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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. A corner to us often equals chance to opposition
  2. He's only 21, 6ft 4 players learn to control a ball at 25.
  3. Why is Lukaku playing out wide? I know the answer but not going there. Miss Barkley.
  4. Too much fannying about at back.
  5. Pieces of shit, cheering a player getting injured.
  6. Garcia and Rory thought they would stroll it, far too complacent laughing and joking around 2 holes from the end. I called poulter out as a weak link, I don't go for this peacock strutting stary nonsense. These boys had to play in the tiger era. As a golfer he is very much a Phil Neville, all attitude and show but limited talent.
  7. Gotta say, half a point from Rory and Sergio out of two isn't good enough. Even though he's a yank I love fowlers attitude to the game.
  8. This why it's such a great sporting event. Amazing.
  9. One is called:- Botox and me 2nd is called:- I used to be a slap head 3rd is called:- A million ways to spend £300k a week
  10. Graeme Sharp, Andy Gray, Neville Southall, Mark Ward, Sheedy's is coming out (expect some Moyes bashing - to go with Rio's)
  11. RM has said being defensively strong is in our DNA.... deary me, that was the nonsense coming out of old trafford last year. "It doesn't matter that we are garbage and are 10th because Moyes can't manage us - being good is in our DNA, we'll be ok"
  12. Eto picked up a knock which is why he faded and was subbed. Hibbert being played the other night was a complete waste. Martinez is under the microscope right now and needs to produce and get the players heads sorted.
  13. I hope we aren't going down the road where some posters just support the manager and not the club. Cornish, I enjoy your posts and I know you came on here as you are a fan of Martinez, I am myself - but unfortunately managers have an uncanny ability to get lost within themselves. Moyes did, Martinez seems to have done so a little. If they are not performing then they can sort it or get out. At this moment in time I have been disappointed with Martinez. I like positivity not stupidity - Martinez has been stupid with his comments, they insult the intelligence of every fan who wants to see us compete. I do not pin my colours to the mast - Everton is what I support, not the components within and that means RM, Kenwright, Eto, Barkley. If they aren't contributing I'm not gonna look at what good they have done or what good they say, I look at what they are doing and contributing.
  14. His positivity is great when things are going well. When things aren't going well its highly irritating and i'm a big fan of his. I hope he seriously has a word with himself:- for me a few concerns.... £28m on Lukaku... did he even have any others in mind? A huge outlay on a player who really isn't fit for our style as it stands. Defence.... as in what defence Pre season - compete shambles
  15. The very fact he mentions Hibbert bothers me. Gary Neville retired after being roasted against WBA I think - got to respect him for that. You can't just pick up a pay packet because you have been there a while.
  16. Thats my biggest problem with him though Matt. Its a bit like spending a fortune on a range rover and having to accept the fact that you can't use it on muddy terrain - motorway cruising only. The problem is Martinez wants to live on a farm.
  17. In terms of service Lukaku needs to be played like Michael Owen was in his early Liverpool days. That is the only way we are going to get any real quality out of him. Every time the ball was played into him it bounced off him or Williams just outmuscled him. It wasn't just the odd occassion, it was nigh on every time. Lukaku will work best with through balls or balls hit across face of goal. Martinez said Hibbert looked sharp? He was fine on the ball but he was up against a sprinter - what was RM thinking?
  18. I like the look of him, nippy, gets stuck in, good feet. Like Scott Parker with better ability.
  19. I think we can argue that Martinez is culpable on that score. Osman shouldn't be anywhere near the team.
  20. Matt its all and we looking for positives such as playing a 5 yards pass and defending corners. He has conceded possession a ridiculous number of times even by his standards. Its not even a joke anymore, he's 6ft 4 and 14 stone and is getting bullied. I'm too pissed off with others to be too hard on him. None more so than Martinez. What is he coaching them. There you go. Fucking shite.
  21. Garbutt looks quality... What?! osman?! Oh Roberto get lost. Not speaking to you now.
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