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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. Why let things like that stop our plans haha! OK drop him for the next few ;-)
  2. Problem is he is still the best we have. I agree to benching him as others can't do any worse at the minute...but not out of the squad. Rom Is the type of player that will have us moaning and wanting him dropped one match....but then win a game single handedly the next and make his fans smirk. The difficulty for RM is whether to risk benching him.... Knowing that he could easily turn up for that next match. The Enigma that is Lukaku. Still his fault I have a shit job though!
  3. I would even toy with trying Mirralas up front for the last 30 if they Park the bus. Might be a massive show of faith, and he has the ability to open closed gates.
  4. Went with Ross. Been calling for him to step up and really control a game. Not only did he control the game but also grabbed a great goal to get us back into the match. could have had a few assists too.
  5. What a ball from.Gerry there. Should he an assist for gim too.
  6. Knew that was going in. Great strike again. Been a good second half for us here. Barry has made a big difference and Ross has been special. Gerry has been dangerous too.
  7. Anyone still doubting him? What a goal. What a belter.
  8. Sorry that was a mistake...meant to say he has the ability haha. And reading thier forums they say cleverly had a Good season and that they wanted to keep him.
  9. I thought Cleverley was one of the better players for Villa last season? With Ross I don't think it takes a genius to know he hasn't ability and that the issue is more of a mental thing. Ross just needs to believe in what others see.
  10. It's true....RM also gave the Belgian national coach a call and said he doesn't like him, so do me a favour and not pick him either please. Mirralas will get picked if he performs when given the chance, be a minute or two you still haven't apply yourself as a professional. If he isn't capable of that then he shouldn't be in the team.
  11. Jags must be one of the bargains of the last ten years for us. What did he cost...4m?
  12. Just watched the challenge a few times, it's not actually that bad, he goes in with hos foot too high but doesn't stamp down..he plants his foot trying to block the ball and foot of his opposing player. He mistimed it and goes down the ankle. Deserved a red as others reckless, but seeing it again makes me think it was more, too much effort, rather than malicious.
  13. Exactly. Also he has had opportunities.. And to he fair he's been shit. Why is itbok for him to have a tantrum of he only gets ten minutes but Kone was slated for not making the most of his time. If he was coming on and showing something then he would deserve more next time. But he hasn't been and so deserves to be on the bench. Now he doesn't even deserve that....if it was against us we would be going mad.
  14. Still no excuse. Finding it difficult to defend him in any way way for that. These are meant to be top of thebgame professionals. To let frustration get the better of you in situations like that shows underlying issues. Not good enough.
  15. Reading his recent comments I have to say.. Maybe his attitude has had a trimming and he is ready to knuckle down. This lad could be like a new signing for us.
  16. Biggest problem with this thread is its not balanced. Some of the comments are designed to wind Haf up...example....Kone's first touch is as erratic as Roms. Nonsense and anyone who watches already knows that. Rom has massive potential and is starting to show it..... At times. He also has games where he just doesn't seem to be bothered. This is a problem. What we have now though is... Haf trying to convince everyone of hos own concerns over Lukaku. And to be fair, like it or not they are valid. He is just a little to forceful with his views. Then there are a bunch of people that want to prove Haf wrong so badly they seem to be overlooking the issues. Saturday Rom was probably the poorest player on the pitch for us...in my opinion. He didn't work hard enough, his touch was awful at times...shocking at others. But then he also managed a few shots on target and this can't be ignored either. If Rom cam grow up a bit and realise he is not a world class player....yet, then he may gain that attitude needed at a club like ours and turn into something to be proud of.
  17. Sorry MikeO I didn't mean your post but just that people do cherry pick certain moments from a game to support thier argument rather than the overall picture. Wasn't referencing you in any way.
  18. This is reminiscent of the Lukaku thread for me. People cherry picking moments of both sides. I cam reel of several where Rom lost the ball cheaply, but it will be countered with times he actually managed to control it basically. But back to Ross. I thought Ross had a good game. He is never going to control a game as he doesn't have that drive in him. But he did the simple things well...made space, give and go, retained the ball and grabbed a few assists. If we could have finished a few more chances he would have had more assists. Quietly improving? May not be progressing at lightning pace, but maybe he is slowly getting more into his own game.
  19. Sorry guys but Iust also he in twilight zone too. I sit on the fence with Rom. But first half especially he was pretty bad. To me he didn't hold the ball up well at all. It came to him, he controlled it, defender took it. I didn't see him win much in the air either. I will watch it again to see of i am missing something so at least I can be fair. Second half I thought he was better. I said in the match thread....he wasn't having a good game but had a period in the second half where he had three attempts on target.
  20. What made Rom look bad today was the Chelsea defenders were letting him have his first touch....then stepping in front of him and taking the loose ball. Believe it or not, Rom could learn from Ross here. Ross keeps the ball at length from hos body but uses his strength to stop players from stepping past him. It makes it very difficult to intercept. But again, as bad as heblooked today, he still managed three shots on target. As long as he is shooting he should be given time to work on the rest of his game.
  21. Costa is such a dick! Look at him eye the ref after that...nob.
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