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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. My sentiments exactly. Regardless of if we could pay his transfer fee, there are a lot of other clubs reportedly interested in him; we won't be able to match some of the wages that these other clubs could offer.
  2. Seatlle is amazing. The corporation I work for has locations all over the US -- with the main office being located in Seattle. My aim is to move there one day, so I can at least be emerged in a more soccer culture. Where I live currently, I have a about 10-15 people I know that are interested in soccer. Suffice it to say, the area I live in is dominated by college American football.
  3. Just for reference, what did we make last year in total prize money?
  4. Welcome! It seems like the American contingent is growing larger than the British one!
  5. I remember watching him on the opening day of the season for Aston Villa a couple of seasons back. You could definitely see the potential. For free? Yes.
  6. Worse. I predicted fourth, though I admit I was being zealously optimistic.
  7. Cardiff - Caulker Norwich - Fer, Redmond Fulham - Kacaniklic, Dembele
  8. Go for the win. 4th is still possible, even though it's unlikely we'll get it.
  9. I'm excited! It will give the USA a chance to play against some elite teams besides at the World Cup. Any exposure to quality football is good to potential US fans.
  10. Agree for the most part, but look at Beckham's bid for the Miami Port as a site for his future MLS team's stadium -- it's not going so well, but only because Beckham's team is being picky.
  11. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/everton-transfers-west-hams-mohamed-3479860? I wouldn't be against this move if it's only a 3.5m fee.
  12. Surely not... Really hoping there is more to this story. I was still holding out hope for him, but if he thinks he can walk out on a club like that, then I don't want him here.
  13. I can't wait to see what Roberto has up his sleeve for next season! The summer transfer window is going to be exciting.
  14. There are definitely a few folks who sound like that in Ohio. I have some family there too. Wisconsin and Minnesota are where the really strong accents are. Folks in Kentucky will sound more like those in the Southern US.
  15. But I wasn't. I guess you initially misread my first post. You should provide more clarity next time.
  16. Haha. Typical northern accents -- the actors do a great job! Being from the South, sometimes the northern accent gets on my nerves, but I'm sure the southern accents get on their nerves too. I don't have much of an accent even though I've lived in Mississippi my whole life (Mom's a Californian). It's weird to think of them as rednecks, because I only associate them with the Southern US.
  17. How is his transfer fee to Monaco recorded on our books? :dont know:
  18. Then I guess it's a good thing we didn't play 10-20m for him then. How does his transfer price reflect what he is worth to us when we're the ones who haven't even paid the transfer fee? To me, his transfer cost is irrelevant to us because it's a sunk cost (and it's not even recorded on our books, since he's not our player). I get we are paying wages, but bringing players in is always a risk, and Traore has done a lot more in his first game than a lot of other players have. I hope we keep him through next season. I really think he can add a different dimension to our game. I get first impressions, but what was your first impression of him in Russia? Or do you not have an idea how he played because you weren't there in person?
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