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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. Wasn't aiming anything I said at you Otherwise I'd quote you . I've seen the word 'Lukaku' pop up a few times. I never liked his attitude or what he was about. As proven as the years have gone by. The lesser player comment is just plainly missing the point.
  2. Too keen to do something in my eyes. A tad more experience needed. He does have something good about him though. It's just rough potential though.
  3. He did actually look better being able to play behind the striker. Linked up really well several times. Is there hope?
  4. I don't want him to be a 'Lukaku'. Lukaku was an arsehole. This guy was working in Burger King(?) a few years ago. His attitude and determination already puts him miles above Lukaku. He won't be as polished as the top end strikers (let's be honest, we wouldn't have him if he was!) but he has more than enough to improve us. Brilliant start tonight against a team non of our other players could make a dent in.
  5. Gana and Beto changed that for us tonight. Gana gets critics, even tonight despite everything he was doing bang on, there was minimal mention until he didn't play in Beto quick enough. But he made a massive difference in plugging the gap in midfield. Beto looked more ballsy and determined than all the players combined in the first half. He wrestles with anyone in sight. Runs with power and pace. I think the best use of him will be allowing him to run onto the ball. You could say 'ah, it's only Doncaster...'. Nah, fuck that. They played us off the park the first half. A small thing that caught my eye, whilst he had some 'mare moments, it was good too see Godfrey with those marauding forward runs again. Missed them these last couple of years. I've not give up on the kid yet.
  6. I'd try gey Gana on. Not everyone's cup of tea but his experience etc will plug a gap in that midfield.
  7. Big subs at half time. The whole front 3 need to come off for me. Ideally, everyone but that's not possible. They'll get an absolute twatting in that dressing room.
  8. Dobbin needs to settle himself. Trying to rush himself too much.
  9. If selling him, and Gray, allows us to get a Gnotto type and that kid from Southampton...then I'm all for it. Fresh, hungry younguns. If it leaves us more depleted, no thank you.
  10. The club has made us this sceptical about every single thing!!!
  11. They do. But if something was to happen to us, we'd be able to point at them and ask 'How come...'
  12. I think the victim mindset is very much one of the cultural issues at this club.
  13. But then the selling club would want the money there n then. We haven't done deals this way. We've had to proper Del Boy our way through!
  14. The league could be asking for independent investigation so that they can check their processes and learn some lessons too. That's not an unheard of thing for big companies to do. However, I also feel there's fuck all yo worry about. Multiple teams are in the same boat. Man City supposedly have 115 charges hanging over their heads. Fuck all has happened to them.
  15. Yeah, I was going to change it but couldn't be arsed Dead right too
  16. I think its a well placed 'nag' born out of the way the club has been run these last 8 or so years.
  17. Exactly what I was thinking...plus the way it's being financed...I'm not sure that we'll see much of an uplift. As it stands anyway.
  18. Long term contract? Are we 'Chelseaing' our way through FFP? (Before the PL close the loop!)
  19. Had a wee look up of Beto. Looks a big strong oak. Defenders bounce off him. Looks like he likes to run with the ball at pace and direct too. Not afraid to put himself about and get physical. Seems like a real good signing...could it be?!!
  20. Hopefully the rumours are true and we've nailed down that fee for Beto...otherwise I'd fear us being bent over and fucked hard. Clubs will know we really need that front man after today! Be interesting to see if we still go after Adams and/or another wideman. If we get Beto and Gnotto, fair play. Those goals (and points!) will come.
  21. Hoping, if anything, Dobbin and Branthwaite have a belter...give us something to hope for. Dobbin looked lively last week. Understandably over keen to impress. If he can calm a bit then
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