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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. i watched him for England u20s a few times and a few highlights for us, to be honest he never stood out, mkore of an old fashioned centre half and i wouldnt see him in an RM team. pretty much on a level with Duffy but without the arial power. Though he did strike a nice freekick for England onto the crossbar!
  2. Ok i see no-one agrees with me lol. But i would say using maggy is a bit misleading, as he has shown this pre-season that its time to move on. he cant keep hold of the ball and really adds nothing. It may be i have been watching other areas too much but has Maggy even created a chance at all? in fact has he had nay meaningful moments at all? Like i say i am not a Naismith fan but people saying he dissapeared after the first five mins forget that it was his deflected effort that Jelly scored from the resulting corner. that was his third effort on goal too. he also put in a few good balls. I just think that people are way too harsh on him. But its all just opinion and i may be looking a bit too hard and willing him to get better!
  3. think thats a bit harsh on him to be fair, he has been miles above Maggy this pre-season. Maggy got caught in possesion so many times and didnt create much. Naisy had three efforts, or more on goal, but in some good balls and got into some great positions. i know hes not most people cup of tea, even mine but credit where credits due he looks to be trying his best to prove himself. But i do agree he is nowhere near a first teamer. though if he kept up this level of effort he would be a good squad player.
  4. Maybe it's Just me then but I though through The half he had a few decent shots, made a few great runs and got into some really good position s but was let down by the pass. The previous friendlys he's looked dangerous too. I think he looks a different player but suffers from being a player that we don't want so we overlook anything he does good.
  5. is pre-season Naismith and in-season Naismith the same player? If it wasnt for Mirallas he would be one of the standout players this pre-season. Didnt he do this last pre-season too? looked good until the season started then fell appart!
  6. isnt this one of the two rumours RM has said are new to him. The other being Sinclair.
  7. The club shop is part of the club and represents us. Should be run as a premier football club team shop.
  8. Were'nt Swansea one of the clubs that actually finished in profit last season? if so we cant compare spending to them as they have a lot more spare cash then us to spend. I would be happy if the window closed now. Our most important step now is not to lose anyone. Though if we made another signing i would be singing!
  9. Maybe we havent been able to land our targets yet? I dont know....but maybe RM isnt sitting on his arse and is still trying to bring in the right faces. Most of you here seem to be older than 21 and should realise that a higher transfer fee doesnt make a player fit into a team. If so lets forget players like Honda, he doesnt cost much so must be shit! maybe we should sell Mirallas on now, he didnt really cost the earth so its only a metter of time before he turns shit too...and so glad we got rid of bargain basement Cahill, should never have brought him in the first place. I am going to judge RMs signings in January when he knows what he needs in his team as he has had six months to look at it. If his current signings are crap, then i will judge him on them. What i wont do is judge him on how much money he spends. If he spends 10m and we are in the top ten playing good football then im happy, if he spends 30m and we end up in the top ten playing good football then im happy. Disclaimer: not judging all 21 year olds, just basing it off my own experience of that great age......ye i wasnt the most intelegent!
  10. I agree with Maggy too, just don't think he's up to the pace of the premiership. Though I would be sad to see him go I could possibly see pienaar in his last season with us, maybe it's time to get something while we can.
  11. Crazy just crazy. On form Jags is by far...by a mile the best defender we have. period. he has the organisation, commitment and ability. Heits is nowhere close and never has been, even in his best season for us, which if were honest we only voted for him because he kicked lumps out of a few players, nothing to do with his ability which was always questionable. Again sorry for my opinion but i just dont see it!
  12. My opinion is based on the fact that he plays too many long balls. People say he is a ball playing centre back,.....but i just havent witnessed that. I witness him looking for players like Anichebe to run into a corner and chase a hopless diagonal long ball. I just cant see that fitting into a RM team. This is just my opinion though, its just i cant see what people are seeing in him?
  13. I'm shocked at the jags one. Can't see why we would seek our best defender by a mile. The guy is also our team captain and deserving of it too. Shocking. Heits no brainer. Maggy no brainer. Naismith no brainer, though shockingly he's looked one of our best players pre season haha. Jella needs another chance. Howard is a top class keeper and one that we haven't replaced yet. Baines crazy, let's build not tear down.
  14. That's true enough but they're is also a responsibility by the club to make sure they are getting the right support. I have watched many kids left to rot, when you could see the potential just needed nurturing. Also there are hundreds of players that were told they weren't good enough by a team and then went on to be stars. Basically there is merit to both sides of the argument. And anyone that has actually watched Barkley for real will know this guy has the ability, he just needs the mental attitude now, and that is the responsibility of the coaches and club.
  15. That's true enough but they're is also a responsibility by the club to make sure they are getting the right support. I have watched many kids left to rot, when you could see the potential just needed nurturing. Also there are hundreds of players that were told they weren't good enough by a team and then went on to be stars. Basically there is merit to both sides of the argument. And anyone that has actually watched Barkley for real will know this guy has the ability, he just needs the mental attitude now, and that is the responsibility of the coaches and club.
  16. Bloody he'll the guys that good he had three legs! Poor bigger broke em all.
  17. Youth team? He played for the under 21s against forest. I have read a lot about thsi lad but witnessed little with my own eyes. But from peoples opinions you get the feeling that something special is going on with this lad. even for his small size wasnt he winning headers against guys in thier twentys when he was just 15! I would love to see a few highlights of this guy this season. Who knows maybe even a league cup appearance just to give him some experience?
  18. Just read this thread and the link. That link has me really excited. I dont care if we use this season to bring players in for next year! to think i might see these young boys come of age now and make a name for themselves is really exciting. And if RM lets them play thier own game..... well, we could be looking at Barkley as an England saviour in a few years time. I will say that 10% seems about right for us though, every division has a handful of everton rejects playing there. And i think that is RMs point. Everton have a great youth system but dont develop them after that. We get so many potential stars of the future come through at 17 to 18 years old that just seem to go stale. RM is going to take the next step now and push them through and turn them into top players. DM started a great youth system at Everton, but thats all it was. RM is going to continue that and make Everton a great place for 18 to 22 year olds to progress.
  19. First thing is that it is a kick in the teeth that he said" the Everton manager wnats to sell him" that is disgusting. If we want to sell him we will tell himourselves. for that alone i wouldnt deal with them, disgraceful to try to upset the player like that. Secondly, although i dont think he is worth 10m that some are saying, i think he deserves another chance to prove himself. many strikers have had bad patches. is Torres worth 5m now because of his lean patches? of course not. Jela has not proved himself yet, but at the same time he has shown enough for me to think that he has more to offer. His general play last season was good. lots of energy and effort. just his finishing was off, and even then he was a slither away from really pushing forward. Just for pushing us on in his first season he deserves another crack.
  20. I really don't think we want heits in a RM team. Would rather see us playing short passes through midfield rather than heits long balls. Never saw why people made him out to be a ball playing defender. Always seemed to play the long diagonal ball into the corners for the forwards to chase.
  21. might be against a lot of people on here but for me Ferguson was a legend! Why? The way i felt in the stadium when he was on the team sheet. The way i felt when Cadamarteri put a 90th minute pen away at leicester and no-one celebreated more then Feguson. The way i felt when he ran to the crowd after every goal. The goals he scored against Man U and the other red team. The way i still talk about him today like he was a god on the pitch. Bobby Robson words "unplayable on his day" Yes he wasnt the best role model. But niether were best, Gazza and a whole host of others.
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