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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Watched the 1st half I can’t say much more than WTF who are we.
  2. I know we got him on a free and I’m guessing he got a signing on fee, but a 120k a week contract for not even a bang average player, how on earth do we off load him because I can’t see him having much game time next season, and besides us who would be willing to pay him half of that a week. A very poor piece of business all round, wouldn’t be here if Carlo was here at the time he would have stopped that dead in it’s tracks.
  3. I agree that left alone Trump will do more damage to himself over day to day events than Obama in someways distracting attention from that, and getting into a feud with Trump which he will thrive off.
  4. Is Obama’s criticism of Trump playing into Trump’s hands, or do Americans still hold Obama in high enough esteem to listen to, and act on his condemnation of Trump. Personally I don’t and I fear that Obama’s attack could have the opposite effect, and rally the undecided into Trump’s corner. Also it gives the impression that Biden can’t fight his own battles, which won’t go down to well with the majority of Americans who like a fighter.
  5. But don’t you just love him for it.
  6. 21 hours ago now, has he signed yet if not message me next week for an update
  7. That’s reassuring to know if true that he did and possibly still does want to come here, for me he could offer us a lot I see him as a possible Yaya Toure type of player, or have I got my rose tinted classes on.
  8. A very nice start to the early part of the season, we need to beat Spurs they are part of the group we are chasing, Liverpool good to get them early doors before they get into their stride, then the other 5-6 games will tell us how far we have improved and how far we can expect to go. All we need now is 2-3 fresh faces before the start.
  9. Looks in tip top condition, it’s amazing what you can get for under 3k, when you consider the technology the make and the condition. Get yourself a full face balaclava Mike we are heading into Autumn mate
  10. I’ve searched various sites to find out what role a DoF has in a club, may I suggest most of you should do the same, it may make you see things differently, there are many sites with many people giving their opinions and views and who are in the game.
  11. What do you suggest I changed from google because Mark felt it worked for him.
  12. I changed search engine from google to bing to see if that would help, but the top right hand corner which use to show me notifications and allow me to look at messages and message is still unavailable, also unable to sign out bing has given me back like and dislike options were google didn’t, and I very much dislike my device is an iPhone 11 but that shouldn’t make a difference.
  13. Yes the manager does manager the team, and the first team players are the team and he is responsible for how they play and those bought under his tenure, the DoF is not responsible for the management of the club either.
  14. I would have thought the manager says to the DoF this is who I want go get them, if you have any problems let me know and I will try to intervene, not the DoF saying this is who I’ve got you, and of course he can make suggestions but no first team player should come to any club on the say so of the DoF, and yes he can bring young prospects in to advance through the ranks, and the manager would have no concerns with that because they wouldn’t effect his first team squad, but as for the DoF deciding who’s brought into the first team squad I’m very very sceptical that that happens any where.
  15. Ok mate fair enough, looks like I’ll be off mate as I can’t access any notifications or PMs, and to be honest mate as much as I love you guys there’s no fun when you get a notification and you have to go through every forum to see what it’s about. I’ve got your email Mike so I’ll keep in touch, and thanks for the fun
  16. I don’t follow that, wasn’t it Silva who wanted to bring him here at the same time as Richarlison, like Richarlison he was never one of Brands picks. I also struggle with the idea a manager would say I want a MF to a DoF go find me one, managers should know the players they want and if they don’t they shouldn’t be managing.
  17. Is this change permanent because I’m struggling with it, I cannot see who’s responded or PMs
  18. I hope you’re not putting Italian football down as well below the PL, because if that’s the case we are fucked nearly every player we are linked to is from Napoli
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