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Everything posted by Lowensda

  1. Hell yes. He lost interest somewhat. He'll join the Shite.
  2. I think the slower progression and loans have helped him massively. He'll be at the right point mentally to be able to perform at Prem level. Bide your time and you'll do fine pal.
  3. Malang Sarr is apparently on our radar. We've held talks apparently. He's a VERY promising kid (defender) plays at Nice.
  4. This is what i'm struggling with. People are saying he's someone who's more box to box than a playmaker. So surely that leaves him as part of the midfield 3. Goalkeeper Coleman - Keane? - Williams - Baines Morgan - Gana / Davies Klaassen? Sandro/Barkley - Lukaku (his replacement) - Bolasie/Mirallas I'm so confused by our team's (potential) set up. Balance seems off still.
  5. £26m....he better be worth it. Some suggesting he's not an outright playmaker, more of a mini Lampard who bursts forward when attacking. I thought we needed a playmaker who was interchangeable with other attacking positions...?
  6. Aha f*cking hell (if true). Can we not just do that with all of Atletico's potential signings?
  7. Flying in for talks Monday apprently. But this guy did claim Rooney WAS our new number 9.
  8. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/40200972 Lucky, but well deserved girls.
  9. Guess what busy club is in the hunt for him now? http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/815176/AC-MIlan-Davy-Klaassen-Ajax-Manchester-United-Everton-Transfer-News-Gossip AC.
  10. Lovely bunch - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/dup-hung-parliament-results-policies-manifesto-abortion-gay-marriage-climate-change-who-are-they-a7781656.html
  11. If they hadn't joined when they were given the olive branch from the tories, I genuinely believe they'd have made the following election a 3 horse race. They tarnished their reputation and like you said. have suffered massively from it.
  12. It's ridiculous how often this notion is overlooked. Morgan and Idrissa are first teamers. They put Barry and McCarthy on the bench, who in turn become squad players (thankfully). It should always be the way.
  13. I didn't think clubs could do any business yet
  14. Not surprised by Kone at all, gets £40k a week off the wage bill. McAleny, probably could have been sold last year and some sell-on clauses adding because I think he'd be a great Championship player.
  15. Yes. Very interesting, if not very raw. Goes deep into murder, sexual abuse, pheadophile rings and community cover ups. We're only 2 episodes in!
  16. I'm with you Pad. Happy for people to have beliefs, faith and use religion as a means to live their life. Everyone's entitled to do and believe in what ever they want to. I personally don't like being told that i'm going to burn in hell (whichever one of the 100's of versions of hell they're referring to) because I don't agree with their notion of gods and demons. If I want to follow a particular belief, then let me do so in my own time. I'm also in the process of watching The Keepers on Netflix, isn't the best advert for some followers of catholicism.
  17. I'm hoping the silent few have seen through May's bullshit of late. Openly lying on TV. Yes, a labour representative couldn't do large scale mental arithmetic whilst under pressure on live TV/Radio but the flip side of that is Tory representatives "hiding" true costs (manifesto) they intend to cut from public services, whilst screaming incompetence at people like Abbott. Give me someone who can't add up large sums under pressure accurately over someone snidey enough to deliberate deceive the mass population about their agenda, any day of the week. Diane Abbott bless her, has done some incredible stuff in her lifetime (and in politics) but is getting hounded as a "bumbling fool", in the name of votes. Please read this. You might even feel slightly guilty. https://cookingonabootstrap.com/2017/06/07/we-need-to-talk-about-diane-abbott-now-explicit-content/
  18. Not forgetting the current regime selling over £3b worth of armory to Saudi Arabia, which is being used in terrorist plots against British civilians, which are not being stopped due to Tory cuts to national and local security forces...But hey, they have the interests of you and your family in mind! (but please ignore our attempts to cripple the NHS, Education system and local support services).
  19. "Boyhood blue" who's willing to test the clubs resolve in breaking their wage structure? No thanks Wayne. Didn't want you anyway, glad you're pricing yourself out.
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