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Everything posted by pete0

  1. Holgate just pips it for me, without him I think they would've scored. Although Pickford was top class too. Tbf could make a case for any of them bar Doucoure and Digne.
  2. Says more about how poor they have been historically. Robertson, Mane and Salah all diving. The latter two more than once. Cheating rats. Any how, what a cameo from Dom. Absolutely destroyed their defense. Great kicking from Pickford up to him, every time he put the ball over the top I felt like we could score.
  3. Commentary has been awful. Since when is it easier playing against the wind? And blaming the centre back for the goal. Excuses excuses, just give the credit were it's due.
  4. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/ex-tory-intern-spent-65000-23524023?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar&fbclid=IwAR3lxOGyGmcOJNo66zkYzfK6ILCBwF5uJh0JEtnobNLTwi9mcXP3GVDYoYE
  5. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/legal-action-launched-over-missing-three-billion-tories-spent-on-private-coronavirus-contracts/11/10/?fbclid=IwAR1Ea4v_zJRcBaYMjlpan2A-3KVahYurfj78GFbwWqWCcHLn4CoTOFlYltM
  6. Doucoure for me. He was every where and player a big part in us driving the ball forward. Iwobi looked dangerous but needed a little extra help with the final ball, and at fault for the first goal. Richi looked dangerous too but needed players to get closer to help him. Davies, solid defensively but needed to take more risks getting forward. Similar the whole back four. Sigurdsson. @Bailey summed him up perfectly in the match thread plus made me laugh. Siggy was a bit of nothing in the advanced role and the decision to move him deeper dumbfounded me. I wouldn't say he was playing badly further forward but he could have been better. I wasn't kicking the cat whenever the ball came near him, which I usually do in games like this. Carlo must not like cats though and that is the only reason I can think that moving into the deeper role was deemed to be a good idea
  7. So you've gone from saying exactly to essentially. So there's something you could admit you were wrong about. Look back and you'll see were talking about the third goal. I said Sig gave them the third goal cheaply and killed the game. I also said their midfielders are good and Sig is shit. Swap them round and we'd win. Were exactly have I said we'd win without him, that he was the solely to blame for losing the match?
  8. Could just say you were mistaken rather than cop out.
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-9270669/PSG-set-asking-price-174m-Kylian-Mbappe-Real-Madrid-Liverpool-interested.html?fbclid=IwAR1ziu98Z2ek6i7ZrXoNngbcH0arHpLmbozVf97mEuYvwbUm8mNldWuV4Ag Mbappe available for a £174m. That's only four Gylfi Sigurdsson's, absolute bargain.
  10. On what planet is that exactly the same. Swapping him for a city player does not equal it being all down to Sigurdsson.
  11. Didn't say it did. The third goal killed the game, and that was solely on Sigurdsson leaving his man free.
  12. 100% his fault. Keane is caught out because he's Sigurdsson's man. Girlie wrist? Like to see how yours copes with a ball coming at at 60 miles an hour.
  13. Rewatch the third goal. He's a disgrace. Got to blame the manager for playing him though too.
  14. The players he brought on weren't the problem. It was the ones he took off. Sigurdsson is never a centre mid and moving him there cost us that third goal and put the game to bed. Swap Sigurdsson for any of their midfielders and we win that game.
  15. Until the subs we were competing. The sub led to Sigurdsson moving back. Sigurdsson then left his man completely. Without that sub they don't score that goal. Before the sub we looked more dangerous. Barely got in their half since.
  16. Taking Davies off had a negative impact. Really got to question the manager putting Sigurdsson in midfield. We've been pegged back since and couldn't get out of our half last week with him against Fulham.
  17. Fuck sake, thought Doucoure was gonna burst the net then. Didn't even get a shot off.
  18. Pickford gets a good connection on it. Nothing you can do against that power.
  19. Crazy to take him off and move Sigurdsson back. First thing Sig does is pass it sideways without even trying to look forward. Iwobi has done more than Digne for me. Seemed more like to create something.
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