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Everything posted by rubecula

  1. I still think he will stay myself, although I dare not predict it, my predictions are woeful. I really hope he does stay. Saying that, if he does leave for Citeh I want to milk the bleeders for every penny we can. Especially as we now seem to have Senderos. The money is badly needed here so the more we can get the better for us. Lets not forget the window is now almost over and to buy now will cost a bit more than if we bought at the start of it, because other clubs will know we are desperate and hold out for exagerated sums.
  2. Not sure on who we should buy, but the positions we need to fill are defensive cover, creative midfield general and perhaps another goal scorer, not necessarily an out and out striker. If possible can we clone Jags, Peter Reid and Andy Gray at their prime? Or will it cost more than 20 million?
  3. I take thet you think Lescott is on his way then DM?
  4. I think that painting the chest blue is better than the new kit to be honest. Seriously I would sooner wear a bin bag than buy the new shirt, so yeah I prefer the training top to the home kit. (I think I prefer toothache to the new home kit)
  5. According to SSn today, we have got him. True? Is he the big name signing you would have expected?
  6. rubecula


    Hey Tom. Glad to have you on the forum. Great to see you guys get some down time over there. Support you as much as I do the Blues
  7. rubecula


    Good gawd almighty. I knew Iggy was here. (Hello you auld git) But RafaBeneathus and Toffeebum. It is just like old times eh? The gang is back together. I suppose it is just a matter of time before we take over now... What have you been doing with yourself, you look fit and toned.... well Rafa doesn't, but did he ever? Honestly folks, it is great to see you all again. Now who's up for the next round of insult swapping?
  8. SSN have said Arsenal are interested in re-signing Viera
  9. More t the point he is only 18. So that is exactly what we need. A youngster with a possible future. We don't normally go looking to sign them do we? Mostly we sign players in their prime.
  10. The guy is a pussycat. Put him in the ring with Louis and I know who my money is on............................ Yeah ok it is him. Nice to see the Everton profile is being raised over there though. Maybe there is a place called Kirkby in USA we can move to?
  11. Can't say too much about his hair though.
  12. So Man City are spending lots of pennies on players. They are offering massive amounts as incentive for players to join them. (Lescott being the obvious one to us) How long do you think Mark Hughes will be in charge? Do you think that they will try a big money signing of David Moyes? (I don't think the transfer window applies to managers does it?) Would Moyes go if he was offered perhaps three times the salary and the use of funds for strengthening the team?
  13. Yay! Lets hear it for the Voles. Vote Vole Sorry I will try to be serious. A smaller stadium in Kirkby......... Does anyone think it is a good idea? (Honest question) I know some folks are in favour of the move, but just how drastic will the size cut have to be to change the minds of those people? If you are in favour of the move, how small a stadium is your lower limit? I am (and always have been) against the move, however if the ground held 60,000 plus I think I may not be as anti Kirkby as I am now. So just how small would you be willing to go to change your mind to staying where we are (or other options)?
  14. If John Terry can publicly come out and say he doesn't want to go to City, I would like to think that Lescott can do the same. (Although to be fair I imagine Terry is on a much bigger pay packet at Chelsea than Lescott is on with us)
  15. A lot of these types of stories are bandied about in order to get the papers to print it. Some 'agents' are experts at getting stuff into the media. Stories with 'Looking at' 'Considering an offer' or similar phrases should be taken with a pinch of salt unless the club themselves confirm it. Now if they said things like 'Has signed for' Such as "Kaka has signed for Everton on a free after punching Ronaldo's lights out at real Madrid." I would most certainly believe it, simply because I would love the story, true or not. But seriously, until a story is confirmed by the club, don't be too ready to believe it.
  16. There is a big signing on the way. I know cos I can feel it in my water... or maybe I have a kidney stone or something. But rest assured Everton are going to buy BIG.
  17. Welcome to the forum. I assume you know what to expect having been watching the place for a while. Hope you are not a spy for another team somewhere, after all we have some major secrets in here.
  18. Hello New Toffee Apple Good to see you, you will like it here I hope. Have fun and enjoy the banter, the informed opinions and the crazy speculations. COYB
  19. It is not friendly at all is it? But would you like to see Everton score a hatful? I doubt we will see those sort of scores again for a long time. But wouldn't it be wonderful?
  20. Good luck to you too. I think a number of our fans can relate to your situation bearing in mind what is happening with our Stadium. I hope everything comes out alright for you. (I happen to live in North Wales myself so I do know the way your fans feel about your club.) Once again good luck to you and all Robins fans.
  21. Please. I feel sick enough as it is without the thoughts of a bilious mess like that.
  22. Inter club banter never really changes does it? All the best to you too. but hopefully a long way below us.
  23. I hear what you are saying. But what is the answer? Why have those clubs got more money than us? Pompey? Wigan? Fer chrissake what makes them so bloody wealthy over us?
  24. I think Arteta would be likely to consider leaving only if Real Madrid or Barcelona came in for him to be fair. Or perhaps Manure.
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