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Posts posted by Heath


    If we give Silva another month, we could see ourselves out of the Carabao Cup and sitting firmly in the bottom three of the Premier League. If we sack him over the next week or so, who takes his place? Unless the 'powers that be' have some sort of Plan-B in place, it's going to be Dave Unsworth again. 


  2. 21 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    I completely agree. The only question with Wenger would be whether you get the manager that managed the invicibles or the one that ended his career at Arsenal.

    If there was ever a manager to be a stabilising figure, almost a safe pair of hands, then it would be him.


    Maybe somewhere in between. I feel he went stale at Arsenal after spending a lifetime there; and i believe Everton will be enough of a challenge, with plenty of potential for success, to get his footballing juices bubbling. But let's be honest, we're going to try and bring in someone like Martin O'Neill aren't we 😒



  3. 16 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    Now that is a bloody interesting shout!

    Well I would imagine that Wenger is available. He's a winner with a massive amount of Premier League and European experience. Everton are a well established Club with a rich history, and a healthy budget... he may just be up for the challenge. With the amount of compensation we've paid to clubs and managers, we could have used that money going big and paying for a top manager to come in. Just a thought.


    I wanted Marco Silva to get at least until the end of the year before any decisions are made about his future, but he's making it very hard to support him and give him more time. Silva is our fourth Manager since Moyes and we're had several player changers in that time,  yet the same issues still exist. There is obviously a deeper problem at the club than just having the wrong Manager, and it needs to be addressed. Anyway, let's get Arséne Wenger in.






  5. On 26/09/2019 at 10:14, pete0 said:

    Digging deeper, they are ninth in the league for total shots, 16th for shots on target and, most worryingly, bottom of the league for percentage of shots on target.

    This suggests the quality of the chances they are creating is not very good, and this is backed up by an xG of 7.57, which puts them 14th in the league according to Understat.

    So the only thing Silva has improved is our possession. Anyone willing to admit sticking with Alladyce would have been the better option yet? 


    Not sure if you're on a wind up to be honest.

    I'll no doubt get more stick for this than a middle-aged white man criticising Greta Thunberg on Twitter, but..  yes. I wanted Big Sam to at least see his contract out; mainly because I wasn't keen on us bringing in Marco Silva.

    Big Sam was sacked after taking us up the table, which is something I didn't like. Now, after paying Allardyce, and Watford, God knows how much in compensation to get 'our' man, we have a Manager who has pretty much got the Club into the same position that we were in when Big Sam took over; but spent a fortune doing it. 

    I shall now put on my tin hat and retreat to my bunker 😎




    Sadly Marco Silva appeared to be at a loss against Sheffield Utd, but I still hope he gets until the end of the year to sort it out and get his 'system' working for us. If he does get the sack though, I'm not sure who could come in and do a decent job. Rafa Benitez was my choice the last time around when we were hell-bent on bringing in Silva. He does have the experience we'd be looking for and he has won trophies. Not sure about José Mourinho at all to be honest. It's bad enough when you have one or two toxic players in a squad, so having someone who can be has toxic and abrasive as Mourinho could really screw us up. Obviously I'm hoping that Marco can do the business, but I'm starting to think that it's unlikely 😒 




  7. Not feeling confident, but being confident, about this one. I think we should shake things up a bit and come away from the lone striker system that's been working so well for us all season. I have no idea who is currently injured/suspended, and couldn't be arsed checking if I'm honest. If I'm correct, we've conceded eleven goals in our last five games and scored eight... so this could turn out to be an interest encounter. COYB! and all that.







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