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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. The one where I stated that Naismith is better in the air in terms of leap and timing than Rom and has a better touch/hold up play and work rate. At this moment I'm yet to be disproved, Eto gave a 5ft 10 10 stone lesson the other night as to how to play with back to goal and play others in. You don't need to be 6ft 4 and near 15 stone to be a good hold up player, it helps you to be a better one when you have mastered the fundamental skills, touch and body position etc. As I've said, if Lukaku can't improve with in this area with the likes of dunc and eto on the training pitch then he never will. Back on topic I like the look of mirallas and eto playing off each other.
  2. I'm at my highest weight now. 18st, to be honest I don't look that heavy, but I'm out of shape. As someone who's done weights since 20 years old I went from a lean 11 stone to a lean 14.5 st - approx 10% body fat. The problem is to facilitate that lean mass increase I had to be able to eat 3000+ calories reasonably clean whilst lifting heavy. that appetite remains when not training which means bad news for the belly, especially when eating pasta, buffet food etc. Back into things from next week, got a squat rack, bench and Olympic weights in garage so I'm gonna go back to what I know. Weight lifting is the best way to lose fat and get in shape without any doubt in my mind. By weight lifting I mean doing compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench press, power cleans. A twenty minute session done with intensity will leave you breathing heavier than you would after a 6 mile run but the best part is your body is burning calories up to 24 hours later due to EPOC, after a jog the metabolic rate normalises very quickly as its aerobic exercise. big heavy lifts like squats actually change your hormone profile and boosts testosterone and growth hormone. In short, a good clean diet with high protein, low g.i carbs, monosaturated fats, and smart timing with a good weight routine will get fast results. I'll do a weekly update on here as a form of motivation for myself and much needed support. Means the ale will need cutting out too.....
  3. He moved for £20m net in wages per year, it's not like he hadn't won anything and did what Defoe did and moved to Canada without much on his CV. Do I blame him? Not really, he apparently does a lot for charity in his homeland so he could be seen as playing for them. What more could he achieve in Spain or Italy?. He took a 50% wage cut to go to Chelsea. Anyhow he's ours now, he looks the business and is a winner.
  4. Samuel eto and Mario balotelli don't even belong in the same sentance. Eto has never been anything other than a goalscoring phenomenon who may have a strong opinion but just look at what he has achieved. Balotelli on the other hand is a loose cannon who has no regard for the team he plays for. Eto will be fine as long as things are fine, just in the way Southall was, just in the way Roy Keane was, like many other winners are.
  5. Happy birthday Marco. Friday too, few beers no doubt.
  6. Hafnia


    Didn't get to see game, delighted with result though. Judging by comments Eto showed the type of forward play which Rom needs to develop in order to become the player many think he can be. I really hope Eto takes him aside and mentors him. Glad to see Howard prove doubters wrong.
  7. Hafnia


    Brilliant. I'm ok to watch then. Currently in centre parcs being fleeced for anything that they can charge you for. £5 a pint....
  8. Hafnia


    What channel are we on?
  9. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    Cotto will be coming after you!!!,
  10. Tough one this, Rom great finish but lazy all game. I thought McGeady was very good at times and the same for mirallas. Mirallas just...
  11. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    One of those that. 9/10 in back of net, sat up and he leathered it.
  12. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    Need to improve big time here. Not good enough. Defenders just look shaky.
  13. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    Tremendous finish Brett, never questioned his finishing. He did control it but let's be honest it was on the deck if he miscontrolled that he should be sacked!!! Again though excellent finishing.
  14. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    Not at all. He can change games positively as he is a goalscorer. Is scoring goals going to change my opinion of him? No, because I've not questioned that part of his game. If he has a game where he controls the ball well, retains it and passes well then that's where you can call me out. That is the part of the game where he can help the team.
  15. Hafnia

    WBA (A)

    I'm gonna predict a big game for Rom, he needs it and could really kick us into gear. I want to see him play off the defenders shoulder.
  16. Mate, a city fan season ticket holder (I even know a city fan) said whoever gets him is getting a class player. said city would be nothing without the likes of Milner and kolorov, they give the side an element of professionalism. Needs to play midfield to be really appreciated. Said the reason they beat bayern munich was down to Milner.
  17. proper pro too. Its a strange one, but I watched him in a footballers golf tournament on sky, he impressed me with his will to win. Proper tried to get in the opponents head, no nicey nice "give you that 3 footer" - he made them hole them. Even though it was a charity event he just wanted to win. Old Jags was having a laugh (looked to have a good swing though)
  18. remember thinking he was class at spurs after he joined from peterborough. Just never did it for us, I think you are right, injuries may have impacted him, he did have a good turn of pace.
  19. nah, goals are goals. Rom has scored vital ones and his ability in front of the net isn't in question, i'm looking for his overall game and ability to be trusted to keep hold of the thing.
  20. Not too sure about getting into the critical goals debate, every goal is critical, lets say Naismith scored a 3rd a gainst Arsenal at 2-0 up, it is highly like that Arsenal would never have had the "go" in them to get those two goals to get the draw. The final result may have been 3-0 and therefore Naismiths goal seen as the icing on the cake and nothing more. Basically at any stage of a game wherethe other team can get a couple, every goal is crucial. What I will say is that when in and around the 18 yard box, Naismith hits the target or tests the keeper more regularly than any of our players. If he had the chance that Barkley did against Arsenal in the FA Cup I would have fancied him to bury it, Ross went for the very top corner.
  21. To be honest he probably should have been playing for them back in 2007. Seriously though its good to see. Some players forget what got them into the game in the first place and think they are too good to play at a certain level. He will appreciate his career far more as a result of this. Mate plays in a 7 a side team with John Barnes - he said the stuff he still does is jaw dropping. Davies will look like zidane at that level.
  22. Yeah lets see Barkley playing just behind Eto and Lukaku with Mirallas out left and McGeady out right, with John Stones bringing the ball out of defence to give it to Besic who does a zidane spin, plays it to Barkley who runs past 4 players, passes it to Lukaku who holds off 3 players who are using him as a climbing frame and backheels it to Eto who rounds the keeper and puts it in with his head. Oooh yeah, lets drop players like Naismith, they don't do all that stuff. They just give you a minimum level of performance and effort that never seems to disappoint whilst the talented enigmatic players have an off day.
  23. A work horse who can tackle, very good distribution - his range of passing is excellent, can cross a ball better than the majority of the players in the league. His problem is he can play a variety of positions and has therefore never been appreciated for the player he is. Can play in the middle, out wide, or right back. In the middle is his best position - he is captain material. A very, very good player. It shows what is wrong with the game when he can't get into Man City's side, he is more consistent than many of their players, just not spectacular enough for them.
  24. Class player, get him. I would pay £10m for him never mind £5m.
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