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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. I might be wrong about him, but I find his inconsistency is more to do with his attitude than his ability, sometimes I get the perception from him that he cannot be arsed, he’s sort of given up, sulking and whinging, then other days he’s unplayable with bags of commitment. To much money to take the risk.
  2. That’s not the same Walcott I’ve been watching for me his Achilles heel has been his final ball, but his general play has been better than most, he moves and makes himself available he tracks back and helps his RB out, he still has a fair bit of pace and has one the best engines in the team. Strange how we can be so far apart with our opinions on certain players.
  3. Obviously that’s great news for the club, and proves that results aren’t everything. On a sour note for myself I been on the waiting list for a season ticket for 3 years now going into the 4th, with this uptake I can’t see me getting one anytime soon. Anyone here on speaking terms with Moshiri
  4. Zaha wouldn’t be consistent enough, he’s blessed with great skills and the ability to win a game, but on his terms by that I think he can have a poor attitude, and you don’t know what players going out on the pitch from one game to the next, this season has proved we were lucky to have had our £80m turned down last season. I hope we stay well clear of this big time Charlie, but we are Everton so who knows, he will probably end up here next season on a 4 year deal on 140 grand a week
  5. You weren’t saying that in April May and June
  6. There’s still hope, Richarlison still talking in his ear could help sway it.
  7. Ok I lose, you have a wonderful time mate and happy birthday Matt. You’ve been a bit of a jet setter of late mate I can hardly keep up with where you’re going to be next.
  8. I’m prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment, he’s definitely got ability I personally think he’s come into a team that lacked any real direction in the midfield with a lot of MF players not up to the standard required, hopefully with some new additions and Ancelotti’s direction we may see what he is capable of. But I maybe completely wrong and he doesn’t improve next season.
  9. The desperation of a man who knows the end is near, how pitiful but lovely to see.
  10. My home toon what have they done wrong, still honest supporters, just a greedy owner.
  11. Mark’s always been prone to slight exaggeration Hope I haven’t ruined your day Matt
  12. At least he’s been truthful with the club and supporters, his first concern is himself and his career, and if furthering his career means leaving us this or next year for the right club then he will want to take it. I suppose it’s up to Ancelotti and the club to improve enough to make him believe his future could be here, but that would be a tough ask if Barca come knocking.
  13. That is a very good point and one I’m struggling to argue with, but possibly if his words were censored he may not have been such a draw to so many Americans, and therefore may not have been elected as President.
  14. I get what you’re saying and I do agree with free speech, but and this I know is a bit rich coming from me, but free speech has to come with acceptable boundaries, and social media sites never set boundaries and allowed anything and everything. So please don’t take my comments as a dig at you, but I genuinely had you down as someone who believed in censorship regardless of whether it’s right or wrong. It would be interesting to open the Poll you mentioned to see what the general feeling is with social media censorship.
  15. Surely that’s fake news? Not even us would be that silly, would we
  16. I thought you would have been an advocate of censorship, I say this only because you have threatened censorship on here in the past. I’m in favour of censorship especially when it comes to groups like I.S. Social media sites have shirked their responsibilities for some disturbing posts and images for far too long in my opinion, and it’s terrifying when you consider what impressionable people are being hit with, and our children and grandchildren are being desensitised to things we cannot truly imagine.
  17. And it didn’t cost that much to put together.
  18. I’ve hinted nothing you have just assumed. My comment was slightly tongue in cheek with the graveyard element, my main point was that a few managers have tried and failed, and as was said before my post if any team could break Ancelotti it would be us. Also how can you accuse Koeman or Silva of using Everton they were courted by Moshiri, Koeman week’s before Martinez was sacked, and Silva over 7-8 month period, neither of them applied for the vacant managers job.
  19. No where near as bad as some made out, but still the right decision, he just wasn’t consistent enough very good one day very shit the next.
  20. 100%, Goodison is becoming the graveyard for managers who thought no job was to hard for them.
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