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Everything posted by Pearso

  1. Pearso

    Real Betis

    Agreed. He's not going to get better anymore playing reserves or championship.
  2. Pearso

    Real Betis

    The difference between Martinez and Moyes is astounding. Moyes would never have allowed Jags to hoof it to someone as short as Pienaar.
  3. Pearso

    Real Betis

    Is Barkley drunk?
  4. Tell you what, I don't ever bet on my own team, but I might have a punt on over 4.5 goals in this one. I expect us to concede a couple and score double that figure as well.
  5. Pearso


    Seen a bit of a storm about this on Twitter with blues crying foul on the organisers, saying we've been disrespected and mistreated. Fair shout but to be honest, I'm just glad we've had a chance to play the teams we have. We lost, so if were not playing for the trophy I couldn't give two shits what place they say we finished. The chance to play Juventus, Real and a Milan in a preseason is enough for me.
  6. Pearso

    Real Madrid

    I'll be chuffed if there's another Real Madrid match thread any time soon, so thought I should jump in and grab this one by the short hairs.
  7. Pearso


    Just curious, is Stones a CB primarily? I was under the impression he was a right back and would be Seamus understudy/back up for the coming years. However if he's a mix of the two I supposed he'd be suited well to that three ay the back formation.
  8. Pearso


    Can someone write up a little diagram of the team playing today? Stones Jags and Distin at the back, Coleman and Baines attacking wing backs, where did the rest fit in?
  9. Pearso


    John Stones you cheeky cunt. What a way to introduce yourself to world football. Still can't believe he did that, made Pirlo look like a goose.
  10. The bit that gets me is if all the players for the top 10 clubs in the world gave even a weeks pay to charity, you can damn near fix up the third world completely. Instead, a bunch of lucky, talented fellas get paid ridiculous amounts to chase a ball around.
  11. Cheaper in bulk I suppose. Bit slack to charge fans to watch a friendly though, especially against a lower league opposition.
  12. Just watched 20 mins of 'extended highlights' on the OS. Pretty disappointed to be completely honest. It looked like they were carving us apart. Yes they're only a week away from beginning their season, but it looked like it could have been 5-1 if not for a few decent saves from Joel and the crossbar on one particular chance. I still believe Martinez's poor record of defending will be scrapped here because we have quality defence, but that video made me think only for a second that maybe his style of play will compromise our defence. Anyway, still only a friendly, and not even close to our regular first team so I guess I'll pull a DK here and say you can't read into it too much.
  13. Mate there's some hilarious stuff posted on there. Most of the kopites reckon we'll be relegated and they'll be in champions league in a years time. And there's some shout about all evertonians being from Wales? I'm not sure if they carry on like that in real life or its just a reply to our Norway shout. Then I think most of you local boys probably haven't met a red scouse cause theres no such thing so you haven't heard it either hahahaha. But nah it's all just fun banter, there's some idiot blues on there too that claim Liverpool just make up the numbers in the prem because they don't play in Europe... Go figure?
  14. https://www.facebook.com/lfcvefcbanterpage/posts/452926858131948 Take that with a grain of salt fellas, could be one of the Red admins of that page on the wind up but he seems pretty genuine. For anyone that can't be bothered to look at the link or don't have Facebook: "GENUINE TRANSFER NEWS Not like me to spread cheer to you blues but thought ye might be interested... A lad who I work with is mates with Callum McManaman (I know this for a fact as I've seen them together) and he says a deal for him to join Everton is, in his own words, "99% done". Terms virtually agreed after being given permission to talk to the blues. Just Wigan haggling a little over the price. He's made up too apparently. Boyhood blue. Poor bastard ;-) You heard it here first... (DQ)" Again, can't take it too seriously. But hey, it's better than some generic article posted on the internet with nothing but speculation and a twelve month old quote right?
  15. Jelavic couldn't finish a fucking chocolate bar. God I hope he gets back to his best next season, otherwise it's time to part ways I'm afraid. His attitude might be better, but he's about as useful as Saha was before he went to Spurs.
  16. No quotes, no facts, nothing, just pure speculation and the obvious wrapped up into a news article. And for 12m.. get fucked.
  17. http://www.championsleague.ca/2013/05/17/david-moyes-lines-up-everton-youngster-as-manchester-united-first-signing-56456-6848
  18. More Moyes bringing players to Old Trafford hype, this time that he's going to bring Barkley for 12m.
  19. Is that least yellow/red card qualification legit? I call bullshit but I cant see any sarcasm in your post Louis. "English winners of the UEFA Europa League will enter at the Group Stage, gaining an extra domestic place only if they fail to qualify through other means for the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League. If the holders of the UEFA Europa League have already qualified for Europe, no extra domestic place will be gained." So if Chelsea were to win the Europa they would qualify on that had they finished outside the top 5, but since they have already qualified for UCL, nothing happens.
  20. Agreed. I feel he'll have a bit too much respect for the club to come and erode what he's built. He'll surely bid for others before he comes knocking on our door, as I said in the Baines thread. OR he'll bid double the worth of players to help us out? Being very optimistic here.
  21. Hate that talentless knob. He thought his shit didn't stink and that he was the best manager going round. I've always said anyone with the chequebook he's got could have done a decent job. I'll always love that comment he made when Rodwell left, about now playing for a team that plays to win, made all the more funny since we took 5 points off them this season.
  22. Adam ‏@Fitzy_EFC10m unsettle Leighton and Marouane. We need out best players here for whoever takes over the reins. So selling our best assets is not an option" M Adam ‏@Fitzy_EFC10m while we couldn't do anything to prevent David joining United, we have been able to gain an agreement that means nothing will be done to > Expand Adam ‏@Fitzy_EFC11m "We're confident Baines and Fellaini will be with us next season. The chairman and manager had very constructive talks last week and > Adam ‏@Fitzy_EFC7m @adamefcmacca It was apparent quotes from a "senior Everton Source" in a story I just read mate. Don't know how true it is tbh. Just seen this on Twitter, was kind of what I was talking about above. Hopefully it's true.
  23. Surprised there hasn't been any more posts in this in this last few days. Twitter is blowing off it's tits with bookie specials for Baines to follow Moyesy. Haven't got a link to inspire conversation but I'm curious on this: Does anyone else feel that Moyes may have too much respect for the club and Everton's fans (especially after yesterday) to come in with United's chequebook and strip the club of Baines and/or Fellaini? I feel like he'd be looking very hard elsewhere to acquire the left back and central midfielder that United apparently need so badly, before he comes knocking on Kenright's office door.
  24. Chelsea have nothing left to play for, can't finish about City unless the Mancs lose their last two games. They'll be out to send off Franky Lamps, and I can't help but feel the squad put all their emotion for Davey's farewell into the West Ham game. Bit of a dead rubber really. Don't think either deserve to go out with a loss though.
  25. Wow, I expected there to be a dozen pages for this thread. Guess all you lucky bastards were at the game. Thankfully they kept televising for Moyes and Neville's procession through the guard, but cut it off as soon as Timmy came out, which pissed me off a fair bit to be honest. What an emotional day aye! I've never seen a more one sided match, I swear the whole game was just wave after wave of Everton attack. I think in the end it was 23 goal attempts to 4. Collins and Jaskelainen (sp?) kept the scoreline respectable, but I've never seen a poorer performance from a visiting side this season. If I were a West Ham fan I would be utterly embarrassed with their performance. Either they made us look like Barca, or we made them look like a Conference side. I'd like to think a bit of both Farewell Mr Moyes, Mr Neville and (although belated) Mr Cahill. Glad I was able to get over to you lot on the other side of the world earlier this year and get a few games under my belt at Goodison from the Moyes era, albeit very late.
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