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Everything posted by Pearso

  1. Don't see why it shouldn't be brought in. Technology is copping a bit of criticism in the Rugby League here in Aus because it slows up games and is somewhat taking away that authority and tradition of the referee that you mentioned in the video, but I think the general consensus is that there would be much more of an uproar should teams be robbed of a win because of human error judging something like grounding the ball. There wouldn't be such a disruption in play for soccer because it's quite simply a goal or not, and effective technology would pick that instantly. Same goes for offsides. Can someone fill me in on why it hasn't been brought in already? Has there been any statements from the FA or anything?
  2. Pearso

    Wigan away

    Agree 100% about Heits. Don't know what has happened to the rock at the back from last season, he was made to look very poor by Wigan.
  3. Pearso

    Wigan away

    That's a good point Pete, but it's the kind of mindset I'm talking about. I'll probably cop a few raised eye brows for this, but the moment Moyes accepts a point against Wigan, and the moment we as supporters become comfortable with a point just because Man Utd and Newcastle couldn't get one, or because Chelsea and Liverpool got the same result, it immediately says that a draw is acceptable. Whilst realistically it probably was a reasonable result, the manager should be blasting at the troops that nothing less than a win is what they should be aiming for. Attitude is everything, an when we're already financially disadvantaged, if you haven't got attitude then what else is there? No one may agree with me here, but my old man raised me with these two ideals (which may be why my girlfriend is always having a go at me for being so competitive ) . 1. Always aim for the top. Bit of a cliché, but if you aim for the stars, at least when you fail you'll be amongst the clouds. 2. Don't compare yourself to others. Who cares what United or City or Chelsea came away from the DW with? If you're happy to compare yourself to them, you're happy to finish behind them. Personally, I just feel had Moyes sent a bit more of a message in his conference that he's disappointed we didn't get the win, rather than contempt with a draw, it would speak volumes about the ambition of this team to not just make up the numbers mid table again this season. Nil Satis Nisi Optimum right?
  4. Pearso

    Wigan away

    I think we're due to be gifted 4 points somewhere between now and the end of the season, as after all, all these refereeing things tend to "even themselves out". But seriously, why are we always copping these rubbish decisions? When I watch any sport I try to watch with an unbiased hat on and will happily concede when a stroke of luck by poor refereeing benefits my team, but I just can't see any when watching Everton. I hate using this excuse and sounding like a bitter sore loser but we've been robbed twice now, and gifted very little by those who've robbed us. We should be on 18 points, 1 behind Chelsea if not for damn referees making certain games uphill battles. The Newcastle (disallowed) goals were clearly fair for all to see, and if from first glance on a poor television angle everyone can see it, why can't a trained, professional linesmen who is right inline with it? Anyway, I think Wigan's 3 at the back really shut down our wing play. Didn't seem much room for Bainaar or Coleman/Mirallas to work with and when they did the middle was crowded. Wish Moyes would be a bit more ruthless with his attitude. I understand humility, level headedness and modesty are reasons he's such a good person and manager (as opposed to Mancini, making excuses before for City losing before they even played Sunderland) but check this out from his post match press conference: "We thoroughly deserved the point. We played really well in the second half and kept having a go at them.” That sounds like something Martinez should be saying about drawing with us. We're third on the damn table Moyes, we're not a basket case battler team this year and the only thing stopping us qualifying for Europe will be Moyes attitude in managing.
  5. I played the demo of Fifa 13 and wasn't sure if I liked it. Maybe I'm just too used to Fifa 12, I remember thinking the same when Fifa 12 came out and insisted I would keep playing Fifa 11. Let me know how it goes.. I'll be waiting til Christmas/Birthday to hope someone gets it for me
  6. Pearso


    Good, so it wasn't just me who saw that as tasteless.
  7. Pearso


    Glad I didn't get up at 4.45am to watch this. Still though, when I checked the score I wasn't too happy. Let's just hope this doesn't affect our momentum in the prem.
  8. Only place for Nev in the team for mine is at RB, and even then he's on limited time with Coleman to take that spot soon. For those arguing there's no better solution, why not take a punt on a youngster? Even if they're not ready or up for the prem yet, Neville clearly isn't up to the Prem any more either. At least we'll get many a season out of a youngster who will improve than one or two more seasons out of Nev who will only decline.
  9. Pearso


    I don't understand the disrespect shown to the League Cup? It's a passageway to Europe, so it should be shown as much respect as finishing top 5 IMO. That said I do believe some key guys should be rested/reserves given game time.
  11. Sorry for the delay, rubbish stream
  12. Pearso


    I can't believe how out of place Neville is in the midfield. He looked uncomfortable when he had the ball, the rest of the team looked scared to pass it to him, and it seemed like all he did was point and shout where the ball should go. That's all well and good, but the position for that is on the other side of the white line, in a managers role. I couldn't help but feel if we had someone else in there or Gibson wasn't injured we wouldn't need to be complaining about the linesman's blunders. Honestly felt like we were playing with ten men, Moyes has got to give him the tap on the shoulder. Thought Osman had a shocker, Felli was relatively quiet and Vic was impressive given the criticism he gets. If he puts in a stint like that every time Jelly has to come off then why not keep him. Should have had two goals today the poor bastard, and you could see his frustration let out in his celebration. OH and last thing, what the hell went on with their last goal? I was watching the game with my mate who's a Geordie and didn't really see the lead up to Ba's second because I was still rubbing Vic's goal in his face and punching the air like an idiot. Surely a Moyes coached team of any in the Prem should be able to hold out after scoring a winner in the 88th minute? I bet we miss out on Champs League/Europa by a point, and it comes down to that fat sloth with a flag's poor eyesight on the sideline.
  13. Pearso


    Osman and Pienaar at 11-1. Gonna split a fiver (I'm a povo student ) on Pienaar, Osman and Jags.
  14. Pearso


    Gonna have a cheeky punt on first goal scorer, any tips?? Looking at Jags at 29-1 odds, not bad given his threat in the box off a set piece.
  15. Given we bought him for what, 16m? Wouldn't you think 20m is a bit cheap? Given how much he's improved, his relatively young age, his versatility, his physical presence in the midfield, his value to Everton, 4 more years on contract and the amount of money commonly splashed around by the clubs who would be going in for him, I would think a profit of 4-5m is not enough to part ways with him. I agree what you had to say about the prices of players, and in my opinion no player is worth the amount splashed around these days, especially what those digits could do for people living in unimaginably poor conditions. But given the climate of the market for players, making 4-5m on Fellaini is ridiculous for mine.
  16. Pearso


    This last half hour has been shit. Heads must be in the clouds. It's only two wins ffs get back down to earth.
  17. Pearso


    This is quality. Put them to the sword.
  18. Pearso


    Gibson looks hurt. Felli to central mid and give us a look at Mirallas?
  19. Pearso


    Fucking pearler! Worth every damn penny we payed spurs.
  20. Ahhh Mancini you cocksucker. We don't play to win hey..? 1-0 City, United and Tottenham 2-0 Chelsea 3-1 Newcastle Goodison fortress!
  21. Pearso


    Ahh this is brilliant. I hate the scum bags too. Whenever my mate jumps around bragging about the League title I find myself always ranting for an hour about how the integrity of sport is compromised when a bunch of pricks who don't even know the rules rock up with an open cheque book. And Mancini's attitude shits me right off. Has Balotelli, Dzeko, Tevez and Aguero to choose from up front (not to mention Adebayor and Santa Cruz waiting in the wings) and gets the shits with his superiors for not handing him money for RVP. Then the prick comes out and says Rodwell will for once be playing with a team that plays to win... Think he's forgotten the result last time he came to Goodison.
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