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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Greek CB at Roma according to Sky Sports http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11671/10719538/everton-approach-roma-to-sign-defender-kostas-manolas-sky-in-italy
  2. The battles he has had with Kroenke are legendary apparently. The key moment came a couple of years back when shares became available and Usamov was not allowed to enter the board. He may be an Arsenal fan but he is well known to be frustrated and may see no option but to take his money elsewhere. Given Morshiri and Usamov's business and personal relationship, I doubt any of this would have been done without agreement between the two. They would not put themselves in competition with each other, nor would Usamov sponsor another team unless there was a plan. To quote General Beuford at the battle of Gettysburg "There is power behind it!"
  3. On a related note some of my Arsenal mates are now more than a little worried that Usmanov will leave them, as Arsenal will not let him have a seat on the board despite his shares and money.
  4. This is great news for us, as it lets us spend on the next couple of transfer windows. I agree with the other posters that Usmanov is the power behind the thrown, using his holding company to sponsor Finch Farm is a demonstration of this. Once we get the stadium I believe Usmanov will reveal his hand.
  5. What is it with us and injuries? Hope the lad gets another run in the team, he looks like an exciting prospect.
  6. Welcome to the club Mola! Steve Walsh was keen we sign him so I'm excited to see what he can do.
  7. If Stones was £50 million then Van Dijk will not be far off that. I imagine Keane and Gibson will each cost between £20 to £25 million. I would love Van Dijk here but even with our new found wealth he will go to a Champs League club.
  8. Hope he enjoys his first match at GP, and the team come through with a good result.
  9. About £30 million pounds difference in cost is why.
  10. Gerrard was miss-quoted he actually said Joe Cole was a "Mess".
  11. Good at polishing turds then, although they have produced some quality players over the years.
  12. Players have got used to playing the way Koeman wants. Bolasie didn't have enough games to be judged properly.
  13. Feel so sorry for the guy, I hope he makes it back ok.
  14. He is I have seen him rip past defenders, in the early games of the season he was putting good cross's in. The trouble is he is so inconsistent, whether this is due to poor fitness or some mental block I don't know.
  15. I can't believe this thread is still going, its like a repository for all the shit on the forum (well most of it) This Toffee Talks equivalent of the portrait of Dorian Grey.
  16. Really, I am surprised. I have no problem with people criticizing players if they play poorly, everyone is entitled to their opinions and I respect although not necessarily agree with other peoples, yours included. But if a player puts in a good performance in the interests of fairness don't they deserve praise?
  17. I agree about pasty's tho, great footy food.
  18. Don't you be dissing sprinkles :shaking fist:
  19. I'm not sure but I think its got something to do with different names they have for iced buns. Maybe its Bake Off withdrawal symptoms setting in.
  20. He is better than Jags, but we have Holgate and Galloway developing and have been linked with much better than Smalling who is a John O'shea clone. We need better.
  21. I suspect God's love has very little to do with any of the footballing deficiencies of Smalling.
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