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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. 13 minutes into the full interview so far. Two things have got me feeling fuming... 1) He had to give this interview before he wanted to because the press were onto it and pestering the club. The press are poisonous. I don't know how that industry is allowed to function the way it does. 2) The way clubs are using sleeping tablets. These players are hammered so much they need to be given sleeping tablets to get a good kip? Ontop of all the other injections etc they tend to get...thats poor. Money over life eh.
  2. Who'd have thought that footballers are human beings eh? I've no idea who said what in here, don't even know what I've said to be fair! But nows a good time for us to sit back and reflect on how we jump to things without knowing. If we can get Dele back...man, we've made a whole new signing that will be worth every penny we'll have to pay.
  3. He's a top pro that brings much needed experienced and reliable cover. If we can get 20 - 25 games out if him across multiple positions that we need cover for, he'll prove to be better than the vast majority of players we've paid 20, 25, 30mill for. Is it exciting? No. Is it gonna rocket us upto the mighty heights of 10th? No. But its a safe option...we need plenty of those I think!
  4. Just seen the latest club video on the stadium...really is looking impressive. Shame there's so much shit at the club just now. I didn't realise how big and dominant the old hydraulic tower is. All of it together looks superb.
  5. I think our signings need to be absolutely bang on. Every single one of them. It might only be a single one . For the past 7-8 years, we've fucked up most of our signings with very few success stories Vs new signings over that time. We seem to be doing a decent job of getting rid of the 'deadwood'. Although not all by our choice...so I'll hold back credit there now that I've typed it . The pot is no doubt pretty empty. I'll be a bit more patient but be fuming if we end up waiting beyond the season starting. However, trust is running at an all time low.
  6. He's gone. Undisclosed fee. Good luck to the lad. As for us...another player down .
  7. Fair play to him. Proper man of the club. Unreal that, was it 2 or 3 years ago?, he seemed to be done. He had a nightmare season and many of us thought it was game over for him. Speaks volumes about his character that he's come through that.
  8. I agree with what you're getting at but it wouldn't surprise if she's taking a break. Regardless of her downfalls and what she may/may not have been headlocked into, I'm pretty sure recent months will have taken its toll on her. Or...the legal shit behind the scenes needs sorting before she can start Store Managing for B&M.
  9. I don't do twitter mate. It was something I seen on Facebook, but I didn't take note of the source.
  10. Begovic has said similar things. I always think that where us fans get it pretty wrong is this mantra that it doesn't matter to players because they earn X amount, van just go home to their mansions, fuck their fit wives and drink champagne. Some will be like that. Others haven't got to the top of the game by not giving a fuck or having any pride in what goes on. Their humans too. We all have emotions and vulnerabilities. The booing, name calling, chanting etc will knock the shit out of many.
  11. Wouldn't surprise me if we did. I doubt anyone is expecting anything other than another tough season. But I've faith that with Dyche, it won't be a relegation threatened season.
  12. Thing is MSP money is 'we' won't see any of it, in a way. Its going straight to the stadium costs. Even then, we supposedly still need another bump like that to cover the stadium costs. Fuck knows where money is coming from to strengthen the squad. We haven't even got much of a luxury to sell in order to buy.
  13. Take Moshiri out of the equation. Only Sharpe can have a clean slate.
  14. Really, more than ever, shows some true colours here. And it ain't fuckin Blue!
  15. The fuckin idiots! I can't believe it. It just shows, more now than ever, they don't give a fuck about this club. Worse than that, they don't give a fuck about the fans. I cant find the words. I don't tend to get emotionally drawn into things I can't control but this has got my heart pounding and adrenaline rushing. Could literally hurt someone just now. Fuck me.
  16. I don't think he has escaped. His name has been on as many banners as the others. I personally put Moshiri in the same bracket as Sharpe. These 2 can have a clean slate with the fans if they do the proper thing. The problem for Moshiri is that everytime he tries to be open, its a fucking disaster!!! If there was a pecking order of who should go, it seems ironic that the first one who should have gone is still there (BK to state the obvious!). I think we all speak for each other when we say we just want some honesty and transparency. It's a minimum expectation any fan base should get. Club sports are unique businesses in this way.
  17. I think Bill still being around is something to do with the investment. I don't know how it all works, probably some legal shenanigans that means he has to be here 'on paper' until xyz is done. Like everyone else has said though, for the club to put a 48hour window on an update and not even whisper a follow up really does feel like someone is trying to piss the fan base off. And, even further, as others have said, it shows how deeply bad this club is being run. The unfortunate thing is that it, in my opinion, shows that we can't trust any of the decisions being made...New board members, financing, stadium ownership/financing, recruitment etc...as its the same person/people. I genuinely worry about the club just now, and going forward.
  18. Classic TT moment for me here...Reading the previous few posts, I thought we were in the Doucs thread. Then thought what the fuck is Gwlad on about here? Random bastard
  19. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everton-just-shot-themselves-foot-27140576?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target This fuckin club!
  20. Really hope he can come through. I think Dyche will be really thorough in how he goes about Dele. One thing I think about Dyche is he seems like a bloke you could trust to have a good chat to, open up and let it all out.
  21. If so...they have again failed to fully read the room, haven't they? Be interesting to see what happens.
  22. How has BK survived the cull...so far? That's snakey as fuck. Unless it's more complicated to get rid of him???
  23. Have we any news on Davies and Coleman? Not arsed about Davies. Needs to go to a club/level he can play weekly, I'm sure he'll do a good job. Coleman we need to keep. Bit concerned about how much thinner our already threadbare squad will become and how much money will be needed to find replacements. Unless, of course, we use some youth.
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