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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. It would but I believe unlikely, Gomes had great loan season with us and still signed even though bigger clubs tried to muscle in based on the season he just had. Rodríguez would also have the Ancelotti factor in his decision to stay, either way we need to get him and I won’t be disappointed if it’s a 3 year deal or a year loan, I would just prefer the loan based on his injuries history.
  2. We’ve been here before on what is an asset and what isn’t so I don’t want to go over that again, Sandro Tosun and Bolasie have proven to be great assets to the team. Not being a shareholder of any note I’m more concerned with players being an asset to the team, than being an asset in figures on a set of accounts. And yes I want to see him come here and be the player we know he can be, I just feel that a loan would be a more sensible approach when dealing with a player who has struggled with bad injuries and struggled to cement a place in the first team.
  3. Surly that depends on how he performs, the facts are he’s had some serious injuries, and he hasn’t had a decent season for 3-4 years, either way there are risks but a year loan would seem a lesser risk than a 3-4 year deal on a player that may breakdown and not live up to his billing. Lukaku signed after a good loan spell why wouldn’t he, if he has a good loan season because of the manager who he respects play’s to his strengths and the team is improving, I would expect him to want to stay, same as Gomes sometimes enjoying your football and feeling wanted out ways going to a bigger team and sitting on the bench.
  4. And because Biden has no appeal he’s old boring and grey, can’t the Democrats come up with a more energetic and forceful candidate, Trump was there for the taking and when the democrats needed a warrior to go into battle with him, they bring on pipe slippers and rocking chair man
  5. Exactly he wouldn’t be coming here for us to put in the shop window, he’s already a player with proven ability, if it wasn’t for Ancelotti we wouldn’t be having a conversation about him anyway, and why would that change in a year, other than 2 things he doesn’t like the PL or Ancelotti goes.
  6. Last spotted in the Southern league
  7. Not to sure how I feel about that, I’m 50/50 on his ability, and a bumper deal concerns me that if he goes the wrong way we will have another average player on huge wages that we can’t shift for years.
  8. Are there any old pictures of him floating around at John Lennon airport. Got caught out with Alan
  9. Seems your right mate the club have dismissed reports he’s going anywhere, and that he is fully in Ancelotti’s plans for next season.
  10. He has posted on social media in English “ I am ready “ as a signal he wants or he is coming according to reports. Also reports that it could be a 4 year deal worth 4.5m a season, only sticking block is coming to a valuation for his signature, we want to pay €20m they want more, speculation changes hourly which is a good thing if only to prove that something is going on in the background.
  11. I cannot help it mate it’s become an addiction
  12. Maybe the loan is the way his agent and himself wants to go, just in case the PL isn’t the right place for him, or Ancelotti doesn’t stay after next season, after all he wouldn’t be coming if he does if it wasn’t for Ancelotti. I’m sure Real would rather a sale because he goes on a free next season. Personally I think a loan is a good way to go, that way we save around 20 million and if he is successful will he want to leave Ancelotti who he has a great bond with, and enjoys playing for
  13. This guy is going to show us the bit we were missing when we had Gana here, ability and a football brain to go with his tackling and interceptions
  14. Reports say we have agreed terms on a year loan deal and he is coming for medical next week.
  15. Walking the dog this morning I was listening to the Killers, need to play them more always makes me feel alive.
  16. Lucky sod bet he can’t wait
  17. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, we are past masters at pinpointing the players we want then drag the deal out to months and have them taken free under our noses. I hope this doesn’t happen in this case we need players of his stature.
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