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Everything posted by duncanmckenzieismagic

  1. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11095/7465546/
  2. http://www.sos1878.co.uk/everton-transfers/jelavic-demands-rangers-accept-everton-offer/
  3. Would love us to get him but I think he will be out of our price range
  4. (To the tune of Only Fools and Horses) No Income Tax, no VAT Got no points off Man City In the dock, looking pale ....... Harry Redknapp's off to jail....
  5. Not ssen much of him at Rangers but he looked quality at Rapid so I would be well happy with this
  6. Famous last words! Happy with that though cant ask for much more
  7. I think weve got more chance of signing your mother in law
  8. Totally agree with the last part I thought Drenthe did make a difference when he came on though. He is probably better suited to coming on as an impact player. First half was the best performance for a while now , all the lads did well with the possible exception of Maggie who just had one of those nights and should have got the hook much earlier
  9. I thought Donovan was fairly poor last night but then again as you say he did get 2 assists
  10. Yeah lets spend loads of money we havent got, fuck the debt!
  11. http://www.talksport.co.uk/sports-news/football/premier-league/transfer-rumours/1493/94/everton-close-former-tottenham-misfit
  12. Evertonians have generally got a decent reputation around the country but every time the Buffoon Union open their taxi door they seem determined to destroy that. How any true blue could bare to be associated with the moronic statements that these vile idiots churn out is beyond me. Im not stupid enough to believe that all the BU followers share the same opinion and Im sure some are decent guys and they must squirm with embarassment every time one of these idiots spouts off They are damaging the image of the club at every turn, if they had their way the clubs name would be getting dragged through the mud on the back page of every national newspaper and that would surely have an adverse effect on the players. If there was a potential buyer out there who was considering getting involved and he saw how the fans treated one of their own then Im sure they would think twice about it
  13. Excellent , sums up my thoughts on the entire sorry sage perfectly
  14. Sorry but its a sad fact of Evertonian life that they do. I dont know why they do but it has always been the case for as long as I remember. Jonny Ebbrell used to get booed as soon as his name was announced, same as Ratcliffe when he first started out, Stauart Barlow, Michael Branch they have all had it. Osman and Hibbo in particular have been tergeted by the boo boys for years, its not something that has happened recently
  15. Your correct he has been injured but made his comeback for the U18s against Blackburn on Saturday, played 60 minutes apparently
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