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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. I was thinking of you guys all the way back down the M62 and its nice to see you didnt let me down!
  2. Boys give in. I have had this argument with pete0 countless times and he has got a mental block when it comes to Piennar ( either that or he wouldnt know a quality footballer if he kicked him in the bollocks) I agree with Tricky Trev, he is easily worth £6M. I couldnt give a flying flock that Spurs stole him on the cheap because his contract was running down, Thats gone now and there is nothing we can do about it. I just cant understand why people would not want to sign a player of his quality for £5-6M. Surely that is just biting your nose off to spite your face? We would comfortably get 3 years out of him so to me he is easily worth it
  3. Moyes would have been sacked as soon as we lost a corner, we would still have all our off field assets but we would also still have a shite squad full of ageing has beens and probably be facing Wycombe away on April 14th instead of runing out at Wembley in another FA Cup semi-final You keep harping on about the asset stripping and the increased debt, but what would you rather he had done? Peter Johnson was taking us towards certain relegation, BK is taking us to Wembley again. Johnson a better chairman? To quote Jim Royal ....My Arse! I was hoping the upturn in form and fortune on the pitch would have improved the atmosphere around here but its still the same old doom and gloom bollocks
  4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/mar/06/everton-ross-barkley-david-moyes Cue more anti Moyes/Neville/BK/Cahill/Tea Lady/ Never give youth a chance hysteria!
  5. Lol I thought I would pop back in and see if haf and got all his anti Everton whining out of his system yet, apparently not!
  6. Goodbye chaps and good luck with the forum in the future Its been emotional!
  7. What are you talking about? All I said was that I beleived Moyes has handled him correctly, just as I beleive he is handling Barkley correctly Look at the way The Shite handled Michael Owen compared to the way Ferguson handled Giggs and Beckham and see how they turned out. I am begining to wonder why you support Everton, maybe support is the wrong word, because you just complain about everything and everyone connected with the club. You have got Moyes down as some hapless idiot who has never done anything decent for the club in his entire career, you even had a moan when he publicly praised Jelevic the other day.I get it you want Moyes and The Board sacked but in true Buffon Union logic you have no suggestions for what it is you actually want instead. Why do you have to turn every single thread into an anti Moyes/BK thread?
  8. I took your advice and I have been on google and wiki but I still cant find anywhere on the web that tells you that Wayne Rooney is exempt from burn out
  9. Which people exactly? Ferguson has done exactly the same, is he inept as well?
  10. Wenger has got so much more faith that he has started the lad in a massive one Premiership game this season, but to be fair he has doubled that in substitute appearances
  11. Lol They are that underhanded that if you did contact them they would probably manipulate it into some kind of show of support for the BU
  12. Lol Moyes praises a player and you even moan about that
  13. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/everton-fc/everton-fc-news/2012/02/06/everton-fc-tried-to-sign-republic-of-ireland-striker-kevin-doyle-on-deadline-day-says-wolves-team-mate-stephen-ward-100252-30272936/
  14. There were plenty of police/stewards around but they were making the problem worse I nipped down 5 mins before half time and you couldnt move then, so when the half time whistle did go it was absolute mayhem I was trying to get back up to my seat but the bell ends were refusing to let anyone back out and so a few fifgts broke out with the stewards.They came up with some daft excuse that the concourse wasnt designed to take so many people at one time
  15. Unless you know someone who is going to come in and spend upwards of £400M that is a fact of life, no matter what tactics the manager uses, so you better get used to it
  16. Surely its better for their development if they are out on loan playing week in week out than it is sitting on our bench. As someone else said earlier, I am dead against trying keepers out in Cup games. The cups are our only realistic chance of trophies/European football so I would much rather we set out to win every cup game we play in ie field our strongest side
  17. Leighton Baines for me, solid through out Felli and Piennar were decent, but other than that a poor game
  18. Lol Fair enough I could have put a bit more effort in You could criticise Moyes for his tactics, his negativity, his stubborness or just for being ginger and you could have some merit in what you were saying, however to imply that youth never gets a chance under Moyes is farcical I suppose I could have gone to the time and effort of illustrating the long list of youngsters that have played under Moyes in our first team but to be honest it was such a ridiculous comment that I simply couldnt be arsed
  19. There are only 2 people on the planet who dont think Piennar was a huge success at Everton, you and ....erm Milky Enough said! I do agree with you about RVP though. If he isnt a World Class player then I dont know who is
  20. Lol very humorous article, makes beating them all the more enjoyable, now where is that smug as fuck smiley icon?
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