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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Good for him, I'm glad he is wanting to improve his game and get some first team experience on loan. I hope he gets a decent championship side.
  2. Harsh as Bolasie hasn't had the chance to fully settle into the team. If the injury hasn't robbed him of his pace and movement he could be a real asset. He seems to link up well with Lukaku, can go past a player and likes to get crosses into the box. He also has a great engine and can play the high energy pressing game Koeman likes.
  3. Wasn't he injured for this match. Although I agree that he is too fragile for Koemans type of player and if we get a couple of wingers or inside forwards he is gone.
  4. Played well and deserves his chance. Still needs to work on coming for crossed tho. He is young and will get better.
  5. His finish was special, would love too see him play a full game. He certainly looks like he knows how to finish!
  6. The difference we had today against Martinez season 2 and 3 is that today we looked solid defensively, and a threat going forward. With players being more aggressive, and breaking forward with purpose and skill we looked great. The players Koeman has identified as too weak, not up to standard he is shipping out. He is bringing in new players. By the end of September we will know what his squad is. He deserves time.
  7. The boy won our hearts and its great we could have him visit us at Goodison. He is a special lad and we all wish him and his family all the best.
  8. must have been watching a different game to me then. I thought his movement and passing were different class. Barkley got the assist for Mirallas's goal which was in the 47th minute if I remember correctly.
  9. Tom Davies, but could be any of our players today, all were great. Special shout outs to Williams, Barkley, Lukaku, Holgate.
  10. What an amazing game, all the players were top draw. This is the type of football we should be playing.
  11. I cant see any of those staying. I expect the lot to be cleared out by the end of the summer window. Koeman will not tolerate shit.
  12. Good, championship is best place for him.
  13. Koeman has said he is a player he would like to manage. I expect we will get him after protracted negotiations as we are played off against Lyon.
  14. Really? I grant you we played some good football that season, but nowhere near as attractive, attacking, or at times dominating we played under Martinez in that first season. At times we played breathtaking stuff, especially the 3-0 drubbing we gave Arsenal at GP.
  15. Yes, he will be tried against some of the lower placed teams. We need to find out what he can do. Plus he has to be more creative and dangerous than Lennon and Mirallas.
  16. Made up up with this signing, I hope its the quality of signing we can look forward to from now on.
  17. Never say never and all that, but it would seem we have our second player of this window.
  18. I agree, we do need a striker, and I think Nessie and Kone going means that there must be someone we have our eye on. We also need a center back as a matter of urgency. I believe we will also get a winger / inside forward or 2 in. We need too as the options we have have been firing more blanks than the A-Team.
  19. Now please sign 2 wingers, a striker, center back, goalkeeper and a creative midfield.
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