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Everything posted by Pearso

  1. DK just a question, how can you say Liverpool aren't even that good? If you never watch your own team play I can't see how you could form an opinion on tonights performance, let alone the opponents. Well entitled to your own opinion mate but I think it irks some people on here when it's not based on anything.
  2. Really haven't got much to add about the game that isn't blatantly obvious. All I wanna say is credit to Mirallas for not giving him. He used to strike me as a player that got the shits and was a sore loser when things didn't go his way, and I was expecting him to put in a rash challenge and get himself sent off, but to his credit he didn't stop trying the whole game. Suarez and Sturridge are class. Although we gifted them every goal, they took every one and punished us for it (bar the penalty). I don't think any other team would have capitalised on the chances as clinically as Liverpool did today.
  3. I have no idea how you got that out of that article, but if you got anything it's more than I did.
  4. Bright side blues: averaging 2 points per game would have earned you 3rd place last season. We're 42 points from 22 games, only 2 points off that '2-a-game' average. If we can keep winning at home and pick up at least draws away, performances like these won't be so bad in the scheme of things come the end of the season.
  5. Still I think it should buy him some time. I'd give him a full run out against Norwhich before making any decisions on his future.
  6. Anyone know what Cesar said to Jelavic after he hit the bar on that penalty? I don't think keepers like being chipped too much so I assume it wasn't anything too pleasant.
  7. ESPN here in Aus are showing one live game at the 3pm time slot - Rochdale vs Leeds. How on earth do we not get a crack over Rochdale?
  8. Any good online pubs to watch this at?
  9. There was contact no doubt, but the kind of contact that used to bring Gareth Bale down before referee's showed him a yellow card last season. Tim never had a chance because as soon as Ki hit the deck Tim's body language just screamed out "I'm gone". He wouldn't have done his chances any harm had he got up and appealed to the ref that he went down very softly, but I guess that says a lot about Tim's integrity. I'm not sure of the technicalities in regards to the rules but it makes me so angry that as long as there is contact, regardless of whether it actually impedes the attacker at all, it is a penalty. My view of the incident was Howard just outstretched his body to try and make himself as wide as possible. He didn't intentionally try to trip Ki, Ki just saw the opportunity to take a player out of the game and he did it well. Ki very easily could have stayed on his feet and just tapped the ball in. I can't hold it against the player for going to ground because I suppose most players would have done the same and it's just the nature of the game at the moment, but it's something I would hope our players wouldn't do if they were in his position. He had Howard well beaten, all he had to do was tap it in and get on with the game, but he's taken advantage of a formality in the rules and hit the deck in a situation just to claim contact, not because he was impeded. Anyway, I think the loss has a silver lining. As Poyet said, even with 10 players we gave Sunderland headaches. Big fan of Poyet for showing such humility in that situation, nothing worse for me than arrogant managers who can't give credit where it's due - see Roberto Mancini. The 5 point gap between us and Arsenal seems quite large now. I thought if we could just keep pace with them our final placing would take care of itself. Hopefully these next few (arguably) easier games we can get maximum points and make back that ground.
  10. Pearso


    4-2 scoreline was very flattering. Still, I'm glad we bounced back so ruthlessly from that penalt. We had no momentum and it put them on the front foot, I even thought we were a chance of losing,but the way we bounced back is something I wouldn't expect off any team besides maybe man city. A bit of chat around about us pushing a bit higher than just champions league qualification... Obviously it's earlydays and important to not get ahead of ourselves, but if we can play so poorly for a period like we did and still get away with a 4-1 victory, that kind of consistency suggests to me there's no reason we couldn't put pressure on Arsenal and City at the top of the table. We just need to find that consistency against poorer sides that we've lacked in recent years.
  11. The for me consistency will be the key. I'm not convinced to he honest just because we've matched the top sides, as we've matched City and Arsenal the last few years, it's the results against the bottom half of the table that seems to be what separates us from the rest. I think though we've got depth this year that we didn't have the past few seasons. Gibbo as our centre mid backup as opposed to Phil Neville, and Pienaar for Deulofeu or vice versa, which may the difference for us this season. I think top five will finish City, Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Liverpool, with the latter 3 in no particular order.
  12. What a top performance. I was waiting anxiously for the 5th goal in the last ten, shame Jelly couldn't put that chance away. This game showed two things about Deulofeu: He's really really selfish (which we already knew), and when he learns to pass, he's going to be a bloody superstar. Really happy that Oviedo used his chance, I've always rated him and was disappointed the way it seemed Bobby wasn't going to figure him in his plans, so when I saw he was starting I was over the moon. Combine todays result and the chances we created with the game against Liverpool and I think United will be shitting bricks to play us on Wednesday.
  13. I've got to say I've been in the give-him-time camp in terms of my opinion of his time with us, but that time is finite and a season ending knee injury is time he's burning.
  14. First world problems aye DK? :shaking fist:
  15. Pearso


    Sigurdsson seems to be doing well this season from what I've seen of Spurs games. I think he had two games in a row where I was just mind blown by his ability when he put the ball in the net. Just curious mate, what's the feeling amongst Spurs fans for this game? Thinking a win, draw or loss? Usually I'd go and have a look but I honestly can't be arsed at the moment. I see the bookies have us slight favourites to win, and I think you guys have been unlucky the last two times you've been to Goodison, getting sunk by Jelavic goals both times. I have to say, last years fixture was one of my favourite memories of my two years following Everton, when Pienaar and Jelavic scored two inside 90 seconds of injury time to win it for us. Cruel way for you guys to lose though, and I remember going on a Spurs forum after that match and seeing that majority of the supporters didn't seem surprised because of Spurs tendency to switch off at the end of games. Just a cheeky reminder for anyone that may have forgotten http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s0xBeSaSWI
  16. Well what's the point of competing at all if our only goal each year is to stay with the big boys without actually progressing? I understand that a season in the champions league will most likely end in a drop of our league position, but it will make the club more revenue and a more attractive place for promising players. That and it shows a little bit of ambition. I'd rather we have a couple of seasons in the champions league at the expense of our domestic position than just be treading water and sitting in the same place every year going no where.
  17. Pearso


    I think I usually have our fixtures against Spurs down as three points for whoever the home side is, with maybe the odd draw here or there. I was thinking they'd be very strong this season and probably restrict us to a draw or even a loss, but they really haven't impressed me too much this year with their open play. I think their first three games (obviously I could be wrong) they didn't score a single goal from open play, only penalties and set pieces. To add to that I just watched some extended highlights from their game against Hull, and again, they only beat them 1-0 from a penalty (a poorly given one at that) at White Hart Lane. Maybe it's a good time to run into Spurs? As I said earlier at Goodison Park I'd usually back us for 3 points against them, and after their average display against Hull I'm going to have to go with that result I think.
  18. Pearso


    Feel sorry for Villa there, I think they'll clear relegation by a long way this year if they keep playing like that. Happy days for us though! Timmy saving our bacon early on, Osman making me feel guilty for writing him off, Lukaku finds the net and once again we manage a win without actually playing that great. Can't wait till we actually turn it on and wipe the floor with someone. I think Barkley needs a bit of a breather to find his feet on the ground again, he must have been reading the papers as he seems to be trying way too hard to make things happen himself. Osman stood out so much when he came on because he did the simple things right, something Barkey seems to struggle with. When he needs to lay it off, he has a shot. When he needs to hit it first time, he takes another touch. Just little things he'll no doubt pick up and improve on but right now he looks quite flustered and I think some of the other guys are getting frustrated (Mirallas looked furious when he took on that shot instead of playing the obvious lay off). All in all though happy with today. Keeping pace with Arsenal, sitting in third spot and only two behind the shite.
  19. He also wrote in his book he doesn't rate Gerrard as a top player. It's like he's missing being a bitter twisted prick in the limelight, so he's doing it through writing a book. God knows he wouldn't need any more money. Loved the stab at Gerrard to be honest, but why ruffle up feathers like that? What on earth does he have to do with Gerrard?
  20. Pearso


    Honestly, I can't remember which strikers had or hadn't ripped Heitinga a new one last year. Not because I think he did well, but because there was too many to remember. And nah, have to watch them by themselves. There's nothing I hate more than 'watching' a game and getting to the end of it and not knowing anything besides the score.
  21. Pearso


    Nothing but 3 points will do here. We need to get a strong foothold on the top 4 in these early periods before the big sides pull away. I never really had confidence of getting the three points against teams like Villa with Moyes but with Roberto it seems like the team expects to win. I wonder if it's worth giving Heitinga or Duffy a chance this week seeing how bad Jags and Distin were last week. Benteke will be a handful if he's fully fit, so a confidence shot Jagielka might not be the best way of defending him. Will be interesting to see who takes the field regardless. In an attacking sense I think this is the game Roberto should be giving Gerard a start, where he can afford to be a little bit lazy and not worry too much about getting punished for it, though Pienaar deserves his spot given the lift he gave the team against Hull and Mirallas didn't have a bad game either. Also, can't believe this game is on at the same time as Australia vs England in the Rugby League world cup opener. Absolutely spewing, because this game will be on a digital channel here on fox I can't record it, so I'm going to have to watch the League after this one, delayed. If you had told me I'd be watching live football over live rugby league two years ago I would have laughed at you, let alone the World Cup opener. Look at what Everton has done to me...
  22. Just quietly, it's refreshing to see a range of votes for different players. I feel sometimes people jump on the bandwagon when it comes to MOTM voting (myself including I have to admit).
  23. Barry for his very calming influence in the second half. I think he realised just how uncomfortable Distin and Jags were on the ball, and when he started pulling deeper to help them out we stabilised with the ball at the back.
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