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Everything posted by RuffRob

  1. I must admit, I am beginning to come around to the idea of going in for Trundle. 1. as some have said his skill with a ball makes up for his lace of pace 2. being 'fat' is a rubbish comment, he is just a stocky lad. 3. It's his 'dream' to put on an Everton shirt - how may player say that. 4. I think he would be better than Bent and McFadden (what we have already got) 5. He will be cheap both transfer wise and wages 6. He is probabley the most featured British player on soccer AM's showboat, so what he does with a ball is no fluke. The size of the goal in the Prem is the same as the lower league - 23 goals last season (and he had a couple of breaks in the season due to and injury). He steps up a level, and just starts scoring more this season. Only one way to find out if he can cut it in the Prem, give him a chance. And he is a player we would land, no problem. I am not saying he should be our main target - but he could end up being a very good stocking filler. I live and work in Swansea with some fanatical Swans fans, and they just love Trundle to bits, and as part of his Swans contract he also has 50% of his image rights. I think he is the only player in the UK (outside the Prem) that has this type of deal. I am totally with you Willo - I don't think he could do anything more on the football pitch to catch Everton's eye - He deserves a chance.
  2. I was all for us going for Earnshaw, over 12 months ago before he went to West Brom. But I am glad we didn't has he has shown he is not going to be a top premiership player. His goal scoring stats are really good, but its his general play that lets him down to be honest, and we definately aren't in the position to 'carry' a player for the best part of the game. I would like to see Keane, or even a cheeky bid for AJ. I bet he is more likley to want to move now Sven has forgotten who he is. Pace up front would definately help, and that is my only concern with a bid for Keane.
  3. No way to Keane, he HAS been the best player in the Prem over the past 10 years or so, no doubt, but age catches up with everyone I am afraid, and keane's days as a dominant midfeild for are now well behind him, Ferguson is well aware of that and couldn't have him rocking the boat at Old Trafford, Keane is the past and the player he was having a go at are the future for Man U. Why an earth would be want a character like Keane, who is all but past it football wise at our club - Not a chance.
  4. And on one of your other posts you were pulling a face about why you should be banned. You make no meaningful posts - you are a major bore with your comments and an bit of an irritation, (a bit like piles) So get a life, and either make meaningful arguments and contributions to the forum or don't bother. I have never been on a RS chat forum, as I am totally uninterested in what goes on across the park. As you a closet blue, posting on a Everton site?
  5. http://advfn.oddschecker.com/advfn/mode/o/...598x/sid/757759 There is plenty of value in that bet. I personnally fancy Everton to win 3-1 at 1/25 I also fancy Simon Davies or Arteta at 1/20 as first goal scorer.
  6. Well done Austrailia and particulalry our very own TC on getting to the World Cup. Would have been nice to see Tim get a summer off, but on the other hand its always nice to have Everton players involved in the biggest and in my opinion the best football tournament. Just adds that little more interest. A rest would have been good for Tim this summer, but I think we will also benefit from a upturn in his form on the back of the jubilation of the Socceroos going through. Tim will want to make sure he is in the starting line up.
  7. I heard it on the Radio on the way in to work. Apparentely McLeish has until December to turn things around and Curbishley is fav to take over on a £2M year contract. However, if curbs doesn't take the job, Ranger will go after DM. The presenters also stated that DM did go there he would be the first ex Celtic player to ever manage the Gers. Rangers are skint and not much of a challenge for DM to manage in Scotland, so can't see it myself.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mb606/F2231915?thread=1449158 Swans fans putting one and one together to make three I think. On Saturday, upon answering a question about ever playing at Goodison Park (don't know why he was asked), Trundle said on TV.. "..It would be a dream come true to play for Everton..." I live in Swansea, and a lot of my colleagues are massive Swansea and Trundle fans, and they all love him to bits. But, I don't think they should worry to much about a £2M bid for him. At 29 years old I think he has developed a bit to late for any seriouse Premiership money to come in for him.
  9. Spot on - so why has the prick come out now to try and defend himself, he dropped a bolloc* end off. What bull, "the TV didn't pick it up" - how convininet for him. Shut it, Collina.
  10. I wouldn't mind Moyes rocking Crystal Palcaes boat, with another bid for AJ. With him being totally overlooked now (as D Bent is doing what he did last season) for the England squad, I would guess AJ would be really kickin' himself he didn't move on this summer as his place in a World Cup squad looks thinner by the day (I don't care how many he scores in the Championship, Bent will now have Erikssons eye) I know he only signed a new contract last summer, but there must be some get out clauses in it his Agents would have been mad not to have one in there. If we could get £2M for our Bent, that would put a fair bit towards a fee for AJ.
  11. http://www.eatsleepsport.com/news_details....&l_id=1&t_id=31 Both good young players, and we definately need a new keeper as Martyn shorly is coming to the end of his shelf life.
  12. http://www.eatsleepsport.com/news_details....&l_id=1&t_id=21 I think if we managed to get a pacey striker in to the squad, I would find it hard to argue against selling Bent for £2M or there abouts. It would be a very good profit on a player who had a great season for us last year, but who was never really going to be a regular in our starting line up if another striker comes in. With young James Vaughan also becoming available soon for cameo appearences then. I wonder how Andy Johnson feels about staying at CP this season, considering he is now likley to be overlooked in the England squad due to Darren Bent's good start to the season. I would be tempted to rock the boat in january, especially if CP aren't looking like they will end up back in the Prem.
  13. I thought Grav's could blow hot or cold sometimes, and an inconsistency player is difficult to manage, you just don't know who is going to turn up. Fair enough last season up until January he we great every game. Did the fact he was on his last year of his contract have naything to do with it. If I thought he would play like he did between last August and January then I would love him back, but I just don't know if he would perhaps have that same dire as he did in the mentioned 4 month period.
  14. I hope you are right, as I said I THOUGHT you were totally wrong, but you seem to had a good handle on things so I won't argue the point anymore. I just thought that a turn around from a £17M loss to a £100,000 profit, plus a reduction in THE debt of £19M has to be too good to be true. That then means last years performace was about £35M better than the previouse 12 months (and not including a penny we made on the sale of players) I would be greatful if you could send me a copy of the accounts when you get them, because I find it all very interesting.
  15. Sorry Rowlo, I think you are totally wrong. We only made the profit you claim (£19.1) if you include all the money we MADE on transfers last season. The debt reduction (from £47 to £28M) is only the Rooney money et al sitting in the bank waiting to be spent (and we all know this summer it was spent) So next year expect the debt to be back around the £40M+ Forgetting any transfer money the profit we made was £100,000. Now in reallity, had we been able to spend this Transfer money last year (and not had it sitting in the Bank) then the £100,000 we made this year would have been swallowed up in intrest charges anyhow. (i.e we saved about £400,000 in interest cost because of this money was in the bank) If we not sold or bought any player over the last 18 month, then the clubs over all finacial perfocmance last season would have been a small loss of about £300k. All I am trying to get over is a realistic perception on what we acctually MADE last season, even though we had such a great season 'finacially' and on the pitch. I jsut think it scary that we had a great season on the pitch last year and basically broke even. I know it doesn't sound as good when you look at it properly, However, the year before we made a loss of about £17M (with all things being equal), so we are getting better. I just don't want people thinking we are making money hand over fist, becasue we definately are not (unless we are able to sell a Rooney every year)
  16. I think Wyness is a decent business man, especially with the football cross-over and they are making in roads to running Everton as a better business. However, I think the majority of last year good finacial results (or turnover) can be direclty attributed to: - Rooney transfer (and the intrest saving of having his money in the bank) - Premiership Prize money on last seasons league position - Larger slice of TV money on the back of a good league position - Better sponsership deal because of last season league position Common denominator???? We have got decent TV exposure the first end of this season, on the back of last season results. So between now a Xmas - the team needs to be 'on form' and get up the table so we are in Sky's thoughts for the second half of the season and able to get a larger chunk of prize money. The turnover generated last seasons is only sustainable if the club does reasonabley well on the pitch. Its not as if last season some new previousely unknow source of revenue has been found at Goodison park. Simple - Highest ever finish in Premiership = highest ever turnover. What is a little scary is we finished 4th and had our most finacial successful year ever making a whopping £100,000 profit. (all transfer dealings apart)
  17. I think there is a bit of creative journalisum there. - Everton announce record profits - we where looking at Klut, Owen, Keane in August - Everybody knows we need a striker in January - £10M sound a reasonable figure. OK lets write the story. No more reliable that our own discussions on the forum, except we are probabley a bit more knowlegable. Pinch of salt - I say
  18. I agree Fozzie next years finacial statement will be the real acid test. This years is greatly affected by the fact we had Rooney money on the books, and had a bit of a wonder season. Next season will have to take into account all the money spent this summer as well as January. We have had good Premiership coverage this half of this season, we need to really push on between now and Xmas with hopefully some good exiting football, so Everton are in the forefront of Skys minds when the second half of the years TV fixtures are drawn up. This article in the echo breaks things up a little. http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0400eve...-name_page.html Given the money in football these, and the fact last season was our best Premiership season ever, and the fact we sold a home grown player for £20M I would have been suprised if this had not been our most finacially successful season ever. I am usually one of the most optomistic posters on this forum, and I think a lot of good thinks have been done on the finacial side this last 12 months (maybe largely down to the fact the Rooney money did give us breathing space) But like Fozzie, I think its the next couple of year accounts that will really give us an indication if we are in the worlds Top 20 clubs finacially (couldn't belive that when I read it) I very much doubt it.
  19. Sorry, if I have pi55ed on anybodys chips, but I don't want anyone thinking we are making loads of money to spend in january. £100,000 doesn't go far these days!!!!!
  20. Slow down, Don't get to over exited about it just yet, I have a very strong feeling the money spent on player this summer is not taken in to account in these figures. i.e I think these figure are up to the end of LAST season - i.e money in for Rooney etc. But only money spent will only be that on BT and the summer befores signings. Not 100% sure exactely how the figure stack up (i.e is it £10M for Rooney in these accounts and a further £10M this year due to staggered payment, or is it the £20M/£28M that is included in these figures etc) I would hassard a guess that this running debt may still need to have the money spent this summer added to it. (It may look a lot smaller becasue the Rooney money that couldn't be spent last summer off set a large amount of the debt in this round of accounts) However, forgeting the transfer balance sheet, to turn around a operating profit of -£17M to +£0.1M is still a great achievment. So I basically think the profit shown for player transfer will have now evened itself out because we spent a lot more this summer than we got back on players sold. The running debt will be back nearer the £40M mark, but this is under control. The change from making -£17M to making £0.1M, means we don't have to sell our best players to pay of this annual operating loss or increase our overdraft or running debt (i.e we would be £44M + £17M = £61M in debt) In reallity, (forgetting any money made or spent on players) we made £0.1M profit between 1st June 2004 and 31st May 2005. I think the exact figure are a lot more complex than what I have talked about, but I think I am looking at them in the correct context.
  21. This is good news, 18 months ago this club seemed to be losing money hand over fist and didn't have two pennies to rub together. OK we have had a bit of good fortune with finishing 4th and the extra money that comes with it. But that alone doesn't account for a turnaround from a operatinng lose of £17M to a profit of £0.1M Not to mention the money Rooney brought in to the club, it gave us the breathing space needed. What it does go to show is that Everton are managing the finances a lot better than they have done in the past. The fact the running debt has been reduce from a whopping £47M to a more managable £28M is a huge bust for the club. So the finances of the club look to be managable and the most is starting to be made of the Everton 'brand'. We have a stronger squad now than we have had for a long long time. Other than the poor start to this season we have had, we have got as much to smile about now than we have had for a long time. I really think we are definately on the up (considering were we have been). It was just 12 months ago that we were all praying for the so called FSF to bring some money in to help ease our dire strates. How much is the club worth now, compared to when it was almost 'stolen' 12 months ago? Credit has to go to Moyes for the achievement of the pitch and to Wyness for the way the finacial running of the club. Let hope the next couple of years sees continuation of this good work.
  22. http://www.eatsleepsport.com/news_details....&l_id=1&t_id=31
  23. To be honest I think all the signings made this summer are going to be value for money, as non are broke the bank so to say. In order of value for money in my opinion - - VDM at £1.5M looks as if could be the deal of the season if his first hour in the Prem is anything to go by (especially when you consider how long he has been out injured). - Arteta looks as if he is a real deal quality Premiership player and a very good price payed - a lot of Spaniard flatter to deceive. - Neville - will be Captain by the end of the season me thinks - Ferrari - has looked decent all over the back line, Italian international defender - Davies - Has had a slow start, but I think if he can keep injury free will be a class act, good strong player with lots of heart - Valente - Slow start, but was still in pre season when asked to step in to the team at very short notice, looks very good going forward and is playing better with every game, injury just at the wrong time for him - Kroldroup - at the bottom because we haven't seen him yet - but comes with a good reputation, so am expecting him to strike up a great partnership with Yobo over the next couple of years. - Ruddy - One for the future Considering many players still didn't find Goodison Park and attractive place or didn't we wouldn't pay silly wages - (i give you Parker, Emre and maybe a striker or two) All in all I think Moyes has done well in the transfer market, no Charlie big potatoes on stupid wages, all hungary head down hard working players from what I can see and in the main good ages to take the club forward over the next 2-3 years. Even if 6 out of 8 turn out well, that is still a fair return, given money paid
  24. http://www.evertonfc.com/fans/index.php?page_id=1997 Read about this in the NotW yesterday. Don't know if anybody else has heard of this or is using it. But as it says, its money we spend anyway, why not make the club a few bob at the same time. I am going to sign up. As its focused purley at us.
  25. What is encourageing is that against Chelsea, it wasn't a case of Nigel Martin having an amazing game, it was a case that, playing 4-4-2 we limited THAT team to pot shots at our goal. Against Boro in mid week, we left a few players out, but overall in 90 min we were the better team. (just look at the stats from that game) Against Birmingham away, we created the better chances, and were again the better team. we have been like this for big periods in a lot of games this season, only to get hit buy a few sucker punches. Our performances are becoming solid for the whole 90 mins now, and I think the players confidence is growing. I think we have got quality players all over the park at the moment and they are starting to come together, Moyes has got the nucleuse of a good team and a couple more additions will make us a very decent squad. Its been a long time since I thought that about an Everton squad.
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