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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. It's all very impressive from Moshiri, he clearly has a plan and is implementing it quickly. From manager to stadium, to Goodison improvements its all happening quickly. This gives me confidence that we will be signing the players we need.
  2. Center Back - not so worried if Stones stays I think our defense will be allot better with a manager who knows how to defend and appreciates them, + talented youngsters. Right Back - Yes its a must. Striker - Yes its a must Creative Midfielder - We have been linked with a few so I think that will happen. Goal Keeper - Yes its a must Winger - Maybe.
  3. Goal keeper, center back, right back, 2 strikers (If Lukaku goes, 1 if he stays), winger, creative center midfielder
  4. I expect him and the rest of our defense to thrive under Koeman.
  5. He may not get another game in the Euros given the 3 other strikers they have.
  6. But this is all under uncle "Woy" - like Haf said.
  7. Agree his movement is shit tonight, and he has just missed a great chance. I don't think the big boys will come calling based on this performance. Meaning Haf can continue his heroic effort to write more about Lukaku than Homer did about Greeks and wooden horses!
  8. Wilshere has been out injured for about a year and still played the same as Ross.
  9. Have we misplaced our happy pills today? Seriously tho, I am pissed of it is taking so long but with this manager we are having to work very hard to get him to join and I expect there are several clauses being negotiated should a Barcelona type come calling. Probably also agreeing a list of transfer targets. I don't think much transfer activity is going to be done by anyone till after the Euros so we still have a couple of weeks. As long as its done by the end of the week I wont worry - but I share your frustration.
  10. That's my point, whoever spends money on Kone, or players like him are fools. China is desperate to boost its football (and to use sport as a demonstration of its power / prestige) so it is buying up players even shit ones to boost its league.
  11. I think people are easily duped and Kone will be stealing a living his talent could never match.
  12. Barkley is a very very talented wild card, can unlock a defense or score a goal, with the right coaching and encouragement he will become world class. While he is still developing he will lose possession, and be unpredictable and "Play by numbers" Hodgson hates that.
  13. Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste or intellect of the general public.
  14. I think you miss-understand, I am not saying lets just use what we have, and I am looking forward to being able to bring in players of real quality where we desperately need them. What I am saying is that we need to give the new manager time to evaluate the squad to see who he can develop and who is not up to the required standard. To simply dump players without first giving them a fair go is in my opinion a betrayal and a waste of potential talent. I believe that both Besic and McCarthy are of the required standard, and just need to be properly coached, get a fair run in the team, and play in a side that has direction and morale. I would want to play with one holding player, but we need to have a least two if not three in the squad as it is a long season, we need to cover injuries, suspensions and loss of form.
  15. I agree that we need a midfielder who can open teams up with a pass, and spot a run, but we also need the McCarthy and Besic types to cover the back 4 and fill in for full backs when they attack. That's what Besic and McCarthy can do, I believe they can do it well under a coach who can develop them. I don't want us to become a club that simply buys its way to success, that's not the Everton way. If we can bring players on and develop them purchasing players after we have tried other options first. Doing otherwise is a betrayal of the players we already have at the club.
  16. I would like to see how Koeman can develop Besic and McCarthy, I think Koeman, being better tactically than Martinez can bring them on and get the best out of them.
  17. Barkley was ok, very good start then tailed off as confidence left him.
  18. Ditto. I see McGeady voted for himself 12 times.
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