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Everything posted by Formby

  1. Never one to knock a man when he's looking round for his and stats sheets, but it is very odd not to recognise Gray's value per money spent on him and yet laud Monsieur Maupay, whose ability seems miniscule and value less!
  2. Ideally, I wouldn't want to sell him either, but if the money is going to be this tight, I would rather we get two proven goalscorers (one wide, one central) than keep him. An okay keeper and two really good forwards is better than an excellent keeper and Maupay.
  3. Excellent, informative article. So much rides on Thelwell and Dyche, then.
  4. The better ones won't want to come here; the washed-up ones we shouldn't want to come here.
  5. You mean a partner in ineptitude? If our forward line is Weghorst and Maupay next season, we'll be relegated.
  6. To be fair, we're becoming a bit of a ropey looking prawn cocktail sandwich of a club. Good players will be wanting to go to the freshly made BLT ones.
  7. What effrontery is this! Are you trying to out me as a Dyche lover????
  8. I think Dyche leaving him out of the starting XI after the Villa game (and putting Keane in) suggests he didn't want him. I am sure the 4.5 million will be used on players he does want!
  9. Dyche didn't want him. That's good enough for me.
  10. Staggering to me that they haven't resigned en masse. Do they really believe they can do a job here? Is it just the money they're on? Just like politicians, clinging on, being paid for incompetence. Come on, Moshiri - get rid of them.
  11. No joy in that for me. Just stress and a lot of anger / disillusionment. Hopefully, this week sees big changes.
  12. The one signing we made in the January window bailed the board out. Keep him. Sack them.
  13. With the BP likely to be skyrocketing on Sunday afternoon, it may be the safest place to be!
  14. The 3-5-2 option looks the best to me. Very worried Dyche will play Maupay, though.
  15. You and every other Evertonian. He won't, though, will he? Surely?
  16. I don't think the play it safe approach is going to work - we need to think of it as a cup final and play accordingly. Play all out for an early goal, then all out for a second and third.
  17. How about: Dyche (as Aragorn): 'Right, lads. I see in your eyes the same fear of relegation that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Evertonians fails, when we forsake our fans and break all bonds of fellowship with them, but it is not this day. An hour of Wolves and shitting the bed when the age of Everton comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good turf, I bid you stand and play Bournemouth, Men of the North West!'
  18. So, if Leicester win by the odd goal in both games, we need to score 9 or win by 9? There is a precedent! Our 11-2 annihilation of a very poor Derby County outfit in the FA Cup of 1890!
  19. On to tomorrow night's exciting episode of Relegation Hot Potato. Viewers with a nervous disposition are advised this program can get quite stressful. Keep your phones and BP monitors by you at all times and remember, our emergency number is 999.
  20. I agree. My one consolation is Leeds are still crap. UCL / tiredness notwithstanding, Moyes will keep West Ham honest and I think they will win. I do think Leeds will beat Spurs, though. I'm just not sure we will beat Bournemouth.
  21. What an important point that could be! Let's take this one game at a time. C'mon, Arsenal!
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