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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. He seems a really good man, committed, focused and totally bought in to Everton as a club and what Frank and his team are trying to do. Great signing by the club, hope we make it permanent.
  2. Great game and win, we really bossed Liverpool. COYB!!
  3. Thank goodness for that! Thats great news
  4. And that is the heartbreaking thing, young talent nurtured by Everton forced out before they have a real chance to shine because of fickle, impatient fans who impose impossibly high demands on them, and then castigate them when they are not met.
  5. Small fee I imagine £2 - 4 million, he is on high wages so that will help. Good player but his time here is up, wish him well.
  6. I think that's where we disagree, I don't see how you can base the "Diva" thing on 1 poor performance. And until we have more games to judge we will have to leave it there.
  7. Haf, the match ratings I gave were from the Liverpool game as you said Gordon had not been putting the effort in in a couple of games. Here is the full rating for Gordon from the I. Anthony Gordon – Unusually subdued and his frustration at not being more influential was clear when he needlessly hauled back Cornet. Replaced by Dwight McNeil with 15 minutes remaining. Not his day 5 I agree with them it was not his day.
  8. Some random player ratings for the Liverpool match, none complain about a lack of effort: Liverpool World Anthony Gordon** - 7 Caught a first-half effort so sweet but just couldn’t find the corner. Pace caused problems - especially on the counter-attack in the second half as spaces opened up. 90 Minutes LW: Anthony Gordon - 6/10 - Buzzed around and looked to stretch the game as much as possible. An irritant throughout for Liverpool's defence. Echo Anthony Gordon - 6 As you'd expect he got really stuck into the match and as ever his work off the ball was fantastic, but he couldn't really create much with the ball at his feet in the final third on this ocassion unfortunately. He worked tirelessly, though.
  9. Only if you think he "Has his head up his arse" which I don't. I get why you think that Haff, and you are absolutely entitle to your opinion and others agree with you. I just see it differently, I see a young player who had a poor game and that's it, if he has poor behaviour and lack of effort in future games then I'll agree with you. I can't read too much into a player's mindset and attitude off one game.
  10. Haff, you are the very definition of flexibility
  11. If only wishing made it so Haff!! I didnt re-write your opinion, I edited your post for comic effect. Everyone knows your opinion on Gordon, my opinion is also posted on here, and we have engaged in debate. A little humor from time to time and all that.
  12. I am happy either way, he is a very good player, not as fast, but good energy and reading of the game make up for that. Unlikely to start unless there are injuries, but a great insurance policy. In his final year so saving his wages now wont help FFP until next window, I think?
  13. https://www.footballinsider247.com/sources-everton-star-allan-opens-talks-to-join-new-club-by-4-october/
  14. With Gana and Onana in the team, Iwobi can get forward and be a dynamic creator for us.
  15. Hopefully back for Southampton. As an aside found this on a former keeper you may of heard of.. https://www.thesportsman.com/articles/he-tweets-he-saved-the-very-best-of-neville-southall
  16. We have conceded so many corners this season, and (for the most part) defended them really well that the fear has been reduced. Corner Immersion Therapy I guess
  17. He is the best player in his position in the league, and he is a pretty good centre back too. If City sign him with the players they have already, the other teams might a well take break from trying to win anything for a decade or so
  18. Make teams afraid to win a corner against us
  19. I think some people on this forum need grounding.
  20. He has played well and settled into a new back 4. He is going to have a very good season for us I think. Plus he is an Everton player, gets the club, gets the fans, is a good man, very happy with him as left back.
  21. The thought of Iwobi not playing in our midfield scares me. Considering where he came from that is an amazing turnaround. So much respect for him as a player and a person. he made me eat my words. Hope we get him tied to a longer contract when the time is right.
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