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Zoo 2.0

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Everything posted by Zoo 2.0

  1. Can't wait to see Dele tomorrow, going to have a cheeky bet on him to score first (this game is made for him to make his mark IMO). Van de Beek in the midfield just keeping things ticking over and after him not being in and around the squad, I'm really excited to see what El Ghazi can bring to the table. Really looking forward to it.
  2. I thought that Marsch came across very well in his initial interview, but time will tell how he adapts to managing in the Premier League and stepping into the shoes of someone who was (and still is) adored in the city. I think that the stigma surrounding an American coach in England will be a massive hurdle for him too, a bit like when Bob Bradley signed for Swansea and got ripped to shreds for calling a penalty a "PK". There's already comparisons to Ted Lasso knocking about, and it'll only increase unless he can get points on the board and silence his critics.
  3. For obvious reasons I didn't want Liverpool to win but after getting near none of the 11 penalties against him, I turned to the wife and said I hoped Kepa would balloon his penalty, just for the sheer hilarity of it all. You just couldn't write it, fantastic stuff . For what it's worth, Mendy was hands down Chelsea's MOTM yesterday, so it makes the decision to replace him all the more questionable IMO, despite it working in the Club World Cup and being done in other sides (Netherlands in the World Cup comes to mind) I just don't get it - in the moment you could see it wouldn't work.
  4. Zoo 2.0

    Jokes thread

    Mexican bloke just came to the door and said he could do a magic track. Counted "Un...Dos...Poof" Disappeared without a tres.
  5. Woke up and still angry, not looking at Twitter as I can't look at the penalty again, it just makes my blood boil. The only thing I will say, is that I hope this anger and feeling of unjust is bouncing through that dressing room and can actually be used as a tool to turnaround our form. Go into the Spurs game with a real anger, kick them off the park and take the three points. An incident like this could spark the Dogs of War into life.
  6. I don't agree with the shouts when people say "Pick Young Player X over him he's shite!" but in the case of Michael Keane I'm stunned he hasn't been dropped for the likes of Branthwaite long ago. Would do a rain dance tonight if it meant we could have Mina and Holgate for the Spurs game.
  7. Chris Kavanagh, born in Manchester. Hates Everton.
  8. Only one mistake in the game but at the top level that's all it takes for a game of football to be lost. We should be up in arms about a denied penalty that could have won us three points, if it's wasn't for the most Sunday League, look at me I'm stood in quicksand defending I've ever seen. Absolutely gash is putting is politely, simply diabolical. The refereeing standards have been absolutely shite for years and the league has been corrupt as fuck for years too. People laugh at the likes of Italy for being corrupt but it's just as bad here, only covered up better. You won't see a more blatant handball all season and if it was at the other end they wouldn't need to check it twice to point to the spot. Can't be arsed with the "we go again" and the, "we'll be OK" brigade. Been saying it month after month and we're still in deep shit, the sooner people realise that we're just not that good and heading for an incredibly close relegation battle the better. We might stay up, might not. I'd say its 50/50 at the moment.
  9. He's been OK all evening, but that's absolutely abysmal from Michael Keane.
  10. JP1! Need to get some fresh legs in the midfield, it's one way traffic as a lot of our players look fucked physically.
  11. Second half started on the front foot, really good to see!
  12. Anthony Gordon - Top Bins. Loading 99%...
  13. Referee having a pop at Pickford now for not taking his goal kick fast enough the bad melt. Definitely has a Jack Grealish's calendar in his bedroom.
  14. I'm watching on PortugueseTV but assume that Sky have apologised for swearing being heard again, I'm convinced some people go the game and expect to be in a bubble. It's part and parcel of going the match, can't ramp up the atmosphere and emotion then get all high and mighty when someone calls Iwobi a gobshite.
  15. Should have had a penalty for the Richarlison trip on Gordon, disgraceful.
  16. That's fucking shite refereeing, gives the free kick and then under protest from the City players, issues VDB with a yellow card. Hope he goes home to find out he's got a leaking tap the daft cunt.
  17. Foden sent Kenny for a hot dog there, lucky that Keane was on hand to cover up.
  18. I'm pleased with this so far, having our say in a game that we would be expected to roll over in. Gordon is again a really bright spark, and it looks as though anything positive for us will have him involved. Van de Beek seems to be all over the pitch again too (in a good way). As much as City are capable of turning a half chance into a goal at the flick of a switch, they do seem to be a little puzzled at the moment. Sideways and backwards football without any result thus far!
  19. It's not identical, but having royal blue against sky blue is a bit of a kit clash, no? Could see it getting a little bit confusing when at game speed and looking for those inch perfect passes. The game has started as expected, City keeping hold of the ball and being extremely patient, pressing us rather highly up the field which we will need to get a grip of. As others have said though, them having John Stones at right-back shows a little bit of weakness in their armour and hopefully something that we can exploit with either Gordon, or Richarlison if he drifts out there. We've been rather threatening from set-pieces too, so hopefully we can force a few free-kicks and corners in order to try and control the game from that viewpoint, perhaps bettering City in the air with a well worked routine!
  20. A few Blues that have donated have already commented back asking for their donation to instead be given to the Oxfam Ukraine appeal which is great to see. Whatever support those poor people can get in these catastrophic times is absolutely the right thing to do. Well done to Everton too of course, a nice gesture from a club that we've been so disconnected from at times this season(s).
  21. Had a funny feeling that we would beat Arsenal when we did, and had that funny feeling today about Manchester City. It would be a proper Everton thing to do to turn on the style under the lights when seen as clear underdogs. I think even though it could go one of two ways, City could bounce back as everyone or expects or we could take advantage of their fragility and give them another defeat - obviously have everything crossed for the latter. Gutted to say I won't be there tonight, wife has been feeling under the weather since the back end of the week so staying at home to be with her and the little one. Will of course hear me shout in the ground if we score, and wishing I was there of course in what is the best set of circumstances to see a game at the Old Lady. Calvert-Lewin popping up to silence his critics would be a welcome bonus, but at this stage of the season and in these circumstances I'd take a 1-0 win with the winner coming off Rondon's left testicle. Edit: Just seen the team news, no DCL. Up you step Van de Beek/Dele/Gordon/fucking Eni Baadhi.
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