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Everything posted by Bailey

  1. Great ball from Mirallas and Lukaku did what he could. Barkley should have been legging it to give him an option but he jogged behind the defender.
  2. I'm with Matt. I think he would have but his touch took him at an awkward angle for the pass to Mirallas. De Gea terrible keeping again.
  3. Davies just being given the runaround. Holgate is a player though. Great attitude as well.
  4. That's a superb save from Joel. That was flying in the corner.
  5. Poor touch from Rom as he should have put Mirallas through.
  6. Gueye lost the ball in a promising move there. Simple pass too.
  7. Lingard blocked him first, should be a free kick the other way.
  8. Get in! Delicate from Jags. Terrible from De Gea, should have claimed that.
  9. I thought it was a terrible, albeit entertaining game. How both of those sides are ahead of us I don't know.
  10. I'm guessing you have never played in goal. You try and save a shot between a players legs that has been scuffed into the corner. No keeper in the league saves that shot. Last goal he came off his line to narrow the angle. That's goalkeeping 101. He was preemtping the shot going in the other corner but it doesn't matter as he wouldn't have got to it. No keeper would have unless they had preempted Origi finishing it where he did.
  11. Jesus Haf you amaze me. There were plenty of games where Drogba didn't add anything to the team or turn up in the big games in the way that people refer to him to criticise Lukaku. And this is Drogba in a brilliant side, not Lukaku in an Everton side which is a point you have ignored because you know that it's indisputable. Martinez & Ron have both praised Rom in the same way AvB did. Jose couldn't have been that unhappy with him as he has tried to sign him again by all accounts. When the team plays poorly, Rom plays poorly. You could put Drogba, Kane, Costa or whoever in that side yesterday and it wouldn't have made a jot of difference.
  12. That's two times now and in two big away games.
  13. I am pretty sure that when we played City we had 3 in the middle and then 2 strikers (well Barkley floating and Rom). I don't know why you would drop Barry out of a game where you can play him deep and use the legs of Gana and Davies to go Bix to box? We were trying to lump it forward and win the second ball so all 3 were up there supporting Rom from a wide position but it wasn't working.
  14. It's definitely a good thing that he gives our academy a chance but at the same time he owes it to the players to make sure he gives them the opportunity to perform. DCL isn't a winger and playing Pennington in an unfamiliar system against one of the most attacking teams in the league and away from home isn't the way to do it. I don't think that is an unfair comment to make and it's not after timing as I mentioned it in the Funes Mori thread (I think it was that one).
  15. I completely agree with that last bit, we need better, but the way people seem to be holding him responsible for 3 goals that no keeper would have saved is beyond ridiculous. Two of them were right in the corner and the other was 1 v 1 at power and outside of his reach. I am just watching the Arsenal game and Ospina conceded a goal by trying to dive for the ball instead of moving his feet. Yesterday Neville was slagging of Joel for not saving a shit he had no right to save, yet Ospina was beaten by pace of the shot. It's absolute bullshit.
  16. He just tried forcing things yesterday and it didn't work. He will be gutted because every Evertonian dreams of being the derby hero but so far in his career he has been poor (bar the first Martinez derby). He will get there.
  17. People using Drogba are using a bad example. Drogba did have his off days where he did nothing as well, people just have short memories but more importantly he was playing in probably the best Chelsea team in their history so they were never up against it like we have been where the rest of the team haven't performed.
  18. I think 7th is what should be expected of him at the least. Arsenal have been poor this season so we should be fighting with them for 6th and this is where we are. Martinez was sacked for falling below that expected level so at least Koeman has got us back to where we should be as a minimum. In the cups we have been knocked out early so that's a big disappointment. In terms of the big games I am a little undecided. We definitely battle more but considering how well the City game went and the blueprint it laid, I was very disappointed by how we set up against Spurs and I was also surprised by how he used the players in the derby (as I have mentioned in the other thread). I don't see him as anything special from a tactical point of view but he will win us more points than he loses because bar an odd tactical fuck up, we do the basics pretty well and we work hard and that counts for a lot. Koeman has definitely grown on me. I like his no BS side, I think the players and staff will appreciate it but at the same time I don't think he is as great as he thinks he is.
  19. DCL is a striker playing out wide so I feel a bit sorry for the lad. Not sure what we are going to do at the back against Utd considering how much of an idiot Williams was today. What I will say is that the Utd game will be a better game to judge Pennington by in a 433 with Jags talking him through.
  20. I'm with you. I was surprised by how well he did at his age in such a big game. Him and Gana had too much to do.
  21. ? I don't think he can be accused of not trying to influence the game. He had a couple of good shots, he set up Holgate for our best chance of the game from open play but his overall game was poor and he couldn't get it going. Once again in hindsight though, he has been playing so well wider and then he plays more centrally against the narrowest team in the league.
  22. I agree with you both. If you want to play two up top then yeh, but wide or in that half and half role like he was today then there is no way he should be starting ahead of Mirallas.
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