing game is you do it as a team not one man running around exposing the space and players behind them. It won’t take Allan long to realise that as a central defender Keane has no pace so will hang back as close to 18 yard box as humanly possible for fear of a ball over the top and a race back, if Ancelotti wants to play a an out and out pressing game he needs to get a lot more pace in the back line.
  8. If Pickford is so bad why would we be getting any where near 40m for him, are we living in the twilight zone or reality.
  9. I know he wasn’t he was headless chicken with a ball magnet for a brain, football is so much more than running all round the pitch trying to win the ball, it’s knowing how to mark a man and close down space and hold, not running around aimlessly like you’ve got a couple Duracell shoved up his arse
  10. You both stand a good chance of getting signed on CH and RW
  11. I can see DCL losing his starting spot if he doesn’t start finding the net early in the season. Rodriguez could end up playing up front with Richarlison. Also if Doucoure does land Gomes could quite easily see himself sat on the bench in favour of a Doucoure Allan central pairing.
  12. In the article he was also wanted by Athletico and Dortmund but chose us because of one thing his belief and respect for Ancelotti, that’s why if we only get Rodríguez on a year long loan and he has a blinder he will still sign after for Ancelotti.
  13. Have a good one mate, and if you’re driving with the top down wear a hat you don’t want blow off what little hair you have left
  14. He will prove to be our most pivotal signing this season, he will be the one that will allow Gomes Richarlison and Rodríguez if he comes to shine, he will win retain and deliver the ball with speed and precision, I know he will lead by example, I just pray he has voice and bollocks people around him who don’t give their all, we need a leader on the pitch we haven’t imo had one for some years. This will be Ancelotti’s first full season and he knows he needs his own players the players he knows he can rely on, it’s time to kick ass we are moving up the gears, so fuck Brands and his picks he’s there to do Ancelotti’s paper work and get youngsters in for the U23s, Ancelotti is going to build his team with his players and Allan will hopefully be the start of this transition.
  15. That’s how I feel, as long as he can stay injury free everything else is set up for him to have a successful time here. A manager who he respects and plays to his strengths, a guaranteed starting place, and once you’ve been touched by people’s club you find it hard to leave.
  16. He is a couple of notches above Gana imo, having said that I agree with all you said and can’t wait to see him in action, the prospect is exciting and the PL should suit him down to the ground.
  17. You make a good case and I wouldn’t argue with you, it will be a fantastic opportunity for us to get him in any capacity, so will be interesting to see how this plays out. And as I have said I won’t be disappointed if it’s 3 years or 1 year loan, just having my cake and eating it.
  18. Wouldn’t a loan be more of a calculated risk, based on the use of the terminology calculated.
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