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Everything posted by Pearso

  1. Neville not even on the bench? Am I missing something? EDIT: Apparently he's injured... how? He hasn't played in months.
  2. I'd rather read 200 of DZ's in depth game analysis posts where he admits he didn't actually watch the game.
  3. Pearso


    Hope we slay the bastards. Gibson to hit a screamer, Barkley to nutmeg Gerrard in the lead up to a Mirallas beauty and Distin to eat Sturridge alive. I understand the irony in me saying this being an Aussie, but when I was over in Liverpool at the start of the year I was in a cab to Goodison for the game against Swansea and the cabby (who was a blue) told me you fellas sung "fuck off back to Norway, the city is ours" the last time we beat them in a derby. Would love to hear of that happening again. COME ON YOU FUCKING BLUES.
  4. Had a ball watching Pienaar today. Good to see him back to his creative self.
  5. We've used the least amount of players in the prem, and dropped about half a dozen points earlier in the season because of referee error. We're the only club to beat both Mancs, and we've added Spurs to that as well. My ass we're not good enough. If Fellaini goes in the summer and moyes, or the new manager, can bring in 4 or 5 quality players for depth, I think this season will serve as a decent platform for the next campaign to qualify for champs league.
  6. Why is it that we Sunderland were given a foul every time someone laid a hand on them but when they're all over our guys in the box Phil fucking Dowd doesn't want to know about it? The foul count was three fold to them, fat prick.
  7. Fucking hell. 90 minutes and not one convincing shot on goal. Baines was horrific, never seen him play so bad. I think our only hope now for Europe is if Chelsea win the Europa league? Is that correct?
  8. Vic was inspiring to all the players around him. You can see every time he gets the ball, no matter what the result, that he's trying his ass off to make something happen and the defenders around him are dropping their nuts. I'd back a goalless striker for man of the match if he works his ass off and gives it 110% over a bloke who scores a brace but doesn't do sweet fuck all besides his two tap ins. He's technically no Mirallas, everyone can see that, but sometimes effort means more than ability.
  9. Ross hasn't started all season. He gets chucked in the deep end at White Hart Lane, of course he's not going to play a blinder. If he's won numerous man of the match performances whilst on loan in the Championship, it's clearly just opportunity and experience he needs to adapt to the prem. He's not going to progress and become "ready" just by training and sitting on the bench. Look at Wilshere. It's called learning on the job.
  10. Although Vic did a great job against Spurs, I think it was a harsh decision to leave Jela benched. In my mind Victor is great for the style we seem to play with Fellaini on the park, but since Barkley was played I thought Jela would have benefited from some decent service along the turf. Obviously it didn't turn out that way because he was chucked on the wing, but I reckon if Barkley gets a bit more game time and is played centrally he and Jela could form a decent partnership.
  11. It's why I quit skateboarding back in the hey day (also because i grew up). But who gives a shit? No bale or Defoe this weekend! An out of form striker; let's just keep Baines away from any deflection-prone midfield shots and we might actually get the win on Sunday!
  12. This could either get everyone excited, or make me look like an optimistic fool.. I'll say it anyway. Should we beat spurs, we'll be three points off them (third place) with a game in hand. The next two games following that are QPR home and Sunderland away. Maybe Europe isn't so out of the question aftee all. If we can topple two out of Arsenal Chelsea and Spurs I think we'll make top 5. But all those games are away. Too optimistic?
  14. Even when Baines looks uncomfortable he kills it. What a gun player.
  15. I've turned on the telli late cause I was making myself a coffee (4.30am here folks). So its Howard Distin Jags Heits Coleman osman Gibson mirallas Baines Victor Niki Is that right? Moyes has been watching some managing instruction videos if so; Everton don't change formation to adapt!?
  16. Only gloating City fans piss me off. Which tends to be the newcomers and bandwagoners in my experience down under. My best mate just started going for them beginning of last season, and his smirks and arrogance has just driven me to hate their club beyond belief. I don't believe you have the right to celebrate your club winning unless you've been there for the blood sweat and tears before hand. Met a few "pre-2008" fans, and I have respect for them because they remember when they were a small club. But the New breed just piss me off. Whilst I was over there on tour after Christmas I was speaking to a Manc out one night, and he said pre 2008 city wasn't a big deal. But since then they're all up in arms crying out their allegiance like they've been lifelong supporters. Summing the majority of them up is the chant they sung at Arsenal last year: "you're our feeder club, van Persie is ours!". Fucking arrogant grubs.
  17. Never confident of anything more than a point when playing stoke. Id like to see Fellaini play deep to combat their inevitable aerial attack. No doubt they'll try and bait him to get a repeat of last game. Hopefully we can feed some clean ball to Jela and get him firing again. I'll back us against arsenal and Tottenham for at least draws in the coming weeks, so if we can get a win here I think we'll be well in the hunt, and not just trying to keep arsenal within our sights like we have been in recent weeks.
  18. And surely not the first time she's had blokes try put their balls through her.
  19. When a team of passionless mercenaries rock up to Goodison a thing called passion kicks into play. Even wigan have more than your fake little cb, and their crowd is madeup by the ball boys relatives.
  20. Pearso

    Man City (H)

    Nothing I love more in this sport than beating Manchester City, the grimy mercenaries. Is it too much to ask to kick City's ass at home AND to beat Wigan? Apparently so But fuck me, you can't script that stuff. Jelavic getting a goal at the end of beating Man City a man down with an incompetent ref? Even if it was deflected, it's authenticity is remade up by the fact that Jelavic took like 3 touches before shooting. BOOOOOOM!
  21. I would have given to Mirallas had he stayed on. Was fuming when Moyes took him off. Mucha must get a mention, but it has to go to Coleman. I think he's been our player of the season. I bet Baines is loving the weight off his shoulders as well.
  22. Pearso

    Man City (H)

    ----------------Mucha Coleman - Duffy - Distin - Baines ------------Gibson - Felli --Mirallas - Barkley- Pienaar -------------Jelavic/Vic I'm hearing that Aguero and Tevez both will not play for City.
  23. To be honest I thought this after the Chelsea game at Goodison. He might have given the ball away that led to that Torres chance, but how many times is Osman chasing back each game to stop a counter attack after he's given the ball away?
  24. At the end of all this, I now hope he's sold, as long as we can get 30-40m. If Moyes signed him for 15m, imagine who he could bring in with that much.
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