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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Give Lenny Henry an 8pm Saturday night slot, not cos he's any good, but just remember comic relief and all he did. Should that happen? Nope. Same as moyes does not deserve the right to mess up a club he has taken so far. Yes, all we have is down to him, good and bad. The fact is expectations are high now, he has a team some managers would love, but he isn't getting the best from them. Heitinga in midfield? Osman, weak as kitten, fellaini attacking midfield, distin? Has he caught benitezitus?
  2. Tim is neither a striker or midfielder, and lacks the technique and vision to be a link up player. He is great from set pieces and troubling centre halves. Speaking of which James Vaughan got a debut hat trick tonight for palace, he's a striker, get him fit and have him back asap
  3. Hafnia

    Man Utd (H)

    Always something to be bitter about, referee was appalling, let united players go through the back of our lads time after time, plus the final whistle WTF! Would he gave done that the other way around! Nope there was still 30 seconds left. Ref nearly as bad as dustybin
  4. http://www.talksport.co.uk/sports-news/football/9746/exclusive-–-robson-‘jagielka-not-good-enough-england’. Must know what he's talkin about, after all big time player who is qualified to comment. Seriously, why talk such garbage. He read that jags is a good player? I'm sure fabio did more than read about him. Sounds like a bitter ex player who is frustrated at being average, in my opinion jags is a better player than Terry and rio as those two are past it, maybe he should tell arsene he needs to sack his scouts given their interest in jags.
  5. We are a club running on a strict budget, there is no question about that. The potential is massive, and the potential is the following: The manager, the fans (we would fill a 50,000 modern stadium week in/out)the current players (signed by the manager). Our recent league placings considering the lack of spend has shown that we have a manager who is canny in the transfer market. My point is, where does Bill come into all this? Analogy time, yawn... We could be a wonder horse, great genetics, fast as lightening, winning each race by a mile, unfortunately we have a jockey on board who has a tight hold of the reigns and the horse can not run as quick as it wants to and never wins a race, so the punters are getting cheesed off that a horse they back so often is not giving them the returns they expect. The ones who are happy to pick up a few quid from an each way bet are happy, and will argue that the horses getting run too hard are ending up in the yard never to race again. In short, I think people are frustrated that we are 3 players away from a team that could seriously challenge,m to get these players requires money, and that money is not coming from the money men, end of.
  6. Just seen the chin on sky, couldn't you laugh, questioning arsenals pursuit of schwartzer, hello mark Joleon lescott ring a bell. To give this topic some life let's see some examples of hypocrites.....
  7. I tell you what is a fair deal, having a god given talent that enables you to move to Europe when most friends end up in prison or worse, then when your career hits the rocks a prem club is prepared to take a chance on you, then offer what is likely to be a deal worth over 50k a week till you are 32. 10m quid on top of what has already been amassed ain't a bad deal now is it? If fair means arteta is the benchmark I would say 80% of what he is on at the very most, 60k. Pienaar may have more workrate, he ain't quite got that same level of magic, still a great player.
  8. We wanted to sort a deal before the world cup did we not? Oh yes, I have the resounding feeling he loves us and wanted to sign. Nope, my guess is he wants ball park pay with arteta, 55k and that's it, sign or go.
  9. While football is full of clubs like Manchester city who devalue everything good about football, treating loyal overpaid players disgracefully, while paying weekly wages in excess of 200k to disloyal mercenaries, what is the point? The game has gone grotesque, if wage caps were brought in and revenue and expenditure were at a business ethical ratio then yes. I would happily invest.
  10. Refuse to do business with the clown
  11. Moyes has been plotting his sale IMO, I would take the money. Loic remy would do me fine, if his potential is for real.
  12. Mr gosling wanted 25k, maybe the reduction there has enabled us a little
  13. He's in my top 5 talented players I have seen in everton 84 to date. Along with Rooney, Saha, Trevor Steven, limpar, probably missed someone here.....,
  14. Just seen him at greggs buying a meat and potatoe pie
  15. Ha ha here's me posting new topic, great news. To be greedy would like pienaar and Donovan adding then..... Quote me on this, top 4 is a real possibility. The reds must be gutted, haha!
  16. Arteta 5 year deal, I'm happy to say the least
  17. Let's be honest, from being the club who historically pioneered many changes to match day experiences, we have been left floundering and following the lead of others. Elstone deserves credit for alot of these changes, kitbag, the betting site, the new retail project, the problem is we are doing all this way after the others, under kenwright stability in the sense of the word has been like a boxer using a great defense without throwing many punches. You can't give the boxer credit for going the distance, when after the final bell the fans would wonder what would have happened if he had a go. Last season for bill for me unless we attract investment, the other fighters are on steroids and we are still drinking raw eggs and chasing chickens.
  18. I agree, what he has had to spend is a joke. We are taking baby steps due to lack of funds theoretically, whereas clubs who have not had to operate in a similar fashion can make strides. The reality is that pound for pound we should be challenging for the league, take a 5 year plan and double it for us, when others can play catch up. My fear is that we will never be able to amass such a quality squad on a limited budget again, we need to capatalise on this opportunity, if that means pay structure then so be it. Sadly, I do feel that wage caps need bringing into the game, not just clubs, then you will not see portsmouths etc
  19. Top and bottom, we ain't in a great deal of debt due to thrifty dealings, it appears we may be starting to run as a more efficient business. The time has come to throw caution to the wind a little and go for the one or two players who could make us challenge, I think we will make top 4 this year, sounds crazy but I think spurs and city will have too much on their plate with Europe.
  20. Insert a buy back clause. Hope we see him back injury free and scoring goals, good lad very unlucky.
  21. Never forget that goal that he scored against West Ham in 1994, under Mike Walker. Arguably a major contribution to us staying up given we ended a horrendous run. Wishing him all the best.
  22. Only thing I can think of is that there maybe some more legal work to be done. If not I await a strongly worded criticism of a limited player who should be ashamed of his conduct. Fair enough, to go and double your money in view of limited chances to break the first team and set yourself up for life is ok with me, but don't shake hands and go about things in a sly fashion. If he said to Moyes "Thanks for the offer, but I am in the best position now to get a contract that will set me up with a view to more first team performances, sorry to dissapoint you, I appreciate everything you have done" I think Moyes may have unleashed some anger, but at the same time held respect for him and talked about getting contract written up so we would get comp. Chances are Moyes and the staff have invested a lot of time coaching this player, however, again, massive lessons to be learned here, thankfully its with a player whose career will fade away.
  23. His repuatation seems to have ridden on the same wave that Jack Rodwells impact has created. In 1991-1992 when Man Utd won the FA youth cup, a certain John O'Kane (remember him) probably benefitted from the same kind of media attention that the likes of Beckham, Scholes, the Nevilles, Nicky Butt created, he retired in 2004 aged 31 playing for Hyde in the non league. Because Rodwell is rightly rated so highly and Gosling may have seemed to have had a similar amount of playing time with a bit of impact around the same time at similar age, it get's lazy journalists applying similar plaudits for a player who is not fit to lace the others boots. We await the fickle bar codes criticisms... http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football-manchester-uniteds-class-of-92-1070596.html
  24. Blimey, we have seen some players do the dirty on their clubs in our time by dragging out talks till they can go on a free transfer and line their pockets, McManaman, Sol Campbell, Owen, now we get to add Dan Gosling to that list of internationally recognised names. Something just doesn't sound right about him in that company. Top and bottom is that he has cost two clubs who have tried to develop him as a player by his greed. Plymouth would have made a supposed extra million from the compensation, he would have known this. Plain and simple the lad is an example of the greed and lack of integrity shown by most players in the game today, the fact that he isn't very good at all makes it even worse! In his mind he probably thinks we are gutted at him leaving, it isn't that, it is that he has cost the club money from the inflated transfer valuation that was given to him no doubt because of two high profile goals. Good riddance.
  25. I reckon you broke in, found the contract and shredded it! In all seriousness, never had the athleticism or ability to threaten first team selection, however for some reason he seemed to have established himself as a Rodwell-esque potential player through in the rumour mills, which is no doubt why the barcodes are getting excited. The only thing they share is friendship and similar age. It's almost like Ben Thornly or Chris Casper to David Beckham. Truth is we know he was never gonna quite make it, however we maybe could have gotten £3m+ for him from a club like Newcastle who do the their scouting using journalist opinion. Never the less bad admin on our behalf...
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