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Fiorentina (home) 2nd Leg


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did someone say they blame david moyes for this ?


what the fook?




we battered the 4th best team in italy and if it wasnt for the flying frenchie, we would have handed them a "derby county"


great performance, just luck not on our side


shows how far we have come in a short period...


do you remember this time 10 years ago when we were looking down a great big hole to the then first division?


chin up lads and spank fulham on sunday to make up for it....then bring on the red scum

we battered them because because they came here totally to defend and because they're not a great team. To be honest, we put in a 100% committed performance to be proud of, but quality wise we weren't great and created little considering how much of the ball we had. We only took it to extra time through a wonder goal. I don't mean to be negative, the boys did us proud, but as the game went on the less likely we looked to score, we needed Anichebe on for Yakubu about 45 minutes before the call came. To be fair to Moyes, his options were somewhat limited, I thought we missed Cahill tonight, his timing in the box and his knack for being in the right place.

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As I said in the morning, a night to remember. I´m very proud of being Evertonian.


One thing to say to these Fiorentina supporters: I see Getafe better than your team


Now the last effort in the league; the blue face of Merseyside looks beautiful tonight

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I watched the game, you definitively deserved to send Fiorentina home, you outplayed them. Unfortunately you missed some great chance and had to go out of Europe.


Congratulations indeed for your very good season, and good luck for your race to CL - hoping that your neighbors won't win it this time! ;)




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[i'm a Fiorentina supporter]


Can't say a lot about the match, you deserved to win tonight the same way we deserved last week (and we could have won more than 2-0, be honest).

I only wanted to tell you how pleased I am for the great show you let me see tonight. You really played great soccer and I was very impressed by Lescott, Arteta, Johnson and almost all of your team. It's only a matter of luck if I'm not dead by heartache tonight for the great pain you caused me seeing your players running unstoppable and fighting on every single millimiter of the field (supported by the hottiest and passionate crowd I've seen this year). :)

I can only wish you all my best for the Premier League and I hope to meet you again next year... in Champions League! My heart will be with you on Sunday 30th!

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As a dedicated Fiorentina supporter, it`s interesting to read your posts, cause our teams are in so similar positions.

We, like you, are fighting against the big and richer teams to get the 4th place, which to us counts like the title and is also more important to us then the uefa cup. We`re not experienced with playing in Europe, just a couple of years ago, the team went bancrupt and had to start over in the 4th league- not that i know a lot of your history, but read some posts that reminded people to think about where you were a couple of years ago, so i presume your situation was somewhat similar.

Both teams are not able to buy big names, so we build our teams on young, talented players and players who might not quite be good enough for "the big teams".


I really admired your performance tonight and the fans were great, too, however, in the first match, your team played almost as bad as ours did tonight, so maybe the randomness of the penalties was the only way to determine a winner. Would have preferred to see two great matches between two great upcoming teams, instead we saw two games dominated by only one of the teams. Maybe that`s because of both our teams inexperience in Europe, but anyway it`s a shame.


Thanks for the good sporting spirit, most of your comments on this site are really fair to your opponent, i`m sorry about the stupid comments left by some of the other fiorentina supporters. Good luck in the premier league, as someone else said, hope to meet you next year in the champions league.


Forza viola and forza toffees!

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Very boring, again deleted about fifty infantile posts from Italians. Never come across this sort of crap before, does them no credit at all.


a part from a "subdue by crowd referee" that do some strange error (yellow card to Jorgensen was ridicolous and

some others situation too... <_< )


honor to your team. your 11 play like lion this night, and the 40000 crowd have a real strong support on him,

your stadium is very very impressive and you totally play the game, as the first leg we did the game you

do the game now.

We suffer your phisicity and strong will, we were lucky your attackers miss many occasions, true, that

the same thing happen in the first leg for us (missed many..)

Probably this was the strongest team we face this year in europe, and actually i think the Premier League

soccer is very strong, you did not play a creative soccer but your phisicity and 90 minutes runners are

impressive (Jhonson, impressive how he during the last quarter run like hell identical to the first 15 minutes

of the game..)



our team fail to play the ball like he usual do, we did not use our midfielder like we do, no fast passages web

at all, we try to use your long shot to the attack and this is our fault.

We were lucky that all our attacker and midfielder are penalty killers (italians and argentine.. all good pens kickers)

so again


Honor to you guys, you deserve the 4th place in the premier league, and you did not deserve to go out tonight,

your team play like hell, your supporter cry havok on us,

honor to you guys


just one thing i dont like, at one point we have osvaldo down by a headstrike done by a toffee defender, and none

put the ball out and when our defender put the ball out you didnt give back at all.. this is strange cause i very

like the fair play that uk team have usually.

but this is a little point..



hope to find you again in C.L. next year, and best wishes for the premier

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Guest once-a-blue!
yeah I was livid after last week, but think after tonight, that is forgiven -- still maintain our approach last week was wrong, but they looked equally poor tonight.


think it could be a function of the relative inexperience of both sides in europe.


still that will give us more confidence for next season's CHAMPION'S LEAGUE campaign


Ok let's not get carried away. Fiorentina were the only team of any quality that Everton have played is this years cup and we failed to put them away. Fiorentina were awful last night and there for the taking! Forget bad luck - we simply did not take advantage of a major slice of luck in that Fiorentina did not turn up! And the less said about the CL the better - remember VR ffs!

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Ok let's not get carried away. Fiorentina were the only team of any quality that Everton have played is this years cup and we failed to put them away. Fiorentina were awful last night and there for the taking! Forget bad luck - we simply did not take advantage of a major slice of luck in that Fiorentina did not turn up! And the less said about the CL the better - remember VR ffs!


Either (on the basis of that post) you're the saddest, most cynical Evertonian ever or you're not one at all. What the fuck have Villarreal got to do with anything?

Fiorentina were awful last night because we didn't let them play. Their keeper kept them in it same as Howard did in Florence, but we made far more chances than they did last week.

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Guest once-a-blue!
Either (on the basis of that post) you're the saddest, most cynical Evertonian ever or you're not one at all. What the fuck have Villarreal got to do with anything?

Fiorentina were awful last night because we didn't let them play. Their keeper kept them in it same as Howard did in Florence, but we made far more chances than they did last week.


All I am saying is that Everton can not realistically consider themselves CL contenders at this stage. Everton made a lot of fuss about qualification in 2005 and failed both home and away to get past qualification to a team that eventually finished 25 points behind title winners Barca.


However you spin it Fiorentina were absolutely shite last night and the only time they got in front of goal was during the penalty shoot out! I agree that Everton contributed to Fiorentina's poor performance but I also maintain that they failed to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity.

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good save. To be honest, I'd blame Moyes for tonight. I think Moyes is brilliant, but he failed to make the substitutions when we needed them. Fiorentina were absolutely abysmal, they were there for the taking yet we didn't do enough going forward and needed some lively substitutions. We never win penalties, we all know that, everyone knows that, and the Italians are masters at these things so we should have gone for it more. Still, good try and some great performances - concentrate on 4th now!


fuck right off, moyes like the team out there was fantastic, always on the touchline barking out orders, calming the lads down. very proud night to be a blue.


as for above...missing cahill? you can't be serious? i love cahill for his passion, but if you take away his goals he's not that much, and we played great in his absence. if you gave me the option to turn back the clock with a fit cahill, there's no chance i'd include him after how we played last night, not ever.

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Once-a-blue.......Has never been a Blue!


He's a bitter luckypool fan.......Who although we lost last night doesn't like what he saw!


Everton, with it's young British manager, small squad, local and British players playing their hearts out for the club, packed Goodison full of non-glory hunting fans all under the watchfull eye of their club loving chairman(English chairman)..........playing some great football!


When the penalty shoot out was about to start....I did wonder if Howard would do a Dudek!....ie manage to stand about a metre off the goal line as Dudek did in the champions league final a couple of years back!


No such luck!...........

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All I am saying is that Everton can not realistically consider themselves CL contenders at this stage. Everton made a lot of fuss about qualification in 2005 and failed both home and away to get past qualification to a team that eventually finished 25 points behind title winners Barca.


Villarreal won the group that ManU finished last in and only went out in the semi to Arsenal that year.


This year we're in contention for fourth place, which makes us contenders. Check your dictionary. Then fuck off back to whichever red site you crawled out from.

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All I am saying is that Everton can not realistically consider themselves CL contenders at this stage. Everton made a lot of fuss about qualification in 2005 and failed both home and away to get past qualification to a team that eventually finished 25 points behind title winners Barca.


However you spin it Fiorentina were absolutely shite last night and the only time they got in front of goal was during the penalty shoot out! I agree that Everton contributed to Fiorentina's poor performance but I also maintain that they failed to take advantage of a wonderful opportunity.

I don't quite agree with the tone of that, but it has to be said - in black and white terms, we came up against our first real test and we lost. It has to be recognised Fiorentina came solely to defend which is why we had so much of the ball, plus they're not that good anyway. In terms of effort and committment (Yak aside) I'd give all our players a 10 out of 10 last night, in terms of quality of play, I think we were only a 7 out of 10. We had a lot of the ball but we played it long too often (to Yak and AJ who hardly won a single header all night) and the passing and movement wasn't up to much. We look much more fluent in a 5 in midfield, we missed Cahill's presence in the box and aerial ability. AJ had an excellent first 60 mins then faded a little, he also passed up a couple of chances to shoot, but he had a very effective game. We had loads of half chances but we just couldn't apply the finishing touch and Yak was poor. That being said, in the first leg Fiorentina had some brilliant chances and we should have been buried.


I'm starting to get tired of being gallant losers, it's time we started winning things! As long as we win on Saturday it's been a good week, especially with Villa only drawing last night.

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fuck right off, moyes like the team out there was fantastic, always on the touchline barking out orders, calming the lads down. very proud night to be a blue.


as for above...missing cahill? you can't be serious? i love cahill for his passion, but if you take away his goals he's not that much, and we played great in his absence. if you gave me the option to turn back the clock with a fit cahill, there's no chance i'd include him after how we played last night, not ever.

I'm not being funny, but we needed Cahill's goals. Think about last night, apart from setting up one goal Pienaar did little, Arteta (goal and set-pieces aside) did little, Carsley did nothing as an attacking sense, Osman didn't do a great deal. Apart from AJ, I thought all our best players were defenders (apart from Neville who was poor). Beating an average Italian team 2-0 at home with awesome fan support and a wonder goal from Arteta is hardly inconceivable so let's not all get too carried away, it's not like we beat Man Utd. Yes we won 2-0, but we still lost. If Moyes had've brought on Anichebe for the quite noticeably lazy/below par Yakubu then I personally believe we would have won. So therefore, Moyes - in my eyes - and Yakubu were to blame for last night. If you don't like it, tough. I'm Moyes biggest fan, but substitutions were lacking.

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how can you say we missed someone when we just played the best game that I can remember. osman was one of our better players, and what MIGHT cahill have contributed? if he doesn't score he doesn't do much.


for you to have a go at moyes for me just shows that you're a muppet

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Carl, even when Yakubu is off form he is still our biggest threat in front of goal, Victors not in the same class and did nothing when he came on so i dont go along with that. Might have been better leaving Pienaar on, cos i thought it was just a matter of time before we scored again.

But who'd be a manager ey, your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. :)

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how can you say we missed someone when we just played the best game that I can remember. osman was one of our better players, and what MIGHT cahill have contributed? if he doesn't score he doesn't do much.


for you to have a go at moyes for me just shows that you're a muppet

Played one of the best games you can remember? do me a favour. I thought we played better against City and Sunderland to name but two off the top of my head. The bottom line is we lost. That's a fact. We tried hard and played well, but we lost to, imo, an inferior team so excuse me if I don't hang the flags out. We're level on points with Liverpool, they comfortably beat the top team in Italy whilst we lost to the 4th best team in Italy. Big Whup.


oh and Cahill does do much, he scores goals and works hard, if you can't see that then you're the muppet. Do you really think we played that well and it wasn't because the opposition totally sat back and played to defend all night? I mean, do you think we could have gone out and done that to someone like Man Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea - ie a decent team? no. Get real, we played well but we lost - so what exactly would we have to lose by either bringing on Anichebe earlier or having played Cahill? We may have won then.

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Carl, even when Yakubu is off form he is still our biggest threat in front of goal, Victors not in the same class and did nothing when he came on so i dont go along with that. Might have been better leaving Pienaar on, cos i thought it was just a matter of time before we scored again.

But who'd be a manager ey, your damned if you do and your damned if you dont. :)

That was indeed the problem, we all know Yakubu is a class apart from any other striker on our books, but at the same time he looked out of sorts last night. I wasn't surprised at all when he missed the pen. It was a tough decision and I agree that I didn't like the decision to take off Pienaar which made us totally lose our shape. It was a tough decision, but we had so many crosses going into the box and so many long balls that I think Anichebe would have been the answer. Yakubu was poor last night, imo he should have gone after 70 mins, but it was a tough call, I just think Moyes got it wrong on the night.

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Was there ever a more cruel way to exit a competition than penalty shoot out? I can't think of one. Having said that I'm not about to mull over the negatives when there are so many positives to look at.

Firstly theres our European record of played 9 won 7 drew 1 lost 1 which has doubled our uefa coefficient in one season.

Secondly last night result for Villa has all but guaranteed we'll be playing European football again next season.


Its important now to continue improving our ranking in Europe and the only way to do so is qualify for next season and win yet more European games.

The Champions League is what we should be aiming towards but realistically going into such a competition as a rank outsider gives you an insurmountable chalange.


This campaign has been a success and its taken us to where we need to be higher up the uefa ranking.

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Played one of the best games you can remember? do me a favour. I thought we played better against City and Sunderland to name but two off the top of my head. The bottom line is we lost. That's a fact. We tried hard and played well, but we lost to, imo, an inferior team so excuse me if I don't hang the flags out. We're level on points with Liverpool, they comfortably beat the top team in Italy whilst we lost to the 4th best team in Italy. Big Whup.


oh and Cahill does do much, he scores goals and works hard, if you can't see that then you're the muppet. Do you really think we played that well and it wasn't because the opposition totally sat back and played to defend all night? I mean, do you think we could have gone out and done that to someone like Man Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea - ie a decent team? no. Get real, we played well but we lost - so what exactly would we have to lose by either bringing on Anichebe earlier or having played Cahill? We may have won then.


we played better against sunderland? either you didn't watch us last night, or you're a retard.

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we played better against sunderland? either you didn't watch us last night, or you're a retard.

Craccer, are you totally thick or just pretending, I meant when we put 7 past them OBVIOUSLY, not when we scraped past them 1-0. Use your brain.

Edited by carlmc25
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I'd go for the Retard option,


Against sunderland we played ok but it was just scoring a lot of goals not great passages of plays like last night.

great passages of play last night? I don't remember many to be honest, I remember a lot of long balls, a lot of set-pieces, not too many intricate 1-2 passing moves. We had a lot of the ball, the committment was 100% fantastic, but we didn't pass the ball particularly well and creativity was at a premium.

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I must say that I am very proud of the team. Sure we went out on penaltys but I honestly didn't think before the game we would get that far in the first place. The boys did us proud and on another night we could have won it in normal time, luck was just against us with the run of the ball at times.


Thought that the crowd were immense last night, easily the best atmosphere I have ever seen at Goodison. The sound when Arteta scored his second was simply incredible.


Also with the cahill matter, i actually think that him not being there may have given us more of a chance. I think Moyes may have gone for 451 had cahill been around. also i thought that cahills absense gave ossie a real chance to shine and i thought that he took this chance brilliantly. Obviousily it would be good t have had such an influential player such as cahill around, but think we played better without him than we have with him in recent games.



I heard a spurs fan make a very good point about the penaltys, he said that quite often when a game goes to penaltys the team that have been playing the better football will fall at the last hurdle, one is becasue of a disbondancy that the game has been left to go that far, but also the opposition will get a rush because they have been second best all night yet still get a chance to win the game. Its not an exact science but thought it was a good point.

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Craccer, are you totally thick or just pretending, I meant when we put 7 past them OBVIOUSLY, not when we scraped past them 1-0. Use your brain.


that wasn't obvious at all since it wasn't recent, and we weren't even that great in the 7-1 either, did you see the game? we scored 7 but didn't dominate and dictate the game like we did last night, and theres a massive difference between sunderland and fiorentina for fucks sake.


. me use my brain, use yours of whatever the fuck you have between your ears. you're a twit, and if you think last night we weren't brilliant then you're a fucking tool.


you're a waste of time mate, you're clearly deluded.

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