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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Johnny should be given an opportunity at CB, probably in place of jags but on this basis disin shouldn't be untouchable either.
  2. ...also... pre sending off (and in patches after), excellent atmosphere - best in a long, long time.
  3. We played well today or we were playing well today. Moyes set up alright (even after the misjustice). We were just robbed of the excellent game we should have seen by an inferior referee. Today I'm not ashamed by the performance or result, I am still suffering disbelief at how we have been once again anally fucked by shit refereeing and to be honest I don't think I'm being bitter saying this, the refs fooking hate us!!!
  4. lad...before you go to bed turn all your gas taps on, it's ace!
  5. This is why you shouldn't be on our forum - fuck off!
  6. Our 4-5-1 is hopefully evolving into a 4-2-3-1. In Drenthe and Coleman we have pace out wide at last so we should hopefully be playing with a more attacking style. All we really lack is an all round striker... we have a couple who could develop and one who could do it in the past but we all know this is where we lack.
  7. Fellaini is 23 - players peak in their late 20's. Add to this he's playing nationally for a real emerging power in world football. He needs a 5 year contract - barring injury he's worth upwards of £20m for the next 5 years at least. This is totally different to Arteta as he got injured in his 'peak' years and hasn't regained the level where he should have been - a gamble that didn't pay off and we cut our loses. Fellaini however, we must go all out to keep him, I'd be happy with a CM trio of Felli, Rodwell, Barkley for the next 5 years - build on what we've got. On the other hand, if Felli's not signing then we need to cash in Jan while we can still get a premium.
  8. You need to speak up when they ask for objections - getting married during football season... on Derby day!!! Bad conjee!!!
  9. Let it stay in the Everton - City thread then. I'm not ashamed of my post count - I'm in a job where I can't post throughout the day and often just scan at the end of a days work. Sites like 606 are for neutrals, this is an Everton forum. I don't want to be reading posts where we're being compared to City every other post. I want to be reading posts and debating with like minded football fans - Evertonians. You make some very valid points but your Everton knowledge is of an outsider looking in - you won't post passionately about our club, nor can you understand where we are at currently. You may empathise with us but only us blues truely understand.
  10. I agree there's no harm but popping up in the majority of threads on a daily basis... too much in my opinion.
  11. He seems a more than decent guy to be honest but it's just getting annoying every post having a Man.City comparison or an opinion based on perceptions. He has become the main poster over the past week and where I respect his opinion in general I'm on her to chat Everton, not to educate and not to make comparisons on each subject. I may be in the minority on this but I'm on here to share opinions with other Evertonians, I don't mind a bit of banter with other fans in the occasional thread but when we have a non-Evertonian as a main poster we're doing a dis-service to our moto: 'Everton FC Forums For The Thinking Evertonian'...
  12. Good post. I think that's the cue for a bye, bye to our manc 'friend'... Toffeetalk is for the thinking Evertonian, maybe we'll meet again pre-Everton - City at our place, but for now thank you for your input but to be honest you're beginning to wind people up. There's enough Evertonians on this forum past and present doing that so we don't really need you. May I just add... Bayern are a class act a truely professional, experienced TEAM at the highest level - you can't buy that!!!
  13. He's meant to be a mad-man... goes shooting on a daily basis.
  14. We all know he's very inconsistent out wide and plays best in the middle - Drenthe must be on the left vs the Shite with Osman playing off the 'forward'. However important Cahill is for us his injury could be important in the fact that Saha or Velios may play with Osman off them and Rodwell and Felli can resume their deep-lying partnership and we can play with natural width in Drenthe and Coleman. I believe Cahill or Osman should be in the team although totally different players they play best in the same position.
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15051909.stm I'm not going to trawl through a City fans analysis nor am I going through Gavin's very nice looking cut and paste job but I may as well use this thread for this 'nothing new' / not very interesting article I saw on the BBC site.
  16. Yesterday's performance was similar to the last time we played there... it worked last time and we won, it didn't yesterday. Premier League Football is a points business not performance, sometimes you have to play unpretty football or rather very little actual football. I think Moyes and many others know attacking/creativity wise Man.City are miles beyond us and had yesterday been 2 teams throwing attack after attack they would have killed us on the counter - the few attacks that we did have when they broke down we were instantly outnumbered with their speed from back to front. Did people expect anything different yesterday? The fact is that's how we play away against Man.City, Chelsea and Man.United. It's worked in the past and will continue to work in the future.
  17. Must be Milla purely down to the amount he played at!
  18. http://www.nsno.co.uk/forums/index.php/topic,14431.0.html Don't see the point myself - would prefer Gueye get the game time.
  19. Happy fooking Birthday you potty mouthed bastard! (Please note everyone must swear in each post in the c*nting thread - it's what he'd want!!!)
  20. c1982


    Spot on, I've got a bastard behind the eye! Thank you all! Off to the game in a min (not match fit today!) COYB
  21. Never too much!!! I love him already and he's only played 20mins plus a reserve game - instant legend!
  22. Agreed - luckily we seem to have a steady flow coming through. The Barkley whispers we shared in the past couple of years, the Rodwell whispers previous to that and the Rooney whispers even further back will fast become Lundstrom and Hope whispers... It beats Branch, Barlow and Chadwick any day but for every Rooney, Rodwell and Barkley there's at least 10 who don't make it at any decent level every season.
  23. Danny Fox and Anthony Gerarrd both went to Walsall - from there they both went on to better things. Expected more from of them but maybe they just weren't that good as neither have reached Prem level again (SPL doesn't count!)
  24. Right on cue! Posting as you mention him! - he did have problems with his daughter alongside other problems didn't he.
  25. Doubt it - he's forged a very good career in league football and as a captain - JPK seems a good shout. I reckon players like Nyarko, Fernandes, Kroldrup, VDM may be good shouts - all had an odd time at EFC.
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